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APUSH- 3.2 Seven Years War Notes

3.2 APUSH Notes - 7 Years War (French and Indian War)

France in the New World

  • France was late to the game, thanks to the turmoil back home

  • 1608: permanently colony at Quebec on the St. Lawrence River

  • Treaties with the Native Americans

  • Native Americans were involved in some treaties with both sides

  • Would switch sides with whoever they thought they could benefit the most from

  • Mainly with France at first but switched to Britian by the end of the war

  • Reliance on fur trapping

  • Coureurs de Bois: “runners of the woods”

  • runners of the woods were fur trappers

  • British colonists against French fur trappers

  • foreign wars, domestic issues over religion

Former Conflicts in the New World

  • Continued battles over control of North America

  • 1689-1697: King William’s War

  • 1702-1713: Queen Anne’s War

  • 1739-1748: War of Jenkin’s Ear (King George’s War)

  • Spanish general cut off the ear of a British commander; sent him home with his ear in his hand to send a message

  • France aligned with Spain; protected assets


  • Increased tensions between Britain and France

  • As Britain’s colonies expanded, they threatened French trade networks

  • France attempting to expand into Ohio Valley

  • French trading with Native Americans who were being kicked off the land

  • Lieutenant Colonel George Washington sent to secure VA’s claims

  • 21 years old

  • Ended in the first bullets of the war being fired

  • First real world war

The War (1754-1763)

  • Fought not just in America, but in Europe, the West Indies, the Phillippines, Africa, and on the seas

  • technically began in 1756 (so that would be 7 years)



  • Began being poorly for the British colonists

  • England made gains in each

  • British leader William Pitt turned the tide with strategic moves against the French

  • 1759: Battle of Quebec, vital British victory

Treaty of Paris (1763)

  • France loses all North American continental possessions

  • England gains Canada and North America from the French, along with Florida from the Spanish

  • This consolidates Britain control over the eastern half of the North American continent

Consequences of the War

  • France left with very few holdings in the New World

  • Spanish holdings were also reduced

  • Britain emerged as the dominant power in North America

  • Britain left very in debt

  • Turned to the colonies to attempt to raise revenue

  • Colonists saw this as Britain’s war that they had been dragged into

  • Tensions had grown between colonists and British over military matters

  • Colonies gained confidence in their military skill

  • The first showing of colonial unity

  • Americans thought the British were snobs

  • The British thought the American militias were “scum”

Consequences of the War

  • Native American Violence

  • 1783: Pontiac’s Uprising resulted in the deaths of 2,000 soldiers & settlers

  • Ottawa chief Pontiac

  • Britain retaliated by deliberating distributing blankets infected with smallpox to Native Americans

  • Land-hungry Americans pushed westward

  • Proclamation of 1763: issued by London, prohibiting settlement beyond the Appalachians

  • Designed to prevent future conflicts with Native Americans

  • Americans moved west anyways

Colonial Complcations

  • Basis for the 1754 political cartoon “Join or Die” by Benjamin Frainklin

  • Britian rejects the plan for its potential to put too much power in colonial hands

  • Colonies themselves reject the plan; shows they do not trust one another at this stage

APUSH- 3.2 Seven Years War Notes

3.2 APUSH Notes - 7 Years War (French and Indian War)

France in the New World

  • France was late to the game, thanks to the turmoil back home

  • 1608: permanently colony at Quebec on the St. Lawrence River

  • Treaties with the Native Americans

  • Native Americans were involved in some treaties with both sides

  • Would switch sides with whoever they thought they could benefit the most from

  • Mainly with France at first but switched to Britian by the end of the war

  • Reliance on fur trapping

  • Coureurs de Bois: “runners of the woods”

  • runners of the woods were fur trappers

  • British colonists against French fur trappers

  • foreign wars, domestic issues over religion

Former Conflicts in the New World

  • Continued battles over control of North America

  • 1689-1697: King William’s War

  • 1702-1713: Queen Anne’s War

  • 1739-1748: War of Jenkin’s Ear (King George’s War)

  • Spanish general cut off the ear of a British commander; sent him home with his ear in his hand to send a message

  • France aligned with Spain; protected assets


  • Increased tensions between Britain and France

  • As Britain’s colonies expanded, they threatened French trade networks

  • France attempting to expand into Ohio Valley

  • French trading with Native Americans who were being kicked off the land

  • Lieutenant Colonel George Washington sent to secure VA’s claims

  • 21 years old

  • Ended in the first bullets of the war being fired

  • First real world war

The War (1754-1763)

  • Fought not just in America, but in Europe, the West Indies, the Phillippines, Africa, and on the seas

  • technically began in 1756 (so that would be 7 years)



  • Began being poorly for the British colonists

  • England made gains in each

  • British leader William Pitt turned the tide with strategic moves against the French

  • 1759: Battle of Quebec, vital British victory

Treaty of Paris (1763)

  • France loses all North American continental possessions

  • England gains Canada and North America from the French, along with Florida from the Spanish

  • This consolidates Britain control over the eastern half of the North American continent

Consequences of the War

  • France left with very few holdings in the New World

  • Spanish holdings were also reduced

  • Britain emerged as the dominant power in North America

  • Britain left very in debt

  • Turned to the colonies to attempt to raise revenue

  • Colonists saw this as Britain’s war that they had been dragged into

  • Tensions had grown between colonists and British over military matters

  • Colonies gained confidence in their military skill

  • The first showing of colonial unity

  • Americans thought the British were snobs

  • The British thought the American militias were “scum”

Consequences of the War

  • Native American Violence

  • 1783: Pontiac’s Uprising resulted in the deaths of 2,000 soldiers & settlers

  • Ottawa chief Pontiac

  • Britain retaliated by deliberating distributing blankets infected with smallpox to Native Americans

  • Land-hungry Americans pushed westward

  • Proclamation of 1763: issued by London, prohibiting settlement beyond the Appalachians

  • Designed to prevent future conflicts with Native Americans

  • Americans moved west anyways

Colonial Complcations

  • Basis for the 1754 political cartoon “Join or Die” by Benjamin Frainklin

  • Britian rejects the plan for its potential to put too much power in colonial hands

  • Colonies themselves reject the plan; shows they do not trust one another at this stage