1.Breast structure present in the pectoral region

Found in both sexes but rudimentary in the male. Shape may be hemispherical,conical,pyriform or flat.
SITUATION …lies in the @@superficial@@ @@fascia@@ of the pectoral region. Divided into four quadrant i.e upper,medial,lateral,lower lateral. Small extension of upper lateral quadrant called ^^Axillary^^ ^^tail^^ of ^^spence .^^EXTENT OF THE BASE……1.vertically it extends from the %%second to the sixth ribs .%% 2. ^^Horizontally^^ it extend from the lateral borders of ^^sternum to the midaxillary line .^^DEEP RELATIONS….1.breast lies on the deep fascia(pectoral region) covering the pectoralis minor .2…still deeper there are parts of three muscle namely @@the pectoralis major ,the serratus anterior and external oblique muscle of the abdomen@@.3…breast is separated from the pectoral fascia by ^^loose areolar tissue called retromammary space^^ ( beacuse of this normal breast moved freely )


Divided in to ….SKIN ..PARENCHYMA(mammary gland)….STROMA

==SKIN …==

1.It cover the gland ..conical projection called the nipple is present just below the centre of breast at %%level of 4th intercostal space .%%

2.nipple pierced by @@15 to 20 lactiferous duc@@t.contain circular and longitudinal smooth muscle .

3.has ^^few modified sweat gland and sebaceous gland in nerve supply .^^

Skin surrounding the base of nipple is pigmented and form circular area called the ==AREOLA==…%%rich in modified sebaceous gland%% become enlarged during pregnancy ….oily secretion lubricate the nipple…also contains some sweat gland and accesory mammary gland …. nipple and areola is devoid of hair no fat subjacent to it …below the areola lie @@lactiferous sinus@@ where stored milk is seen . ^^PARENCHYMA^^ Mammary gland is a compound tubuloalveolar gland which secretes milk there is no capsule …@@modified sweat gland ..gland consist of 15 to 20 lobes@@ ..each lobe is cluster of alveoli drained by lactiferous duct.


form supporting framework of the gland is partly fibrous and partly fatty .

The %%fibrous stroma forms septa known as sensory ligament of Cooper%% which anchor (to make something stay in one position) the skin and gland to the pectoral fascia.

The fatty stroma forms the main bulk of the gland .it is distributed all over the breast @@except beneath the areola and nipple.@@