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ICT - Software and Hardware

Software - The general term used for the programs that control the computer system and process data. Two types: Application Software and System Software

System Software - Software designed to provide a platform for other software to run properly and users communicate with the computer.
Eg. Compilers, Linkers, Operating Systems, Device Driver (CLOUD)

Application Software - Type of computer program that performs a specific personal, educational, and business function and allows users to do specific tasks. Eg. Word Processer, Spreadsheet, Video Editing Software, control and measurement software Computer-aided design (CAD)

Compiler - A computer program that translates a program written in a high-level language (HLL) into machine code that computer use to perform task. Original is source code after compilation is object code. Eg. Python, Java, C++, Fortran

Linkers - A computer program that takes one or more object files produced by a compiler (modules) and combines them into a single program that can be run on a computer.

Operating System - A software which performs all the basic functions tasks like filer, memory, and process management, and handling input and output.

Device Driver - The name given to software that enables one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer’s operating system.

Utilities - Software that help to manage, maintain, and control computer resources. Eg. Antivirus, anti-spyware, file backup, screensavers, security, etc.

Computer Hardware - Physical parts or components of a computer that are tangible. Eg. monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer, hard disk drive (HDD), memory, motherboard. External or Internal

Internal and 2. External Hardware - 1. Every piece of electronics connected to your motherboard, 2. Everything outside the box of the computer

Internal Hardware devices - Mother board, RAM, ROM, Video Card, Sound Card, NIC, HDD/SDD

Motherboard - Printed circuit board found in all computers, allows processor and other computer hardware to communicate w each other

RAM - Random Access Memory AKA volatile/temporary memory is an internal chip where data is temporarily stored when running applications. memory can be written to and read from.

ROM - Read-Only Memory AKA non-volatile memory is a memory used to store information that needs to be permanent. Cannot be altered and can only be read. memory not lost when power is turned off.

Differentiate RAM and ROM -

Video Card - allows the computer to send graphical information to a video display device such as monitor, television, or projector.'

Sound Card - integrated circuit board that provides a computer with the ability to produce sounds

NIC - Network Interface Card allows any device to be connected to a network such as internet. wired or wireless.

Internal hard drisk/solid state drive (HDD/SDD) - main methods for storing data and files

External Hardware Devices - Mouse, Printers, Speakers, Mic, Monitors


ICT - Software and Hardware

Software - The general term used for the programs that control the computer system and process data. Two types: Application Software and System Software

System Software - Software designed to provide a platform for other software to run properly and users communicate with the computer.
Eg. Compilers, Linkers, Operating Systems, Device Driver (CLOUD)

Application Software - Type of computer program that performs a specific personal, educational, and business function and allows users to do specific tasks. Eg. Word Processer, Spreadsheet, Video Editing Software, control and measurement software Computer-aided design (CAD)

Compiler - A computer program that translates a program written in a high-level language (HLL) into machine code that computer use to perform task. Original is source code after compilation is object code. Eg. Python, Java, C++, Fortran

Linkers - A computer program that takes one or more object files produced by a compiler (modules) and combines them into a single program that can be run on a computer.

Operating System - A software which performs all the basic functions tasks like filer, memory, and process management, and handling input and output.

Device Driver - The name given to software that enables one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer’s operating system.

Utilities - Software that help to manage, maintain, and control computer resources. Eg. Antivirus, anti-spyware, file backup, screensavers, security, etc.

Computer Hardware - Physical parts or components of a computer that are tangible. Eg. monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer, hard disk drive (HDD), memory, motherboard. External or Internal

Internal and 2. External Hardware - 1. Every piece of electronics connected to your motherboard, 2. Everything outside the box of the computer

Internal Hardware devices - Mother board, RAM, ROM, Video Card, Sound Card, NIC, HDD/SDD

Motherboard - Printed circuit board found in all computers, allows processor and other computer hardware to communicate w each other

RAM - Random Access Memory AKA volatile/temporary memory is an internal chip where data is temporarily stored when running applications. memory can be written to and read from.

ROM - Read-Only Memory AKA non-volatile memory is a memory used to store information that needs to be permanent. Cannot be altered and can only be read. memory not lost when power is turned off.

Differentiate RAM and ROM -

Video Card - allows the computer to send graphical information to a video display device such as monitor, television, or projector.'

Sound Card - integrated circuit board that provides a computer with the ability to produce sounds

NIC - Network Interface Card allows any device to be connected to a network such as internet. wired or wireless.

Internal hard drisk/solid state drive (HDD/SDD) - main methods for storing data and files

External Hardware Devices - Mouse, Printers, Speakers, Mic, Monitors