Nat Turner (1800-1831) was a self-declared prophet and an enslaved man who led the most significant slave rebellion in United States history. In August 1831, he orchestrated a revolt in the Southampton County of Virginia, gathering a group of fellow enslaved people and free Black men. Turner's rebellion, often referred to as 'Nat Turner's Rebellion,' aimed to overthrow the institution of slavery.
Over the course of a single day, Turner and his followers killed approximately 55 to 60 white men, women, and children, which made it the deadliest slave revolt in American history. The rebellion began on August 21 and lasted for a day, ultimately leading to a violent backlash against enslaved people and an increase in repressive measures in the South.
Turner claimed to have received visions from God that inspired his actions, believing that he was chosen to lead his people to freedom. After the rebellion was suppressed, many of Turner's allies were captured, tried, and executed. Turner himself went into hiding for several weeks but was eventually caught, tried, and hanged in November 1831. His rebellion instigated heightened fears among slaveholders and catalyzed harsher laws against the already suppressed group of African American people.