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Worldcom Scandal

  • a major telecommunications company that operates a global facilities-based communication network that provides international data, and internet service


  • lack of oversight, ignoring of accounting principles, and committing fraud

  • Arthur Andersen was found to have ignored memos from WorldCom executives, informing them than the company was inflating profits by improperly accounting for expenses

  • Financial records indicate fraudulent inflation of the company’s asset by $11billion

  • Classifying expenses as capital investment between 1999-2002 inflating profits & hiding losses ( $3.8 billion )

  • Bernard Ebbers sentenced 25 years in state prison required to pay restitution to the stakeholders & bond holders $500million in cash & 10 million in shares of MCI

  • Scott Sullivan sentenced to 5 years in prison

People Involved

  • Bernie Ebbers

    • One count of securities fraud

    • One count of conspiracy

    • Seven counts of fraud related to SEC filings

  • Scott Sullivan

    • Testifying against Ebbers

  • Cynthia Cooper

    • Former employee exposing corporate fraud

Worldcom Scandal

  • a major telecommunications company that operates a global facilities-based communication network that provides international data, and internet service


  • lack of oversight, ignoring of accounting principles, and committing fraud

  • Arthur Andersen was found to have ignored memos from WorldCom executives, informing them than the company was inflating profits by improperly accounting for expenses

  • Financial records indicate fraudulent inflation of the company’s asset by $11billion

  • Classifying expenses as capital investment between 1999-2002 inflating profits & hiding losses ( $3.8 billion )

  • Bernard Ebbers sentenced 25 years in state prison required to pay restitution to the stakeholders & bond holders $500million in cash & 10 million in shares of MCI

  • Scott Sullivan sentenced to 5 years in prison

People Involved

  • Bernie Ebbers

    • One count of securities fraud

    • One count of conspiracy

    • Seven counts of fraud related to SEC filings

  • Scott Sullivan

    • Testifying against Ebbers

  • Cynthia Cooper

    • Former employee exposing corporate fraud