Humans use energy from a variety of sources, resulting in positive and negative consequences.
Learning Objective:
Identify where natural energy resources occur.
Essential Knowledge:
The global distribution of natural energy resources, such as ores, coal, crude oil, and gas, is not uniform and depends on the region's geologic history.
Natural Energy Resources
We will be looking at nuclear, coal or coke (a powdered version of coal), crude oil, and natural gas
Australia, Kazakhstan, Canada, Namibia, and South Africa have the top five amounts of uranium
Just because these countries have these resources doesn’t mean they use them
Crude Oil
Crude oil is used the most in middle east, considering it is so available
Also Venezuela, Russia, Canada and the US are some stand-out consumers
Most countries use crude oil to some extent
Natural Gas
Some in the middle east, Russia, the US
Again, many countries use natural gas as it is very easy to transport and distribute