International v.s. National Organizations

yellow = important

The Different Abbreviations..

  • INGO = int. gov’t org.

    • eg. Green Peace International, Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, World Vision, Doctors Without Borders, PETA, Amnesty International, World Vision, World Council of Indigenous Peoples

  • NGO = non-gov’t org.

  • IGO = international gov’t org.

  • GO = gov’t org.

What are INGO’s?

  • Non-governmental org. that operates worldwide and fundraises through charity

    • have NO allegiance to any gov’t

    • they do not pool sovereignty the way supra-nationalist organizations do

  • As they are independent of gov’ts, countries often let them in to provide assistance (eg. Doctors without Borders)

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (ICRC)

  • Worlds largest humanitarian network

  • Protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence, provide them with assistance

Doctors Without Borders

  • Free medical care to anyone who needs it

Continentalist Organizations

  • IGO’s and treaties that have established cooperation on a continent

    • eg. EU, AU, NAFTA (CUSMA)

Some get Involved to Maintain Language and Culture..

  • La Francophonie (GO)

    • support efforts globally to spread the French language and culture

  • Arctic Council (GO)

    • Indigenous people from the 8 actic regions

    • sustainable development, and environment

Some get Involved to Protect the Environment…

  • Kyoto Protocol

    • reduce emissions by an average of 5% below 1990 levels

  • Paris Agreement

    • gov’t set new targets

    • nationally determined contributions (NDC’s) preventing global avg. temp. from rising 2°C, keeping it below 1.5°C, aims to reach global net-zero emissions

    • Experts say this plan is not enough to prevent global avg. temps. from rising 1.5°C

    • world will suffer devastating consequences

  • UN Climate Conference known as COP26 in November 2021

Some get Involved to Protect Legal Rights of Self-Determination…

  • World Council of Indigenous Peoples, seek to ensure fair and just treatment, and a united voice for over 370 million Indigenous Peoples worldwide

    • united voice to protect their self-determination rights
