Principles of Life, Ch. 10 Reading

10.1 One Gene Encodes One Polypeptide

  • One Gene One Polypeptide: Each gene in the genome encodes only a single polypeptide (1:1 ratio of genes to polypeptides)

  • Transcription: The synthesis of RNA using one strand of DNA as a template.

  • Translation: The synthesis of a protein (polypeptide); Takes place on ribosomes, using the information encoded in messenger RNA.

  • Central Dogma of Molecular Biology: The premise that information flows from DNA to RNA to polypeptide (protein).

  • Some RNAs do not encode proteins.

  • mRNA, rRna, and tRNA: Most abundant RNA types

  • mRNA: Encodes protein information that comes from a template strand of DNA; leaves the nucleous.

    • Only about 5% of all RNA in a cell

  • Coding Strand: One of the two strands of DNA that for a particular gene specifies the amino acids in a protein; Same base sequence as transcribed RNA but with Ts instead of Us.

  • Template Strand: The DNA strand that is transcribed to create an RMA transcript; Also refers to a strand of RNA that is used to create a complementary RNA.

  • mRNA needs to be processed before translation in eukaryotes but not prokaryotes (mRNA is immediately ready).

  • rRNA: Several species of RNA that are incorporated into the ribosome; Involved in peptide bond formation.

    • Actually forms the polypeptide

    • Makes up about 80% of all RNA in a cell

  • tRNA: A family of folded RNA molecules; each carries a specific amino acid and anticodon that will pair with the complementary codon in mRNA during translation; recognizes which amino acid needs to be added next

    • Make up 15% of all RNA

10.2 Gene Expression Begins with Transcription of DNA into RNA

  • RNA polymerase read the DNA template in the 3 to 5 direction and synthesize the RNA strand in the 5 to 3 direction.

    • Do not need a primer to begin

    • RNA can technically start synthesizing anywhere, but DNA sequences and certain proteins tell RNA where to stand.

    • Only on RNA polymerase in bacteria and archea, but several in eukaryotes

  • Steps of Transcription

    • Initiation

      • Requires a promoter (special region of DNA to which the RNA polymerase binds) to tell RNA polymerase where to begin and which of the 2 strands to transcribe

      • Sigma Factors: a protein that binds to RNA polymerase, allowing the complex to bind to and stimulate the transcription of a specific class of genes

      • Transcription Factors: Proteins that assemble on a eukaryotic chromosome, allowing RNA polymerase II to perform transcription.

    • Elongation

      • RNA polymerasse synthesizes the RNA strand

      • First nucleotide in the new RNA forms on the 5 end

      • RNA transcript is antiparallel to the DNA template

      • Transcription occurs when RNA polymerase catalyzes the formatio nof phosphodiester bonds between added nucleotides and the growing RNA chain, releasing pyrophosphate in the process

      • Mistakes in transcription are generally okay

        • RNAs aren’t very long

        • RNA errors aren’t passed on to a new generation of RNA because they’re constantly new

        • Many copies of RNA are synthesized from a gene,

    • Termination

      • Multiple proteins involved

  • Coding Regions: The nucleotide sequences in a gene that directly specify amino acids in a protein.

  • Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Gene Expression

    • Prokaryotes

      • Transcription/translation happen at the same time in cytosol

      • DNA sequence not usually not interrupted by introns

      • Usually no modification after initial transcription

    • Eukaryotes

      • Transcription in the nucleus, then translation in the cytosol

      • Transcribed regions often interrupted by noncoding introns

      • Introns spliced out of pre-mRNAl 5’ cap and 3’ poly A tail added to mRNA

  • Introns: A portion of a gene within the coding region that is transcribed into pre-mRNA but is spliced out prior to translation

    • If not removed, a nonfunctional protein will be made

  • Exons: A portion of a DNA molecule, in eukaryotes, that is present in the mature mRNA and codes for part of a polypeptide.

  • Both introns and exons occur in the primary mRNA transcript

    • Pre-mRNA: The initial gene transcript before it is modified to produce functional mRNA; Also known as the primary transcript.

      • Process includes cutting introns out of pre-mRNA and splicing exons together

      • Introns interrupt, but do not scramble, the DNA sequence of a gene.

  • The primary transcript of a eukaryotic gene is modified in several ways before it leaves the nucleus: introns are removed, and both ends of the pre-mRNA are chemically modified

  • RNA Splicing: The last stage of RNA processing in eukaryotes, in which the transcripts of introns are excised through the action of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNP).

    • Requires consensus sequences

    • Consensus Sequences: Short stretches of DNA that appear, with little variation, in many different genes.

    • Branch point: A conserved sequence (A followed by several pyrimidines) in the interior of an intron that is used during intron splicing to attach the 5’ end of the intron.

    • snRNPs: A complex of an enzyme and a small nuclear RNA molecule, functioning in RNA splicing.

      • Spliceosome: An RNA–protein complex that splices out introns from eukaryotic pre-mRNAs

        • Removes intron in two steps, first cutting the 5’ end and joining it to the branch site, then the 3’ end is cut and the two exons are joined.

  • More pre-mRNA processing

    • 5’ Cap: A chemically modified GTP added to the 5’ end of mRNA; facilitates binding of mRNA to ribosome and prevents mRNA breakdown.

      • Added to 5’

    • Poly A Tail: A long sequence of adenine nucleotides (50–250) added after transcription to the 3’ end of most eukaryotic cells.

      • Helps export mRNA from nucleus, bind proteins, and makes mRNA stable

10.3 The Rules for Translation of RNA into Amino Acids are contained in the Genetic Code

  • Codons: Three nucleotides in messenger RNA that direct the placement of a particular amino acid into a polypeptide chain.

  • Genetic Code: The set of instructions, in the form of nucleotide triplets, that translates a linear sequence of nucleotides in mRNA into a linear sequence of amino acids in a protein.

  • Sense Codons: A sequence of three nucleotides in an mRNA that encodes a particular amino acid.

  • Almost all amino acids are encoded by at least two codons.

  • 64 possible codons, but only 61 encode amino acids

  • Translation is terminated by a nonsense codon

  • Start Codon: The mRNA triplet (AUG) that acts as a signal for the beginning of translation at the ribosome.

  • Nonsense Codons: Any of the three mRNA codons that signal the end of protein translation at the ribosome: UAG, UGA, UAA; also called stop codon.

  • When an amino acid is encoded by four codons, the first two letters are always the same.

  • When more than one codon encodes a single amino acid, the codons are almost always a single substitution away from one another (AAA versus AAG for example).

    • This means some mutations that cause a change in a codon do not alter the encoded amino acid—called synonymous and do not alter phenotype

  • Transgenic organisms: An organism engineered to contain, and usually express, a gene from another organism.

  • Synonymous mutations: When a DNA substitution alters the codon but does not alter the encoded amino acid; occur because of the degeneracy of the genetic code.

  • Missense mutations A change in a gene’s sequence that changes the amino acid at that site in the encoded protein; usually causes a single amino acid change in the protein, which may or may not cause a change in function.

  • Nonsense mutations: A change from a sense codon to a stop (nonsense) codon, causing a premature termination of translation and a shortened protein; usually also loss of function.

  • Loss-of-stop mutations: A change from a stop codon to a sense codon, causing additional amino acids to be added to the end of the protein; effects depend on how many amino acids are added to the end of the protein and how important that part of the protein is to function.

  • Frame-shift mutations: The addition or deletion of a single or two adjacent nucleotides in a gene’s sequence; Results in the misreading of mRNA during translation and the production of a nonfunctional protein.

    • Usually loss-of-function mutations because they affect so many amino acids in the protein.

10.4 RNA is Translated into Amino Acids by Ribosomes

  • Two things must happen so that a protein made is the one specified by the mRNA:

    • (1) a tRNA must chemically read each mRNA codon correctly

    • (2) the tRNA must deliver the amino acid that corresponds to the mRNA codon

  • There is at least 1 specific tRNA molecule for each of the 20 amino acids.

  • Each tRNA has three functions fulfilled by its structure and base sequence

    • tRNAs bind to particular amino acids

      • Covalent bond

      • 3’ end of tRNA

    • tRNAs bind to mRNA

      • Anticodon: The three nucleotides in transfer RNA that pair with a complementary triplet (a codon) in messenger RNA

      • Codon & anticodon bind by hydrogen bonds and run antiparallel

    • tRNAs interact with ribosomes

      • Noncovalent interactions

  • If the codon and anticodon interacted with complementary base pairs, the cell would need 61 different tRNA molecules, each with a different translaanticodon

  • There are actually fewer anticodon sequences than codon sequences

    • Possible because the base pairing at the 3rd position (3’ end codon and 5’ end anticodon) is not strictly complementary

    • Wobble - certain bases in the third position of the anticodon are able to pair with more than just their normal partner

    • A single tRNA can pair with two codons and start with the same two letters but end in A/G or C/T

    • tRNA synthetases: highly specific enzymes that only bind to one amino acid and one corresponding tRNA, binds using energy

  • In eukaryotes, the large subunit of a ribosome consists of 3 different ribosomal RNA molecules and about 49 protein molecules arranged in a precise pattern.The small subunit has 1 rRNA and 33 proteins

  • When not active in the translation of mRNA the ribosome exists as two separate subunits.

  • On the ribosome’s large subunit, there are 3 sites tRNA can bind to

    • A (amino acid), P (polypeptide), and E (exit) sites

  • Ribosome moves along mRNA in the 3’ direction

  • To double check, any tRNA that does not form H bonds with all three codon bases is ejected

  • Three steps of translation: initiation, elongation, termination

    • Initiation

      • Initiation Complex: In protein translation, a combination of a small ribosomal subunit, an mRNA molecule, and the tRNA charged with the first amino acid coded for by the mRNA; formed at the onset of translation.

      • Once the small subunit is in place, the anticodon of a methionine-charged tRNA binds to the start codon by complementary base pairing to complete the initiation complex.

      • the first amino acid in a new polypeptide chain is always methionine.

      • Initiation factors: The proteins involved in helping to assemble the translation initiation complex.

    • Elongation

      • Where synthesis of the peptide occurs

      • Large subunit then breaks the bond between the methionine and its tRNA in the P site and then catalyzes the formation of a peptide bod between the methionine and the amino acid attached to the tRNA in the A site

      • Ribozyme: An RNA molecule with catalyctic activity.

      • Polypeptides grow from amino to carboxyl

      • Continues until the robosome shifts and a stop codon enters the A site

10.5 Proteins are Sometimes Modified after Translation

  • Protein synthesis always begins on free ribosomes floating in the cytosol, which is the “default” location for a protein

  • Signal Sequence: The sequence within a protein that directs the protein to a particular organelle.

  • For some proteins

    • As translation proceeds, the polypeptide enters the RER and an enzyme cleaves off the signal sequence.

    • Proteins in the RER that lack signal sequences for destinations within the endomembrane system are usually secreted from the cell via vesicles that fuse with the cell membrane

  • For other proteins

    • Translation completed in the cytosol, and then a signal sequence is bound by other proteins that move it to the correct organelle

  • Most protein modifications occur after translation

    • The removal of hte signal sequence inside the RER occurs during

    • Removal of the initiator methionine also happens during

  • Post-translatio Modifications in Proteins

    • Proteolysis: Cutting a polypeptide chain; large polyproteins cannot function unless cut

    • Glycosylation: Addition of carbohydrates to proteins to form glycoproteins; helps direct some proteins to lysosomes, or help for conformation/regcognition functions at the cell surface

    • Phosphorylation: the additon of phosphate groups to proteins, catalyzed by protein kinases; helps with cell signaling
