3.10 The New Republic
Learning Objective: Explain how and why competition intensified conflicts among people and nations from 1754-1800.
Theme Focus: America in the World
US Leadership
George Washington unanimously elected president in 1789
John Adams was his Vice President
Precedents for putting the Constitution into practice
Established the Cabinet
All of the secretaries (ex. seceraties of education today)
Rapidly Expanding America
Population doubling every 25 years
Most people came from western Europe
No restrictions on immigration
People also began developing families
Most people lived in rural areas in the east
American Finances:
In debt
Treasury Secretary Hamilton in change
Fund at par: the federal government would pay off debts at face value, plus interest
Assumption of state debts accumulated during the war
Added to debt
Hamilton wanted to turn to tariffs in order to pay off debt
Excise tax on whiskey
Not financially united
States were separated and had different amounts of debt for their
The federal government took in all of the debt of the states
Hamilton wanted a national bank
Opposed by Jefferson (no otherization in Constitution)
Elastic clause: do what was proper and necessary to run the country
Very flexible
Support for the national bank in the north, opposition in the South
Bank of the United States chartered in 1791 for 20 years
Political Parties
Led by Hamilton
Led by Jefferson
Whiskey Rebellion
1794, western Pennsylvania
All of western Pennsylvania
In protest of Hamilton’s excise tax on whiskey
Washington dispensed 13,000 militiamen to put down the rebellion
Not much of a rebellion left to put down
Most people that rebelled were Democratic-Republicans
Militiamen from each of the states
You should only be dealing with issues in your state
Show hows they all united and became the United State’s
The turning point for George Washington’s army in terms of strengths
Diplomacy in the Midst of Migration
Dealing with British and Spanish continued presence in North America
US settlers continued to migrate beyond the Appalachians
Needed free navigation of the Mississippi River
French Revolution
During the Englightenment, human rights were preached by philosophers
There were 3 social classes called the Estates
King was the highest
3rd Estates (Peasants and lower class)
Made up 98% of the population
Only estate that got taxed
King Louis ordered a meeting of representatives from each of the estates
Reign of Terror
Over 20,000 were killed
Killed people who didn’t support the Revolution or who weren’t seen as “patriotic” enough
War Between France and Britain
Brought on by the French Revolution
“Reign of Terror”
Washington stayed neutral (Neutrality Proclamation, 1793)
Hamilton loved this proclamation because it helped stay out of more debt
Jefferson did not like it because his idea of neutrality is to pretend it is not happening (don’t say anything about what is going on ex. Don’t write the proclamation addressing it)
Caused issues of free trade, foreign policy, and political disagreement for the US
Tensions with Britain
Some British soldiers remained in the US, despite the peace treaty
Conflicts between British soldiers and Native Americans
1794: Battle of Fallen Timbers
1795: Treaty of Greenville
Native Americans ceded territory for a small payment, right to hunt, and recognition of their independence
British impressing American sailors into their navy
Impressment: forcing people to join military
Happened in the Revolution and was supposed to end after the separation
Not British citizens or in British colonies
Almost went into war again with Britan
Chief Justice John Jay made a temporary peace treaty (Jay’s Treaty)
British would leave America (maybe?) and pay for damage to American ships
Stop impressing Americans
Americans would pay back debts
Had to get made because nobody remembered the Treaty of Paris (1783)
Hamilton liked this treaty even though it added a bit of debt
Jefferson hates sees this as us giving into Britan
Spanish Expansion
Still enslaving the local American Indians
Expanded mission settlements into California
More opportunities for mobility and cultural blending
Pickney’s Treaty (1795): Americans got free navigation of Mississippi, warehouse rights in New Orleans and part of Western Florida
Effort to keep Spain out of an alliance with Britian
Native Americans
Tenuous relationship with the federal government
Continued problems with treaties and the Native American lands the government was seizing
Bill of Rights
James Madison guided amendments through Congress
The first 10 Amendments, ratified in 1791
Judiciary Act of 1789: organized the Supreme Court
Formation of Political Parties
1790s: political leaders taking stands on issues
Relationship between national power and the states
Economic policy
Foreign policy
Balance between liberty and order
Federalists (Hamilton)
Democratic-Republicans Party (Thomas Jefferson, James Madision)
Development of the 2-party system
George Washington’s Farwell Adress
Washington chose to step down after 2 terms (8 years)
Encouraged national unity
Cautioned against political factions
Warned about foreign alliances, encouraging only temporary alliances