5.15: Sustainable Agriculture

Learning Objective: Describe sustainable agricultural and food production practices

Essential Knowledge:

  • The goal of soil conversation is to prevent soil erosion. Different methods of soil conservation include:

    • Contour plowing

    • Windbreaks

    • perennial crops

    • terracing

    • no-till agriculture

    • and strip cropping

  • Strategies to improve soil fertility include crop rotation and the addition of green manure and limestone

  • Rotational grazing is the regular rotation of livestock between different pastures to avoid overgrazing in a particular area

Soil Conservation

  • Agricultural techniques that minimize erosion (US is losing topsoil to erosion 10x faster than it forms)

  • Prevents loss of

    • Nutrients in topsoil

    • Soil moisture

    • decomposers in topsoil

    • organic matter that traps soil moisture

Types of Soil Conservation

Contour Plowing:

  • Plowing parallel to natural slopes of the land instead of down slopes prevents water runoff & soil erosion

  • Forms mini terraces that catch water running off, conserving soil & water

Exaple of contour plowing


  • Cutting flat “platforms” of soil into a steep slope

  • Fatness of terraces catches water & prevents ti from becoming runoff and eroding soil

Example of terracing

Perennial Crops:

  • Crops that live year-round and are harvested numerous times

  • Loner, more established roots & prevention of bare soil between harvest

Effect perennial crops have on land


  • Using tees or other plants to block the force of the wind from eroding topsoil

  • It can be used as a source of firewood, fruit (income)

  • Can provide a habitat for pollinators & other species

Example of WindbreakHow windbreak is helpful

No till:

  • Leaving leftover crop remains in the soil instead of tilling under

  • Adds organic matter to soil (nutrients, soil cover, moisture)

  • Prevents erosion from loosened soil

Effect of no till

Strip Cropping:

  • Another name for intercropping

  • Alternating rows of less dense crops (corn, soy, cotton) to prevent runoff from eroding soil from less dense rows of crops

Example of strip cropping

Improving Soil Fertility:

  • Methods of restoring nutrient levels in the soil (N, P, Ca, Mg)

Crop Rotation:

  • Replanting the same crops continuously depletes soil of the same nutrients

  • Crop rotation can allow soil to recover from nitrogen-demanding crops like corn

  • Peas/beans (legumes) have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules that can return nitrogen to the soil

Green Manure:

  • Green manure is leftover plant matter from a cover crop - a crop planted in the offseason, between harvest & replanting of the main crop

    • Cover crop roots stabilize soil limiting topsoil erosion

    • Remains of cover crops (green manure) left in field breakdown to release nutrients into the soil


  • Limestone releases calcium carbonate (base) which neutralizes acidic soil

    • Acidic soil has a high H+ ion concentration, which displaces + charges nutrients from the soil (leeching them out)

    • Acidic soil also makes toxic metal (aluminum) more soluble in soil

    • Calcium is a needed plant nutrient as well

Rotational Grazing:

  • Regular rotation of livestock to different pastures to prevent overgrazing

  • Overgrazing can kill plants, compact soil, and lead to erosion to topsoil

  • Rotational grazing can actually promote pasture growth at than normal rate

  • Clips grass back to length where growth is fastest & encourages deeper root growth
