The Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution:
Initiated Scientific Rev.
Idea that the sun is the center of the universe not the earth
Introduced by Nicolas Copernicus on his observation of the movements of the sky
Cosmology: Model of the universe
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Enlightenment philosopher
Lived in 18th Century 1712-1778
Famous book of the social contract
Political power is an agreement from the ruler to the ruled.
Man was born innocent, but society is what corrupts people.
Civilization was based on the rich and the poor, poor were tricked into injustice
Society needed to be based on the will of the people
Influential for the American revolution and education LEQ
Popular Sovereignty
People are the ultimate power in society, analogous to Will of the people
Related to nationalism
People should be in power of their political destiny
Divine Right of Kings
European states and kings justification of their rule
St Augustine, City of God, two cities, city of man and city of god
City of man is political authority
City of God is Christian believers
City of Man’s authority to protect the Christian church
Kings rule should be absolute, sanctioned by god, religious justification
Challenging of this starts the Enlightenment, based on consent of governed. Secular theories
Enlightenment critique of Christianity
Thoughts on the natural world
Creating of new religious orientation, Deism
Philosophers rejected the stories of miracles and how God has intervened in the world
Maintained belief that God created everything based on a set of laws, then was hands off letting the world run
Metaphor of a clockmaker, letting the clock run
Many philosophers and founding fathers were deist.
Ptolemaic Universe
original cosmology of Claudius Ptolemy.
Explanation of the sky, Geocentric cosmology, earth centered
Noticed that stars would go back and forth
Reconciled this by idea of precession, stars are circling the earth and also rotating around another axis point.
Part of enlightenment
People with education, doctors, educators, engineers, scientists.
Adopted enlightenment ideals, read philosophers
Their writings popularized the idea of progress.
Notion that through the scientific revolution, if people learned about the world, they could learn how the world works, and improve themselves
Bad actions were based on bad ideas.
Improving society by informing about the world
Belief in progress
harshest critics of the church
Most famous was Voltaire
Thomas Hobbes
Initiator of the enlightenment
Published the Leviathan
Explains nature of political power, based upon the English civil war
Essential nature of man is bad, self interested, greedy, do worst to other man to get what they need
Political power is a contract between the ruler and the ruled
If the ruler can provide stability and peace, they deserve the loyalty of their subjects
Loyalty should be absolute, not challenged
First instance of the social contract
John Locke
Successor to Hobbes
Social contract theory
lived through the glorious revolution, change of dynasties 1688
bloodless revolution
Opposite conclusion of Hobbes, man is good, wants to live with people cooperately
Inalienable rights, rights when they are born
Right to life, liberty, property.
Social contract that the leader ruled with loyalty, if they retained the inalienable rights
If they don’t, the people have the right to overthrow them and place a new leader.
Justification for revoltuion
Galileo Galilei
Italian scientist 1564-1642
Greatest scientist of his age
Created telescope to observe the stars
Helped confirm Copernicus theory of heliocentrism.
Astronomical discoveries, Jupiter’s moons, sunspots, craters.
Enhancement of man’s observation through tech innovations.
Published in the starry messenger in 1610, proved Copernicus theory
Catholic church rejects his argument, he is put under house arrest.
Pioneers of the scientific method, evidence and testing.
The Atlantic Revolutions
Maximillian Robespierre
Leader of French revolution 1758-1794
Killed by guillotine
Lawyer, influenced by enlightenment, advocated for execution's of Louie 16th
Used terror to preserve the revolution and his power.
Promoted equality and overthrow of aristocrats
Universal suffrage
Rights of Man
List of rights for all French
Simon Bolivar
Leader of Latin American Revolutions 1783-1830
Venezuelan Creole
Influenced by enlightenment philosophy, taken back to South America, influenced people to rebel
Ideal to throw off European rule and to create a nation-state of Latin American Countries
Grand Colombia, nation-state he made
Geographically too spread out, too diverse, fell apart after his death
Bolivia named after him
Haitian Revolution
Took place in Haiti in 1791
Richest New World colony, 8000 plantations with Black African slave labor
Not many Europeans
Slave conditions were brutal.
Set conditions of French Rev.
Starts with Slave revolt, quickly gets out of control
Civil War between slaves and Europeans.
Successful, French unsuccessful in trying to stop it
First successful slave revolt, first free state
Led by Toussaint L’Ouverture
Achieves independence of a Black African dominated society
Breaks up plantation and given to slaves
Remains in economic strain
Payed indignity to France for their freedom, crippling to the economy.
Export of Cash Crops. Economically dependent on Europe
7 Years War
Great Britain and France.
Global conflict, not generally fought in Europe
North America, India and the Oceans
Great Britain wins, kicks France out of India, monopolizes European trade.
Take over trade in India, BEIC.
NA, France loses territory, Indian allies also lose territory so British colonists can expand westward
Bankrupts French Gov.
Sets up the French Rev. Famine, poverty, social unrest
British set up taxes for NA colonists, sets up the American Revolution.
The Rights of Man
Most important doc. from French Rev.
Articulates fundamental rights of all citizens under the revolution
Human equality
Analogous to the Bill of Rights
Consequences of Revolution:
Baptist War
Abolitionist Movement in Great Britain
takes place in Jamaica
1831, huge slave uprising, slaves and maroon colonies
Came to accommodation and truce.
Brought instability to Jamaica, led to gov. believing slavery is not worth it
Led to slavery abolitionist act.
Elizabeth Cady-Stanton
Leader of 19th century feminism 1815-1902
Organized the gathering of feminists in New York
Formulated the Declaration of the Rights of sentiments, modeling of Dec of Independence.
Pushed for female suffrage, becomes focus of the feminist movement
Pays off, New Zealand first to recognize female suffrage, 1920 in USA
Maternal Feminism
Argues that women deserve suffrage since they take care of children
They should have a say in political affairs.
Acts of British Parliament + Abolitionist
Acts that led to the abolitionist movement
Quakers, believed slavery is evil
Write about conditions of the slave trade
builds support for the movement.
First political attempts to abolish slavery
British parliament passes slave trade act, penalizes with fines
1811, passes felony slave trade act, can go to jail.
Proclaimed French Emperor
Soldier of French army
He was an effective commander, becomes top general
Takes over French gov.
Puts end to democracy
Promoted equality of all Frenchmen
Napoleonic Code, did away with legal privilege.
Laws that were applied to you were equal among everyone.
Champions a rational gov. Bureaucracy of merit.
Based on education, not family name or connections
Promoted Nationalism. Defying unit. Shared language culture and history.
Soldiers spread Nationalism in other parts of the world.
Direct challenge to Monarchy, they rule by divine right of kings. Nationalism says that political power is determined by the nation of the people. Shared culture
Defeated by British, died in 1821
Industrial Revolutions
Enclosure Movement
Pre-condition of Indus Rev.
Reorganization of agricultural and rural land.
Aristocrat owned undeveloped land, where peasants and commoners used the resources to sustain themselves.
Aristocrats wanted to gain money from them.
They fenced off the land, set off huge migration of peasants to cities
Made a huge labor force for the Industrial rev.
Adam Smith
Scottish economist
Justifier of Industrial Capitalism
Wealth of Nations of 1776.
Argued for Laissez Faire economics that argues that Government should never intervene with economic activity
Makes it inefficient and less profitable
Should be guided by supply and demand, and the market
Would be most efficient.
Critiquing mercantilism, encouraging exports
Allowed industrial capitalist to do whatever they wanted, bad conditions, employ children
Capitalist Bible
Bessemer Process
Initiates second Indus rev.
Process in how steel is created
If you inject oxygen when smelting iron, it creates a stronger iron
Steel replaces iron. Used for buildings and transport
Primary material of Second indus rev.
5 stages of History
Karl Marx theory of historical development, and how it will lead to a better future Communist Manifesto
Based on his observations of European history
Notion of historical materialism. The way people acquire goods, determines organization.
Primitive communism: Hunter and Gatherer societies. Development of settled Agriculture brought end to this stage. Private property.
Slave Holding society: Need labor force to work lands. Constant warfare ends the era.
Feudal Stage: Weak kings, landowning aristocracy controls land, and tries to make manors, self-sufficient places.
Provides protection for peasantry. Serfdom, controlled by lord. Rise of commerce and trade undermines self-sufficiency. Commercial class arises outside feudalism.
Capitalism: Stage that Marx lived in. Profit motive reigns supreme. Do anything to make a profit, factory owners pay as little as possible for workers. Exploitation of proletariat. Oppressions of working class would rise up and overthrow Industrial capitalists.
Communist Stage: Workers will own things in society, determine how things are allocated. Last stage of history. No contradiction.
Gave working class people hope.
Division of Labor
Josiah Wedgewood
Pottery making had lots of steps
Realized that one person could do one step, speeding up the process, making all the things uniform.
Higher quality, safer transport, and could pack more.
Increased profits
Applied to production of any goods.
Thomas Malthus
Argued that population size is limited by resources
Lack of adequate food, famine, people would die off
Influenced Darwin
Working conditions were bad, because proletariat had too many babies
Too many workers, labor devalued
Should have fewer children, marry later, more morally restrained
Less population, labor would be valued more
Blames victim for their own suffering
Important power source of 2nd Indus. Rev.
Used to run generators, improvement over coal fired engines.
Steady power source. Improve work conditions by providing light, improved gas lights.
Electrification of factories and cities.
White Man’s Burden
Social Darwinism
Use of Darwinist ideas to explain inequality
Justifies imperialism and colonialism
Reason for conquering is since they have a responsibility to introduce western ideas to people, so they evolve.
Moral obligation to improve the people they colonize
The Decent of Man
Charles Darwin book 1871
Attempt to apply theories of bio. to human evolution and culture.
LDCs are an expression of human evolution. Lesser evolved.
Origin of Species
1859, Darwin book of his observations in the Galapagos
Theorizes that differences of species are determined by environmental pressures over time
Struggle for existence is between same species
Those that survive are those that are adapted to survive, due to some biological change
They will survive and pass on their adaptations to their offspring.
Important work
European Imperialism
Emperor Kangxi
3rd Emperor of the Qing dynasty. 1654-1722
Stabilized Qing China
Revitalized Exam system, Confucian teachings and culture
Helps peasants, giving land, reducing taxes
Improved road systems
Open to western ideas and tech
Good terms with Jesuits, let them be missionaries
Adopted western technology
Greatest Qing empire
Indian National Congress
Part of British rule in India
British gov. allowed BEIC to control India
Sepoy rebellion made India a crown colony, of the British gov.
Implemented modernization program, created universal education, railroads
United India, nationalist conscience.
Thought that India should be free from British rule
Approach to independence was non-confrontational and gradual.
Should modernize, then British would give them liberty
Congress dominated by Hindus, advocated for their beliefs
Muslims resented this.
Created Muslim league to cater towards Muslims.
Organization working towards India’s independence
BEIC Control over India
Start to take control after 7 years war
Own private army
Become involved in state politics in Mughal Empire
Fragmented Mughal Empire
Needed Indian people to provide for BEIC, greatly enriching them, detrimental to India’s economy.
BEIC takes over different parts of India
Only about 1000 people in BEIC, to rule India, they relied on local leaders, incorporating them into their interests
Mughal emperor stays on the throne. Legitimizes the authority of local leaders.
Leads to Sepoy Rebellion
Insensitive towards Indian culture, superiority. End up offending Indians
Employed Indian soldiers to fight for BEIC called sepoys
Rifle introduced, greased with pork and beef fat. Sacrilegious to Hindus and Muslims
Led to the Sepoy revolt.
Convinced British gov. that the BEIC could not control India, so they take over the Mughal empire. British Crown, called British Raj.
Congo Free State
Relates to the Scramble for Africa
Exploitation of Europeans
Personal possession of Belgian king.
Berlin Conference of 1884 led by Otto Van Bismark
Drew lines to divide up Africa.
Belgian king argued that he should take control of the congo.
Has valuable resources, rubber, diamonds.
Belgians exploit the area, basically enslave natives
Chopped off hands and feet as punishment.
50% of population died.
Showed how the White Man’s burden was hypocritical
Boer War:
South Africa. Zulu population and small British and Dutch population called Afrikkaners.
in the 1890s gold is discovered in Dutch Land, British want to take over.
Dutch Boers are outgunned and outnumbered by British however they resist them.
British win the war, but they create a new state with the Dutch called the Union of South Africa with Dutch Afrikaners, British, and Black Africans.
Laws that legally separate them races. Called Apartheid Laws.
Created Union of South Africa and Apartheid
Africanization of Christianity
Christian Missionaries came to Africa
Sub-Sahara Christianized
Frequent African traditions, beliefs, and rituals
Create churched independent of European structure
Blend Christianity with African Values
similar to Islam in West Africa.