Untitled Flashcards Set

Year of 619:

Khadija and abu tallah die leaving the meccans who havent converted to attack muhhamed

Hijra:was the immigration of muslims to mecca to medina(622), this is the day that the islamic calender starts

Muhhamds house is the first mosque: house is centered to juereslum, should be a mosque of equals

BADR: greatest battle, huge turning point as a small number of muslim medinans beat meccans after muhhamed kept raiding caravans trades

Muhhameds nigh journey: went to see all the other prophets and is commanded to require followers to pray, moses told him to do a high number of prayers. But the true number(5) is given through muhhameds actions which is in the hadiths

BATTLE OF UHAD: the muslim meccans were winning untill the archers on the flanks left their positions early too loot which allowed the meccans to win

Aftermath of UHAD: median muslim claim all the jewish clans were helping the meccans and so all jews were expelled, killing men and inslaving women and children


-muhhamed makes allies ith pagans and other non muslims

-takes 20 years to takeover mecca

-claims there is no god but allah

-by 622 islam controls most of arabia


  • Some dont belive in muhhhemeds death

  • Abu bakr and many want to believe that muhhamed will come back

  • A caliph is named because they want to keep islam an expand it and abu bakr is named in a vote


-prophet died in 632

-Ridda wars/apostasy wars:the wars that abu bakr waged on tribes to regain control of tribes back to mecca

-there were 3 groups, the original muslims who migrated to medina after mecca kicked them out, the medians who later converted, and the meccans who converted at the last 

-there were more nomads recruited for the army and the forgeiners intrests affected decsions for the empires

- as there were more raids the more soldiers in army increased


  • Coerced rebel groups to resubmit to Medinan rule

  • Had 2 shifts in policy, paccification of religious tribes than subjugation of of arabs that had no treaty with the prophet to begin with

  • Eventualy took over all of the arabian pennsuilia by 634


-durring conquests abu was concerned with nomads and rival settlements that were on trade routes while muhhamed was scared of arab tribes w

-died in a battle in 633, and later succeeded by Umar ibn

-said abu

-he wanted to unify people more

- the people who pledged allegiance to muhhamed at first didnt want to support abu bakr, abu bakr needed to solidify his authority

-he just took power with no vote and no one said anything bad

Umar ibn:

-chose by Abu Bakr to be the successer

-stabbed by an iranian and then succeeded by Uthman ibn Affan

-”commander of the believers” (Amir al-minin)

-pushes back the Byzantines and sassians and reaches out of the arabian plateu


  • In 633 arab armies led by ABU BAKR entered south syria , they raided tand used an accounted 24k troops

  • In 636 Damascus fell when christians  joined conqueruing muslim parties, afterwhich byzantine empire gave out more troops with armienans and arab mercineries

  • Antioch,juerselum, the sea port of Casearea and aleppo fell in 640 making muslim arabs now controling costal and interior plains

  • BATTLE OF ARQABIA: fought 

  • BATTLE OF YARMUK(636): ?


  • BATTLe of BADR: 


-former sassianian troops later became muslims


Year of 619:

Khadija and abu tallah die leaving the meccans who havent converted to attack muhhamed


How does “the covenant” seem to present the relationship among different groups mentioned?

: muslims want everyone to be 13

False prophets:

  • Many prophets came up saying that they would be good prhpoets


Spiritual leaders:

Khalifa (caliph)

Khalifat Rasul ALLAH (successor to messenger of good

Khalifat Allah (gods deuputy on earth)

All of these people are spiritual leader

But umar is more of a military commander to expand empire

Why is the iraqi plateau so important to the umma:

-fertile crescent

-babylon is ther

-richest soil 

Things to remember about plateau:

- year round irrigratioj

-lots of bugs


-requires a lot of care not to flood

-they had corrupt sassinians and byzantines rule them

AMSAR: garrison towns, built right on the outskirts of town to protect them

-made so army doesnt cant integrate with locals

-the army would anger towns by their prescence

-forgein practices that armies could pick up

-the muslim men might want to marry other woman away from family

Important: alot of people in towns werent converted because then the spoils of war will reduce for soilders and taxes will go down as non muslims jizya is higher

Major garrison towns: Al-kufa,Al-Basra,Fustat,Marv,Qayrawan



  • He is a quarish but a late one

  • Umar appoinnts him along with a council 

  • He made council of 6 answer(closest to the prophet)

  • There is a debate if ali goes into an election 

  • He pushes all the way to north africa and make s Kairouan a city and pushes islam to berebrs and pushes far into north africa and persia4

  • He is critced for puting family members and his tribes at political power, espically with egypian terriroty and the iranian garrison towns

  • Gets killed by messangers by egypt, because he wanted to know why they were so mad at governors in egypt, the messengers set to meet them just kills him after listening and taking their grievances into account. No one knows the names of people who killed him

-islam wasnt as big untill the 11th century under fatmid rule 


Family of outhman and his tribe want justice for him

  • After ali gerts power he doesnt do anything about Outhmans death because he is scared that going after assigns will worsen relations

Fitna: trials and unrest, first civil war in the new islamic community

  • Aisha set up power near a garrison town away from medina 

  • Theres a political divison of people agaisnt ali and for ali, the people for ali are called “shias”

  • The Khawarij hate ali for negoting witjh Mu ‘jiwa and at the negotiations end in a stale made just like how ti stalemate at siffin

Second civil war

Ummyaad:Mu ‘ayiya 

Meccan party: talja, zubayr, aisha

Shi’at: all 

Battle: the battle of the camel, zubayr and talja dies and then aisha returns to 


  • Has to fight for legitimacy points 

-got killed by Kharijite berbers because they said ali didnt have islamic pride and hated negotiied with the ammyaed party in 661

-ali and his family became symbols of protest against the power of ummayyads and their syrian supporters

– born in 600 in mecca to Abu talib

-shias say that ali is the first male to convert but most suunnis says its abu bakr

-marrried fatima, muhhameds daughter

- had 28 children 

- people who descend from ali have right to rule anc are known as ALIDS

-lifted a gate off its hinges and uses it as a shield to show his characterization


Belifs people had of ali:

-the Ghurabiyya sect believed that ali and muhhamed resemble each other and they were like 2 ravens(Ghurab)

- the imami or twelveer brand thinks he did miracles 


-daughter of  Abu Bakr

-earliest converts to islam

-One of muhhameds favorite wives

-little is knownb bc women arent documented that well in arabia



-theres a garrison town  named fustat 

- outhman made a mosque 

-very powerful with lots of food and thus makes it high corruptible as its important 

Mu'awiya I:

-govenener of damascus

Beats the meccans

  • Married into syrian tribal nobilityh

  • Moved capital to kufa

  • Made the state into an empire by appoint his son after his death 


-MU awiyah - first ruler -

### Summary of Key Events, Dates, and People

- Ghadir Khumm

  - Event: Muhammad publicly appoints 'Ali as his successor.

  - Context: Occurred after the pilgrimage; Muhammad received divine instructions to ensure 'Ali's leadership.

  - Key Quote: "Whoever receives me as his [master or ally], then to him 'Ali is the same."

- Post-Muhammad Era

  - Leaders: Mu'awiya becomes a prominent figure after defeating 'Ali.

  - Shi'a Development: Supporters of 'Ali's family identified as Shi'ites.

- 680 CE - Events at Karbala

  - Key Figure: Husayn, grandson of Muhammad.

  - Conflict: Husayn is invited to Kufa to resist Yazid's rule but is intercepted and killed along with his followers.

  - Significance: Husayn's martyrdom marks a transformation in Shi'ite identity, shifting from political allegiance to religious devotion.

- Impact of Karbala

  - Collective Sentiment: Growing feelings of guilt among Kufans for not supporting Husayn.

  - Cultural Shift: His death becomes a symbol of sacrifice for justice, shaping Shi'ite beliefs and rituals.

This summary captures the crucial moments and figures that shaped the early Islamic community and the evolution of Shi'ism.

KUFA: was moved to kufa

  • The capital is in damascus under mahwai


  • THE northern arabs convert to islam and 

  • Iraq is hurt because the power is moved to syria 

750 AD: 

  • Abbasid revelotuion and islam in other areas are diffrent as islam grows

mahyiah move families and soilders from iraq to persia

680: the son of ali, Hussian, is murdered 

  • The people of kufa feel bad for not helping hussian, this is why shias beat themselves for not supporting ali’s son and its remembrance for not supporting hussian at karbala

  • The establishment of Mahyiah is a sign of being a kingdom

Adballah in al-Zubar was starting a rebellion after mahyais death

692 conflict:

Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf

 is a school teacher who helps the abbasindians

He had a red turban came to a turban and said he will kill a bunch of people to make people fear him in

  • Govenver of

  • Built his own capital to govern because he couldnt govern in kufa

When you become muslim you abadon your tribe and a new community

- often non arabs who convert cant find a community in the very tribal muslim world

Why embelish the interior of the mosque in jeurelsm: they wanted the rock to stand out,

What were the reasons why malik built the rock in jerusalem, mount mariah:

For grandeur for religious reasons

Oldest mosque shrines



  • Many mosques were built 

Damascus ummayd mosque: used to be a church.

-ummayds had their treasury, al hadid wanted it to be a political building as well as outward or transcperent

How did muslims expand their empire and instituions and get their art style:

There were always people making art , aswell as nature being used alot because how urban cities were getting

  • Designers of this place was a byzantine christian archtetect which shows that empires shows culture through beurocrats

  • Chamberlain:someone who has access to other rulers

  • Caliphs: are legal barriers and can make fatwahs

During the reg

It was only during the reign of Abd al-Malik that government work began to be regularly recorded in Arabic. The development of a standard Arabic coinage to replace the imitation Byzantine and Sassanian issues which had been used up to this time.

Central diwans

To assist the Caliph in administration there were six Boards at the Centre:

Diwan al-Kharaj (the Board of Revenue), Diwan al-Rasa'il (the Board of Correspondence), Diwan al-Khatam (the Board of Signet), Diwan al-Barid (the Board of Posts), Diwan al-Qudat (the Board of Justice), and Diwan al-Jund (the Military Board).

Commonality of arabic:

Making arabic the official language connects everyone culturally, promoting more literacy and thus education\

- court poetry

  • Many women

  • Had many parties

  • Drinkin

Umar 2

He had a rule with a idea of piety 

-tries to make non arab converts and arabs have peace

Tax code:

The stippended from 

AL muhhamed - the family of muhhamed


  • Al abbas

  • Alids (al husayan)

  • Zayd ibn ali b husyan

3 views on the question of leaders:

  1. Belioong to prophet family

  2. Nass(desgination to previous imam)

  3. Zaydi view

-starting to gain supporters and are a response to AIi


Capital: BAGHDAD

  • river values help feed population

Who were rhe abbasid?

  • shias who wanted the line to be with family

  • House of ali wanted to be in there

  • Led the medhi and made ali more mystica

Why were they called abbadsids:

  • part of the prophets family named abbas

  • Abbas is from hussiens family


Killed all of the Umayyad except for one who fled to Spain Abd al-Rahman who founds his own dynasty (furthest extent because of Battle of Tours in 732)

• Capital was Madinat as-salaam ( bigger than Constantinople in size and wealth and means the "city of peace" or later known as Baghdad

• Bureaucratic and allowed non -Arabs elite positions

Mameluks- slave mercenaries for army become essential part of the Abbasid state.(technicly royal gaurd) and a bunch turks from caspian sea

Wazir is now more powerful

What would the post master be intrested right now? 

  • they are basicly spies 

  • They also handle transactions across all areas in the empire

District collecter: works with the saykh al balad to get money

Shayak al balad: make suee the land lord and peseant pays money in tqxxes

Iqta tamlik: state or waste lands(basicly abbanded land becomes state lands)

Iqta istighql: tax farm cultivable lands

Corruption issues:

  • rhe shayaks abuse power and take more money


  • used a lot slaves from europe and africa

  • Slaves were used as domestics

  • Farmed sugar cane, herbs druis  

  • Merchants had extensive contacts jth cbrisitand, jews and jndians using  moonsoon

  • Created form of payment


  • House of wisdom

  • Great translations

  • History of early islamic period

What are the arabian nights?

  • they tell stories from middle eastern stories, they were made with morals made by a queen who had to tell them to a king who was trying to kill her

  • Every story the wife tells is told with good moral and this is exchanged for another night to stay alive

  • This is based on the morals

What do wziers do?

  • Handles the king business or chief of staff or council minster because they are leading the government

Zanj revolt (869 ce) 

-salt mining required many african slaves with horrible living conditions, this resulted in the Zanj revolt against the abbassids

-took over mostly iraq and basra

-last a goof while 

- shows its empire falling

Mosque of al-Mansur in baghadad

  • Made in the center of baghadad

Malwiyya minaret:

An abbasinian invention 

  • Ots a spiral shape to make it so prayer is easily heard

  • Minarets have been on modern mosques but came into fruition now

Abbasid Vassals of egypt and Ifriqiya:

At some point the caliph is only calph in names and just get some tributute.

  • Tulunids: a turlock origin ruling in egypt and much of syria who broke away authority form abassdis in 868 and remained independent until 905 when abbasids regions tulinids

Mosque of ibn Tulun:

Built in 9th century by Ahmad ibn tulun, a turkic slave soilder 

  • This mosque used mineraets from ziggurats

Houthi rebels are usallu Zaidi shias

Scheism in 632:

Sunnis say: it began with the death of ali and espicaly ali

Shias will say that ali was always passed over to be caliphs, and Hasan ibn Ali ,muhhaemeds grandson,   was poisened by his wife and mahwai 

Real history: most people did not respect ali as caliph, mawahi did not like him and aishas court rebeled 

Shi’i historical events

Ali ibn Talib birth/early life 

Ghadir Khumm - the moment where the divine which is reminding the prophet that ali should be next caliph

Succession- the way the council choose caliph was not a ordained way, but Ali let it slide because of the seniority of abu bakr

Battle of camel/siffin/karbala

Sunni narratives:

The importance of the prophets house, amd ali 

Shia narratives: ali got passed over

Battle of camel/siffin/Karbala:

Made shia political thought devolp into poltical thought, Karaballa is most important

Camel: fight between close community sahaba, zubar and talla and also aisha the prophets wife. The fight was outside kufa and its aisha and ali 

Siffan: ali and alis army meet mahyai and ends in a draw creating a negotiation which turns into a draw.

Karbala: alis son, hussien was killed in this batttle, hussien turns into a figure that is see holy


Anyone could understand it



Isma’ili imams as spirtual elite(huja): these people have been understanding alot of the quran, usually a[opinted by other imams

Political quietism:the imams make quiet because they know they dont have power like abbasid, and they know abbasids will kill any disent

Sharia makes it so muslims can follow laws to be pious and keep their covenant
