Chapter 5 Religion stud guide

The Commandments:

Fourth Commandment : “Honor your father and your mother”

How to life out the Fourth Commandment (May also be helpful for the 2nd Essay)

• appreciating and obeying our parents, guardians, other family members, and all those who lead and serve us

• continually being grateful to our parents for all they have given us

• eventually supporting our families and helping to care for our parents in their old age

• respecting those who are our elders, appreciating their wisdom as valued members of our communities, and avoiding any form of discrimination that causes us to treat older people as less than equal to everyone else

• valuing and listening with respect to parents, guardians, family members, friends, teachers, pastors, bishops, the pope, those with whom we work, those who govern our lands, all those who help us to see God's will for us, and our neighbors everywhere.


What it means : God calls us to the special responsibility of loving, caring for, and protecting his gift of life. This commandment is based on the truth that all life is sacred, created by God. The right to life, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, is the most basic human right.

Examples that Break the Fifth Commandment :

Abortion - the direct termination of the life of an unborn baby is always wrong. The Supreme Court of the United States has legalized abortion but we must remember that what is legal is not always morally right.

Euthanasia, or mercy killing - we can never deliberately kill someone, even in cases of great suffering. Our faith requires us to take ordinary measures to preserve life. A dying patient, however, may refuse “overzealous” treatment.

Murder - the deliberate taking of a life is not our right.

Suicide - the taking of one’s own life is an offense against God, who gave each of us the gift of life.

Terrorism - violence that intentionally targets innocent civilians. Misusing political views, and personal beliefs to intimidate or attack others is wrong.

Other Forms of Violence Against the Fifth Commandment :

War - should be a last resort, when other means fail to protect the innocent against fundamental injustice.

The death penalty - execution

Domestic violence - when people are violated in their own homes by their own families. Domestic violence is an assault against human dignity, and those who commit it should seek professional help.

Environmental waste and pollution - the destruction of those things in creation that God gave us to support life. To pollute the environment is to poison ourselves and to take away the possibilities of life for generations that will come after us.

Scandal - attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. It is wrong when individuals or groups use their power and influence to tempt others to disrespect life in any way.


Human sexuality - the gift of being able to feel, think, choose, love and act as the male or female that God created us to be.

Adultery - infidelity in marriage, unfaithfulness to one’s husband wife.

Chastity - the virtue by which we use our human sexuality in a responsible and faithful way.


What it means : Our human sexuality makes us female or male, and our sexuality is an important part of everything about us. Our human sexuality is a good and beautiful gift from God that gives us the capacity to form bonds of unity, love, and communion with others.

Sins Against the Sixth Commandment :

Polygamy - the practice of having two or more spouses at the same time.

Incest - sexual relations with family members

Free union - living together and having sexual relations without the commitment of marriage.

Fornication - sexual relations outside of marriage, including premarital sex

Lust - an excessive or uncontrollable desire for inappropriate sexual enjoyment or pleasure.

Masturbation - deliberately stimulating one’s sexual organs by oneself

Pornography - the degrading portrayal of human sexuality in words, movies, or pictures

Promiscuity - a casual approach to sexual love with no regard to faithful commitment

Prostitution - the buying and selling of sex.

Rape - the violent act of forcing someone into sexual intimacy

Homosexual Acts- sexual relation between persons of the same sex.


Matthew, Mark,


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"gain eternal life" (Matthew 19:16).

Jesus told this young man, "If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments" (Matthew 19:17).

When the young man asked which commandments, Jesus replied, "You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; honor your father and your mother'; and you shall love your neighbor as your self" (Matthew 19:18-19). Then, when the young man explained that he had kept these command-ments, Jesus said, "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to \[the\] poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me" (Matthew 19:21). Jesus' words to this young man point out that the New Law, the Law of the Gospel,

"fulfills,' refines, surpasses, and leads the Old Law to its perfection" (CCC, 1967).

Jesus had already explained to his disciples that he had not come to do away with the Law that God had given to Moses, but to fulfill it. Jesus taught his disciples to live out the commandments as an expression of love for God, for themselves, and for their neighbors. He also taught them that love of neighbor extended even to their enemies and to those who persecuted them. Jesus called his disciples to "be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). In Luke 6:36, where this same teaching of Jesus is also given, the word perfect has been replaced by the word merciful.

Thus, as Jesus called his disciples to be perfect, he also called them to imitate the example of God, his Father, who is all-merciful. Jesus called them to a life filled with mercy toward others a life of caring for everyone; of giving to those who
