Modern Middle East Midterm Matching Section

One of the tallest hotels in the world structured to resemble the sail of a dau

  • Jumeirah Burj al Arab

Angel who provided Muhammad with revelations from God

  • Jibreel (Gabriel

Al Ma-mun’s research institute established in 830 in Baghdad

  • House of Wisdom

First caliph who took power after Muhammad

  • Abu Bakr

This Umayyad prince fled the Abbasid and established a new home in Spain

  • Abdar Rahman the I

Muhammad’s Journey to where marks Year 1 of the Islamic calendar

  • Medina

Pillar of Islam that calls for giving ohms to the weak and the poor

  • Zakat

One of the most famous monuments of Islamic architecture, this monument is located in Spain 

  • Alhambra

Muslim relic that serves as the cornerstone of the Ka’ba

  • The Blackstone 

Dynasty that initially commissioned the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem 

  • Umayyad

European’s believe that this Golden Age scientist had developed a method of creating mercury and gold out of silver 

  • Jabir

First four caliphs who ruled from 632-661

  • Rightly guided Caliphs

Devices used to raise water for irrigation

  • Water mills

The __ conquest of the Middle East brought the end to the Golden Age of Islam

  • Mongol

Islamic holy site within the Grand Mosque in Mecca

  • Ka’ba

What is the gem of Islam

  • Baghdad

The cave of ___

  • Hira 

This person often served in place of an absent or dis-interested Caliph

  • Vizier

This holy book is said to communicate Muhammad’s

  • Qur’an

The mountain where Muhammad received his initial religious experience is called what

  • Jabal al Nour (the mountain of light)

The two primary branches within Islam are

  • Suni and Shiite

Paper making was introduced during this middle-eastern empire’s reign

  • Umayyad

The Abbasid government called itself Dawlah or what in English

  • New era

Century that marks the beginning of the Islamic Renaissance

  • 8th Century

Known as the supplementary text to the Qur’an

  • Hadith

Muhammad was raised within a ___ family led by his uncle

  • Bedouin

Who is the father of chemistry

  • Jabir

Term that means submission to the will of God

  • Islam

The Age of Ignorance

  • Jahiliyya

The attempt to achieve a union with God or another divine being or belief is called what 

  • Mysticism

The Qur’an arrives the arrival of Islam as a restoration of the religion of 

  • Abraham

Early translation work largely focused on texts or books focused one the discipline of medicine and ___

  • Astronomy

With the ascension of the Abbasid, the capital shifted to ___

  • Baghdad

Islamic holy low written in the centuries after Muhammad

  • Shari’a

The Quran is written using what framework 

  • Poetry/poetic framework

Who is the philosopher of the Arabs

  • Al-Kindi

Shortly prior to Islam, ___ was the predominant religion

  • Zoroastrianism

The two major powers the dominated the Middle East

  • Sassanian and Byzantine

This middle-eastern dynasty established the first state-run paper mill in the region

  • Abbasid

Who wrote the Book of Optics

  • Ibn-al-Haytham

A phrase found throughout the Quran that means “in the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate”

  • Basmallah

Known as the jewel of the Christian world, later become the city of Istanbul

  • Constantinople

Leader who overthrew the Umayyads and established the Abbasid dynasty

  • Abu’l Abbas

What is the name of the anti-Umayyad group consisting of Non-Arab converts to Islam

  • Mawali

13th century Catholic philosopher inspired by Golden Age philosophers before him

  • Saint Thomas Aquinas

Turkey’s turquoise coast is the setting for this type of excursion

  • Blue Cruise

Muslim troops were definitively pushed out of France in this battle in 732

  • Battle of Tours

The origin of this sweet are difficult to determine but legends describe its popularity within the Ottoman’s palace

  • Turkish Delight

Highly influential first wife of Muhammad

  • Khadija

Muhammad’s journey to where marks Year 1 of the Islamic calendar

  • Medina 
