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Semester 2 US History Final

Flashcards Creation Steps:

  1. Choose key information.

  2. Write questions on one side.

  3. Write answers on the other side.

  4. Use colors for organization.

  5. Review regularly for effective learning.

Unit #7- World War II


  • Aryan- white, Northern Europeans, described as the ideal “pure race”

  • Jewish- most prosecuted group by nazi’s

  • Concentration camp- extermination (death) prisons

  • Hiroshima, Japan- where the first atomic bomb dropped

  • Nagasaki, Japan- where the second atomic bomb dropped

  • Oppenheimer- American physicist and lead scientist of the Manhattan Project, “father of the atomic bomb” 

  • Korematsu Vs United States- ruled removal was ok when “militarily necessary”

  • Axis powers- Germany, Japan, and Italy

  • GI Bill- gave education, job training, pensions, and mortgage loans to veterans. It was significant because it gave veterans govt benefits

  • Lend Lease Act- said the US could lend and lease weapons/equipment to Britain or other countries if they were considered important to U.S security

  • Blitzkrieg- lighting war

  • Appeasement- giving in to the aggressor  

  • D-Day- On June 6th 1944, American, British, and Canadian soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy, France

  • Fascism- Political ideology characterized by a dictator, extreme nationalism and militarism, and greatness through imperialism. (used by Italy in the 1920s/30s

Questions for Review:

  • Explain what caused Britain and France to ultimately declare war.- Germany invading Poland

  • List the “big three” countries in the Axis alliance.- Japan, Germany, and Italy  

  • List the “big three” countries in the Allies alliance- the US, the UK, and the Soviet Union

  • Name actions Germany took before Great Britain, France, or the US got involved in the War.

    • Define “Nazism.- German brand of fascism whose goal was to unite Germans living throughout central Europe and Added the belief that Aryan people were superior 

    • Define “blitzkrieg.” Explain how blitzkrieg fighting was used.- Blitzerg warfare is lighting war. It was used in WWII by tanks and planes working together to surprise enemies and quickly overcome them 

    • Define “appeasement- giving in to an aggressor to keep peace

    • Explain the terms of the Munich Pact- Gave Germany Sudetenland if they agreed to not over anywhere else

    • Explain the terms of the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union- they would agree not to fight each other and split Poland

  • Explain the conditions of the Lend-Lease Act- It said the US could lend and lease weapons/equipment to Britain or other countries if they were considered important to U.S security

  • Explain why some people were opposed to (against) the U.S. joining WWII- People were against military actions and isolationists thought the U.S couldn’t right wrongs and democracy could not be saved overseas

  • Explain how women fulfilled a war need on the U.S. home front- Women taking jobs in the defense industry, rationing, and buying war bonds 

  • List the reasons for Japanese imprisonment (internment)- Japanese people were viewed as spies and believed they could hurt the war effort. Many people wanted them separated from society

  • Describe the outcome (court’s decision) in Korematsu v United States- ruled removal was ok when “militarily necessary” (Japanese internment)

  • List the groups that Hitler began to persecute. List which group suffered the most.- He began to prosecute non-Aryan people in Europe (ex. Polish and Romani). The group that suffered the most was the Jewish people

  • List a barrier for women in the military- Couldn’t join combat roles (active fighting)

  • Explain why J. Robert Oppenheimer is significant- He was the lead scientist in the Manhattan Project, leading the design and development of the first atomic bomb

  • Explain the top 2 reasons why President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb- Save U.S lives and shorten the war

  • List where specifically the 2 atomic bombs were dropped (which were first and second).- The first was dropped in Hiroshima, the second in Nagasaki

  • Define the “GI Bill of Rights.” (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act). Explain why the GI Bill of Rights is significant. - it gave education, job training, pensions, and mortgage loans to veterans. It was significant because it gave veterans govt benefits

  • Explain the war’s effects on the U.S. economy by 1943.- It helped end the Great Depression through the war production and new opportunities in war industries

    Unit #8- Cold War and the 1950s


    Cuban Missile Crisis- JFK said spy planes saw Soviet-built missile bases in Cuba, and each side prepared to launch nuclear weapons, Soviet missiles could reach the U.S. from Cuba

    Containment policy - U.S. strategy about stopping the spread of communism

    Baby boom- a large generation born between 1946-1964

    Domino theory- if one govt falls to communism then all the non-communist govt around it will fall to

    Joseph McCarthy- a WI senator who said he had a list of 205 names of communists in the U.S. State Department

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)- Defensive military alliance made during peacetime. Members include the U.S. and its Western European allies

    Marshall Plan- using U.S. money to rebuild European economies.


    Cold War- tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union

    Mutually Assured Destruction- If one side uses its nuclear weapons, the other side will do the same and both will get destroyed

    Warsaw Pact- collective defense treaty established by the Soviet Union and seven other Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe:

    Questions for Review:

    • Define the “Cold War- tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union

    • Explain why Churchill accused Stalin of raising an “iron curtain” around Eastern Europe- Due to Stalin created soviet satellite states which formed borders between the USSR and Western Europe

    • Define the “Berlin Airlift.”- The Soviets cut off western Berlin from food, fuel, and other supplies. The U.S. and allies brought supplies to Berlin by plane to get around the Soviet blockade

    • Define “containment.”- U.S. strategy about stopping the spread of communism

    • Explain the goal of the Truman Doctrine- Support countries that were resisting communism.

    • Define the “Marshall Plan.” Explain the goal of the Marshall Plan- using U.S. money to rebuild European economies. The goal was to provide economic relief to non-Communist countries and western Europe so they didn’t turn to Communism  

    • List the outcomes of the Korean War- Korea being dived at the 38th parallel and expanded U.S. involvement in Asia

    • Define “Domino Theory.”- if one govt falls to communism then all the non-communist govt around it will fall to

    • Define the “House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)”- Formed in 1938 to investigate people in the government and Hollywood for communist ties

    • Explain who Joseph McCarthy was- a WI senator who said he had a list of 205 names of communists in the U.S. State Department

    • Define “Mutually Assured Destruction.”- If one side uses its nuclear weapons, the other side will do the same and both will get destroyed

    • Explain the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis- Both sides negotiated, JFK said the U.S. wouldn’t invade Cuba and remove missiles in Turkey and Italy. Soviet leader, Nikita Krushchev said the Soviets would get rid of the missiles bases in Cuba

    • How would you describe the post-WWII economy?- Good, people engaged in consumerism, booming

      • The post-WWII economy was characterized by rapid economic growth, industrial expansion, technological advancements, and the emergence of new global economic powers. Governments implemented policies to rebuild war-torn countries and stimulate economic recovery.

    • Define “suburbanization.”- large movement of families to the suburbs after World War II

    Unit #9- Civil Rights and the 1960s


    Immigration Act of 1965- abolished quotas, opening the doors to "those who can contribute most to this country – to its growth, to its strength, to its spirit." The new law created a preference system that focused on immigrants' skills and family relations with citizens or U. S. residents.

    Civil Disobedience- the active, professed refusal of a citizen to obey certain laws, demands, orders, or commands of a government (or any other authority

    Brown v Board of Education- The results were that Plessy v Ferguson was overturned and the Supreme Court agreed with it

    Thurgood Marshall- NAACP lawyer who argued cases challenging discrimination

    Eisenhower and Central High School,

    Little Rock- 9 black students who tried to attend the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, AK

    Montgomery Bus Boycotts- Non-violent protest where African Americans did not ride the buses until bus segregation was over

    Children’s March- Marches led by children in Alabama

    Rosa Parks- Refused to give up her seat to a white man which sparked the Montgomery bus boycotts

    Malcolm X- believed that change could be achieved by Black Nationalism, African Americans helping their own, militant self-defense, and not trying to change the minds of white people

    Martin Luther King- believed that change for African Americans could be achieved by non-violent direct action(protests), gaining white allies, and political changes securing rights

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964- outlawed employment discrimination and allowed equal access to public accommodations and schools

    Betty Friedan- Wrote The Feminine Mystique which showed that women can be more than just housewives

    Gloria Steinman- American feminist, political activist, and journalist

    Cesar Chavez- Mexican American Civil Rights leader and activist of the 1960s who formed the United Farms Workers org which organized boycotts and strikes for Mexican American farm workers

    Questions for Review:

    • Define “De Jure segregation.”- Segregation by law

    • Define “De Facto segregation.”- Segregation by custom or practice (ex. redlining)

    • Explain who Thurgood Marshall was.- NAACP lawyer who argued cases challenging discrimination (lead Brown v Board)

    • Explain what was being argued in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. List the results of Brown v. Board- Argued segregation was unconstitutional because it denied Brown “equal protection under the law.” The results were that Plessy v Ferguson was overturned and the Supreme Court agreed with it

    • Explain President Eisenhower’s role in school integration and the Little Rock Nine- sent 1000 federal troops to oversee 10,000 National guards to implement integration

    • Describe the Montgomery Bus Boycott- A non-violent protest where African Americans did not ride the buses until bus segregation was over. The results were a ruling that decided the segregation was unconstitutional

    • Explain what happened in the Birmingham Children’s Campaign- Marches led by children in Alabama. It resulted in Pres. JFK supported making federal civil rights legislation which led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    • List and define the different components of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

      • Title VII (7)- outlawed employment discrimination

      • Allowed equal access to public accommodations and schools

    • List a difference between Malcolm X and MLK- Their differences include Malcolm X's beliefs in black people helping their own, black nationalism, self, and not changing white people. However, MLK believed AAs should protest, gain white allies, and secure political rights

    • Define the Black Panther Party- Militant organization that focused on the immediate end to discrimination and protection of African Americans from police violence

    • Explain what role Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta played in the Chicano Movement Both of them formed the United Farms Workers org which organized boycotts and strikes for Mexican American farm workers

    • List what issues the American Indian Movement (AIM) focused on that were caused by colonialism- Government treaty obligations, high unemployment rates, and Indigenous culture and education

    • List who wrote The Feminine Mystique- Betty Friedan

    • Define the Stonewall Inn Riot- Credited as the beginning of the LGBTQ civil rights movement

    • List the Great Society’s main goal- Its goal was to end poverty through the growth of social programs

    • Explain the difference between Medicare and Medicaid- Medicare is for the elderly and Medicaid is for the poor and the disabled

    • Explain why conservatives didn’t like the Great Society🡪 Critics said the Great Society was too expensive, inefficient, too idealistic, and created people dependent on the government

    Unit #10- Vietnam and the 1970s


    Domino Theory- if one government falls to communism then the non-communist governments in the area will fall to communism

    Living Room War- Information and reporting from the war on American television

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- gave Pres LBJ full power to run any operations in Vietnam

    Vietnamization- Turn over fighting ground to the South Vietnamese, reduce U.S. troops, and a “peace with honor strategy”

    Kent State shootings- 1970 National Guardsmen fired into anti-war rally at Kent State University in Ohio, 4 killed

    Cambodia- U.S. invaded and bombed in 1970

    Stagflation- When economic growth goes down while inflation and unemployment goes up

    Détente- Policy of having less tension with the Soviet Union and openness with China

    Hostage Crisis- Iranian students took hostages from the American embassy in Tehran until the Shah was returned. Lasted 14 months until Reagan’s inauguration

    Pentagon Papers- made the American public question continuing to be in Vietnam and the government's motives

    Roe v Wade- Ruled that abortion performed during the 1st trimester was allowed

    Questions for Review: 

    • List who the U.S. supported in the conflict in Vietnam after WWII- The U.S supported France

    • Define what the Ho Chi Minh Trail was- How the Vietcong got supplies from N.Vietman to S. Vietnam, partly through Cambodia

    • Explain why Vietnam was called a Living Room War- Information and reporting about the war was televised on American TV

    • Describe President Lyndon B. Johnson’s role in Vietnam→ Define the Tonkin Gulf Resolution- The golf of Tonkin Resolution gave Pres LBJ full power to run any operations in Vietnam

    • Define what the Tet Offensive was- In 1968 where the Vietcong led an attack on South Vietnam

    • Explain the significance of the Tet Offensive- It was televised and it showed the U.S was not winning the war

    • List what new country the U.S. invaded and bombed in 1970 under Nixon- Cambodia

    • Describe what the actions in that country triggered at home- Student anti-war protests

    • Describe Nixon’s strategy to end the Vietnam War.- Turn over fighting ground to the south Vietnamese, reduce U.S. troops, and a “peace with honor strategy” (Vietnamization)

    • Explain the significance of the Pentagon Papers- It made the American public question continuing to be in Vietnam and the government's motives

    • Define the Watergate Scandal- The break-in at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters resulted in a cover-up

    • Explain what OPEC is- Formed by oil-rich countries to control the price of their oil

    • List the effects of the energy crisis on the U.S. - gas prices increasing by 40%, Americans buying more fuel-efficient foreign cars, unemployment, and inflation which made goods go up by 20%

    • Define “stagflation.”- When economic growth goes down while inflation and unemployment goes up

    • Explain what women’s activism in the 1970s focused on- Rights for women's bodies like women's health, fixing anti-abortion laws, and anti-rape movements 

    Unit #11- 1980s to Present


    Supply-side economics- the idea that lowering taxes increases jobs, savings, and investments

    Deficits- the federal government's spending exceeds its revenues.

    End of the Cold War- 15 republics claiming independence and dissolving in 1991

    Iran Contra- Oliver North allowed the CIA to use money from the Iran weapons deal to fund the contras which violated the Boland Amendment

    1st Persian Gulf War- Saddam Hussien invaded Kuwait in 1990

    Rodney King- Black motorist who was brutally beaten by white officers after a high-speed chase which led to the LA riots

    NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.The goal was to strengthen the US economy by lowering prices on items and making a "Free trade zone”.

    Clinton’s Impeachment- Lied under oath about his affair

    Balancing the Budget- Clinton was able to

    USA Patriot Act- 2001 could monitor citizens and arrest suspected terrorists

    Questions for Review: 

    • List the reasons for the growth of the conservative movement since the 1960s- Less public trust in govt, bad economy with high inflation, backlash against liberal programs, perceived of increasing immorality, changing roles, and failure of foreign policy in Vietnam

    • List the goals of the conservative movement- Smaller govt, less fed spending, strength national defense, promote family values and patriotic ideals, and help business by reducing govt regulation and lowering taxes

    • Explain why Ronald Reagan won the Presidential Election of 1980- He had a charming personality, Pres. Carter was seen as a failure because of the bad economy he hadn’t fixed and the Iran hostage crisis

    • Define “supply side economics” (also known as trickle-down economics or Reaganomics)the - idea that lowering taxes increases jobs, savings, and investments

    • Explain how you achieve supply-side economics.- Cutting taxes which encourages investment, and production, and motivates buying

    • List what event(s) marked the end of the Cold War- 15 countries claiming independence from the USSR and its dissolving in 1991

    • Explain what caused the Persian Gulf War- Iraq invading Kuwait

    • Explain the significance of Rodney King- The riots led to over 50 ppl being killed, $1 billion in damage, none of the officers were convicted, and the racial violence sparked protests

    • Explain what al-Qaeda is and its leader A radical terrorist network whose leader was Osama Bin Laden

    • List accomplishments Clinton had with the federal budget- He was able to balance the budget and reduce the deficit

    • Explain why Clinton was impeached- He lied under oath

    • Explain the results of the Presidential Election of 2000 (beyond who won)- The Supreme Court had to get involved and had to declare GW Bush as president

    • Describe GW Bush’s response to the 9/11 attacks- Invade Afghanistan, declare a “war on terror”, and driving the Taliban out of power

    • Define the U.S. Patriot Act- 2001 could monitor citizens and arrest suspected terrorists

    • Explain why the U.S invaded Iraq- Believed Saddam Hussien had weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

Semester 2 US History Final

Flashcards Creation Steps:

  1. Choose key information.

  2. Write questions on one side.

  3. Write answers on the other side.

  4. Use colors for organization.

  5. Review regularly for effective learning.

Unit #7- World War II


  • Aryan- white, Northern Europeans, described as the ideal “pure race”

  • Jewish- most prosecuted group by nazi’s

  • Concentration camp- extermination (death) prisons

  • Hiroshima, Japan- where the first atomic bomb dropped

  • Nagasaki, Japan- where the second atomic bomb dropped

  • Oppenheimer- American physicist and lead scientist of the Manhattan Project, “father of the atomic bomb” 

  • Korematsu Vs United States- ruled removal was ok when “militarily necessary”

  • Axis powers- Germany, Japan, and Italy

  • GI Bill- gave education, job training, pensions, and mortgage loans to veterans. It was significant because it gave veterans govt benefits

  • Lend Lease Act- said the US could lend and lease weapons/equipment to Britain or other countries if they were considered important to U.S security

  • Blitzkrieg- lighting war

  • Appeasement- giving in to the aggressor  

  • D-Day- On June 6th 1944, American, British, and Canadian soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy, France

  • Fascism- Political ideology characterized by a dictator, extreme nationalism and militarism, and greatness through imperialism. (used by Italy in the 1920s/30s

Questions for Review:

  • Explain what caused Britain and France to ultimately declare war.- Germany invading Poland

  • List the “big three” countries in the Axis alliance.- Japan, Germany, and Italy  

  • List the “big three” countries in the Allies alliance- the US, the UK, and the Soviet Union

  • Name actions Germany took before Great Britain, France, or the US got involved in the War.

    • Define “Nazism.- German brand of fascism whose goal was to unite Germans living throughout central Europe and Added the belief that Aryan people were superior 

    • Define “blitzkrieg.” Explain how blitzkrieg fighting was used.- Blitzerg warfare is lighting war. It was used in WWII by tanks and planes working together to surprise enemies and quickly overcome them 

    • Define “appeasement- giving in to an aggressor to keep peace

    • Explain the terms of the Munich Pact- Gave Germany Sudetenland if they agreed to not over anywhere else

    • Explain the terms of the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union- they would agree not to fight each other and split Poland

  • Explain the conditions of the Lend-Lease Act- It said the US could lend and lease weapons/equipment to Britain or other countries if they were considered important to U.S security

  • Explain why some people were opposed to (against) the U.S. joining WWII- People were against military actions and isolationists thought the U.S couldn’t right wrongs and democracy could not be saved overseas

  • Explain how women fulfilled a war need on the U.S. home front- Women taking jobs in the defense industry, rationing, and buying war bonds 

  • List the reasons for Japanese imprisonment (internment)- Japanese people were viewed as spies and believed they could hurt the war effort. Many people wanted them separated from society

  • Describe the outcome (court’s decision) in Korematsu v United States- ruled removal was ok when “militarily necessary” (Japanese internment)

  • List the groups that Hitler began to persecute. List which group suffered the most.- He began to prosecute non-Aryan people in Europe (ex. Polish and Romani). The group that suffered the most was the Jewish people

  • List a barrier for women in the military- Couldn’t join combat roles (active fighting)

  • Explain why J. Robert Oppenheimer is significant- He was the lead scientist in the Manhattan Project, leading the design and development of the first atomic bomb

  • Explain the top 2 reasons why President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb- Save U.S lives and shorten the war

  • List where specifically the 2 atomic bombs were dropped (which were first and second).- The first was dropped in Hiroshima, the second in Nagasaki

  • Define the “GI Bill of Rights.” (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act). Explain why the GI Bill of Rights is significant. - it gave education, job training, pensions, and mortgage loans to veterans. It was significant because it gave veterans govt benefits

  • Explain the war’s effects on the U.S. economy by 1943.- It helped end the Great Depression through the war production and new opportunities in war industries

    Unit #8- Cold War and the 1950s


    Cuban Missile Crisis- JFK said spy planes saw Soviet-built missile bases in Cuba, and each side prepared to launch nuclear weapons, Soviet missiles could reach the U.S. from Cuba

    Containment policy - U.S. strategy about stopping the spread of communism

    Baby boom- a large generation born between 1946-1964

    Domino theory- if one govt falls to communism then all the non-communist govt around it will fall to

    Joseph McCarthy- a WI senator who said he had a list of 205 names of communists in the U.S. State Department

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)- Defensive military alliance made during peacetime. Members include the U.S. and its Western European allies

    Marshall Plan- using U.S. money to rebuild European economies.


    Cold War- tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union

    Mutually Assured Destruction- If one side uses its nuclear weapons, the other side will do the same and both will get destroyed

    Warsaw Pact- collective defense treaty established by the Soviet Union and seven other Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe:

    Questions for Review:

    • Define the “Cold War- tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union

    • Explain why Churchill accused Stalin of raising an “iron curtain” around Eastern Europe- Due to Stalin created soviet satellite states which formed borders between the USSR and Western Europe

    • Define the “Berlin Airlift.”- The Soviets cut off western Berlin from food, fuel, and other supplies. The U.S. and allies brought supplies to Berlin by plane to get around the Soviet blockade

    • Define “containment.”- U.S. strategy about stopping the spread of communism

    • Explain the goal of the Truman Doctrine- Support countries that were resisting communism.

    • Define the “Marshall Plan.” Explain the goal of the Marshall Plan- using U.S. money to rebuild European economies. The goal was to provide economic relief to non-Communist countries and western Europe so they didn’t turn to Communism  

    • List the outcomes of the Korean War- Korea being dived at the 38th parallel and expanded U.S. involvement in Asia

    • Define “Domino Theory.”- if one govt falls to communism then all the non-communist govt around it will fall to

    • Define the “House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)”- Formed in 1938 to investigate people in the government and Hollywood for communist ties

    • Explain who Joseph McCarthy was- a WI senator who said he had a list of 205 names of communists in the U.S. State Department

    • Define “Mutually Assured Destruction.”- If one side uses its nuclear weapons, the other side will do the same and both will get destroyed

    • Explain the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis- Both sides negotiated, JFK said the U.S. wouldn’t invade Cuba and remove missiles in Turkey and Italy. Soviet leader, Nikita Krushchev said the Soviets would get rid of the missiles bases in Cuba

    • How would you describe the post-WWII economy?- Good, people engaged in consumerism, booming

      • The post-WWII economy was characterized by rapid economic growth, industrial expansion, technological advancements, and the emergence of new global economic powers. Governments implemented policies to rebuild war-torn countries and stimulate economic recovery.

    • Define “suburbanization.”- large movement of families to the suburbs after World War II

    Unit #9- Civil Rights and the 1960s


    Immigration Act of 1965- abolished quotas, opening the doors to "those who can contribute most to this country – to its growth, to its strength, to its spirit." The new law created a preference system that focused on immigrants' skills and family relations with citizens or U. S. residents.

    Civil Disobedience- the active, professed refusal of a citizen to obey certain laws, demands, orders, or commands of a government (or any other authority

    Brown v Board of Education- The results were that Plessy v Ferguson was overturned and the Supreme Court agreed with it

    Thurgood Marshall- NAACP lawyer who argued cases challenging discrimination

    Eisenhower and Central High School,

    Little Rock- 9 black students who tried to attend the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, AK

    Montgomery Bus Boycotts- Non-violent protest where African Americans did not ride the buses until bus segregation was over

    Children’s March- Marches led by children in Alabama

    Rosa Parks- Refused to give up her seat to a white man which sparked the Montgomery bus boycotts

    Malcolm X- believed that change could be achieved by Black Nationalism, African Americans helping their own, militant self-defense, and not trying to change the minds of white people

    Martin Luther King- believed that change for African Americans could be achieved by non-violent direct action(protests), gaining white allies, and political changes securing rights

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964- outlawed employment discrimination and allowed equal access to public accommodations and schools

    Betty Friedan- Wrote The Feminine Mystique which showed that women can be more than just housewives

    Gloria Steinman- American feminist, political activist, and journalist

    Cesar Chavez- Mexican American Civil Rights leader and activist of the 1960s who formed the United Farms Workers org which organized boycotts and strikes for Mexican American farm workers

    Questions for Review:

    • Define “De Jure segregation.”- Segregation by law

    • Define “De Facto segregation.”- Segregation by custom or practice (ex. redlining)

    • Explain who Thurgood Marshall was.- NAACP lawyer who argued cases challenging discrimination (lead Brown v Board)

    • Explain what was being argued in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. List the results of Brown v. Board- Argued segregation was unconstitutional because it denied Brown “equal protection under the law.” The results were that Plessy v Ferguson was overturned and the Supreme Court agreed with it

    • Explain President Eisenhower’s role in school integration and the Little Rock Nine- sent 1000 federal troops to oversee 10,000 National guards to implement integration

    • Describe the Montgomery Bus Boycott- A non-violent protest where African Americans did not ride the buses until bus segregation was over. The results were a ruling that decided the segregation was unconstitutional

    • Explain what happened in the Birmingham Children’s Campaign- Marches led by children in Alabama. It resulted in Pres. JFK supported making federal civil rights legislation which led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    • List and define the different components of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

      • Title VII (7)- outlawed employment discrimination

      • Allowed equal access to public accommodations and schools

    • List a difference between Malcolm X and MLK- Their differences include Malcolm X's beliefs in black people helping their own, black nationalism, self, and not changing white people. However, MLK believed AAs should protest, gain white allies, and secure political rights

    • Define the Black Panther Party- Militant organization that focused on the immediate end to discrimination and protection of African Americans from police violence

    • Explain what role Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta played in the Chicano Movement Both of them formed the United Farms Workers org which organized boycotts and strikes for Mexican American farm workers

    • List what issues the American Indian Movement (AIM) focused on that were caused by colonialism- Government treaty obligations, high unemployment rates, and Indigenous culture and education

    • List who wrote The Feminine Mystique- Betty Friedan

    • Define the Stonewall Inn Riot- Credited as the beginning of the LGBTQ civil rights movement

    • List the Great Society’s main goal- Its goal was to end poverty through the growth of social programs

    • Explain the difference between Medicare and Medicaid- Medicare is for the elderly and Medicaid is for the poor and the disabled

    • Explain why conservatives didn’t like the Great Society🡪 Critics said the Great Society was too expensive, inefficient, too idealistic, and created people dependent on the government

    Unit #10- Vietnam and the 1970s


    Domino Theory- if one government falls to communism then the non-communist governments in the area will fall to communism

    Living Room War- Information and reporting from the war on American television

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- gave Pres LBJ full power to run any operations in Vietnam

    Vietnamization- Turn over fighting ground to the South Vietnamese, reduce U.S. troops, and a “peace with honor strategy”

    Kent State shootings- 1970 National Guardsmen fired into anti-war rally at Kent State University in Ohio, 4 killed

    Cambodia- U.S. invaded and bombed in 1970

    Stagflation- When economic growth goes down while inflation and unemployment goes up

    Détente- Policy of having less tension with the Soviet Union and openness with China

    Hostage Crisis- Iranian students took hostages from the American embassy in Tehran until the Shah was returned. Lasted 14 months until Reagan’s inauguration

    Pentagon Papers- made the American public question continuing to be in Vietnam and the government's motives

    Roe v Wade- Ruled that abortion performed during the 1st trimester was allowed

    Questions for Review: 

    • List who the U.S. supported in the conflict in Vietnam after WWII- The U.S supported France

    • Define what the Ho Chi Minh Trail was- How the Vietcong got supplies from N.Vietman to S. Vietnam, partly through Cambodia

    • Explain why Vietnam was called a Living Room War- Information and reporting about the war was televised on American TV

    • Describe President Lyndon B. Johnson’s role in Vietnam→ Define the Tonkin Gulf Resolution- The golf of Tonkin Resolution gave Pres LBJ full power to run any operations in Vietnam

    • Define what the Tet Offensive was- In 1968 where the Vietcong led an attack on South Vietnam

    • Explain the significance of the Tet Offensive- It was televised and it showed the U.S was not winning the war

    • List what new country the U.S. invaded and bombed in 1970 under Nixon- Cambodia

    • Describe what the actions in that country triggered at home- Student anti-war protests

    • Describe Nixon’s strategy to end the Vietnam War.- Turn over fighting ground to the south Vietnamese, reduce U.S. troops, and a “peace with honor strategy” (Vietnamization)

    • Explain the significance of the Pentagon Papers- It made the American public question continuing to be in Vietnam and the government's motives

    • Define the Watergate Scandal- The break-in at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters resulted in a cover-up

    • Explain what OPEC is- Formed by oil-rich countries to control the price of their oil

    • List the effects of the energy crisis on the U.S. - gas prices increasing by 40%, Americans buying more fuel-efficient foreign cars, unemployment, and inflation which made goods go up by 20%

    • Define “stagflation.”- When economic growth goes down while inflation and unemployment goes up

    • Explain what women’s activism in the 1970s focused on- Rights for women's bodies like women's health, fixing anti-abortion laws, and anti-rape movements 

    Unit #11- 1980s to Present


    Supply-side economics- the idea that lowering taxes increases jobs, savings, and investments

    Deficits- the federal government's spending exceeds its revenues.

    End of the Cold War- 15 republics claiming independence and dissolving in 1991

    Iran Contra- Oliver North allowed the CIA to use money from the Iran weapons deal to fund the contras which violated the Boland Amendment

    1st Persian Gulf War- Saddam Hussien invaded Kuwait in 1990

    Rodney King- Black motorist who was brutally beaten by white officers after a high-speed chase which led to the LA riots

    NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.The goal was to strengthen the US economy by lowering prices on items and making a "Free trade zone”.

    Clinton’s Impeachment- Lied under oath about his affair

    Balancing the Budget- Clinton was able to

    USA Patriot Act- 2001 could monitor citizens and arrest suspected terrorists

    Questions for Review: 

    • List the reasons for the growth of the conservative movement since the 1960s- Less public trust in govt, bad economy with high inflation, backlash against liberal programs, perceived of increasing immorality, changing roles, and failure of foreign policy in Vietnam

    • List the goals of the conservative movement- Smaller govt, less fed spending, strength national defense, promote family values and patriotic ideals, and help business by reducing govt regulation and lowering taxes

    • Explain why Ronald Reagan won the Presidential Election of 1980- He had a charming personality, Pres. Carter was seen as a failure because of the bad economy he hadn’t fixed and the Iran hostage crisis

    • Define “supply side economics” (also known as trickle-down economics or Reaganomics)the - idea that lowering taxes increases jobs, savings, and investments

    • Explain how you achieve supply-side economics.- Cutting taxes which encourages investment, and production, and motivates buying

    • List what event(s) marked the end of the Cold War- 15 countries claiming independence from the USSR and its dissolving in 1991

    • Explain what caused the Persian Gulf War- Iraq invading Kuwait

    • Explain the significance of Rodney King- The riots led to over 50 ppl being killed, $1 billion in damage, none of the officers were convicted, and the racial violence sparked protests

    • Explain what al-Qaeda is and its leader A radical terrorist network whose leader was Osama Bin Laden

    • List accomplishments Clinton had with the federal budget- He was able to balance the budget and reduce the deficit

    • Explain why Clinton was impeached- He lied under oath

    • Explain the results of the Presidential Election of 2000 (beyond who won)- The Supreme Court had to get involved and had to declare GW Bush as president

    • Describe GW Bush’s response to the 9/11 attacks- Invade Afghanistan, declare a “war on terror”, and driving the Taliban out of power

    • Define the U.S. Patriot Act- 2001 could monitor citizens and arrest suspected terrorists

    • Explain why the U.S invaded Iraq- Believed Saddam Hussien had weapons of mass destruction (WMD)