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AP WH Unit 3 1750-1900

The Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution:


  • Initiated Scientific Rev.

  • Idea that the sun is the center of the universe not the earth

  • Introduced by Nicolas Copernicus on his observation of the movements of the sky

  • Cosmology: Model of the universe

Jean Jacques Rousseau

  • Enlightenment philosopher

  • Lived in 18th Century 1712-1778

  • Famous book of the social contract

  • Political power is an agreement from the ruler to the ruled.

  • Man was born innocent, but society is what corrupts people.

  • Civilization was based on the rich and the poor, poor were tricked into injustice

  • Society needed to be based on the will of the people

  • Influential for the American revolution and education LEQ

Popular Sovereignty

  • People are the ultimate power in society, analogous to Will of the people

  • Related to nationalism

  • People should be in power of their political destiny

Divine Right of Kings

  • European states and kings justification of their rule

  • St Augustine, City of God, two cities, city of man and city of god

  • City of man is political authority

  • City of God is Christian believers

  • City of Man’s authority to protect the Christian church

  • Kings rule should be absolute, sanctioned by god, religious justification

  • Challenging of this starts the Enlightenment, based on consent of governed. Secular theories


  • Enlightenment critique of Christianity

  • Thoughts on the natural world

  • Creating of new religious orientation, Deism

  • Philosophers rejected the stories of miracles and how God has intervened in the world

  • Maintained belief that God created everything based on a set of laws, then was hands off letting the world run

  • Metaphor of a clockmaker, letting the clock run

  • Many philosophers and founding fathers were deist.

Ptolemaic Universe

  • original cosmology of Claudius Ptolemy.

  • Explanation of the sky, Geocentric cosmology, earth centered

  • Noticed that stars would go back and forth

  • Reconciled this by idea of precession, stars are circling the earth and also rotating around another axis point.


  • Part of enlightenment

  • People with education, doctors, educators, engineers, scientists.

  • Adopted enlightenment ideals, read philosophers

  • Their writings popularized the idea of progress.

  • Notion that through the scientific revolution, if people learned about the world, they could learn how the world works, and improve themselves

  • Bad actions were based on bad ideas.

  • Improving society by informing about the world

  • Belief in progress

  • harshest critics of the church

  • Most famous was Voltaire

Thomas Hobbes

  • Initiator of the enlightenment

  • 1588-1679

  • Published the Leviathan

  • Explains nature of political power, based upon the English civil war

  • Essential nature of man is bad, self interested, greedy, do worst to other man to get what they need

  • Political power is a contract between the ruler and the ruled

  • If the ruler can provide stability and peace, they deserve the loyalty of their subjects

  • Loyalty should be absolute, not challenged

  • First instance of the social contract

John Locke

  • Successor to Hobbes

  • Social contract theory

  • lived through the glorious revolution, change of dynasties 1688

  • bloodless revolution

  • Opposite conclusion of Hobbes, man is good, wants to live with people cooperately

  • Inalienable rights, rights when they are born

  • Right to life, liberty, property.

  • Social contract that the leader ruled with loyalty, if they retained the inalienable rights

  • If they don’t, the people have the right to overthrow them and place a new leader.

  • Justification for revoltuion

Galileo Galilei

  • Italian scientist 1564-1642

  • Greatest scientist of his age

  • Created telescope to observe the stars

  • Helped confirm Copernicus theory of heliocentrism.

  • Astronomical discoveries, Jupiter’s moons, sunspots, craters.

  • Enhancement of man’s observation through tech innovations.

  • Published in the starry messenger in 1610, proved Copernicus theory

  • Catholic church rejects his argument, he is put under house arrest.

  • Pioneers of the scientific method, evidence and testing.

The Atlantic Revolutions

Maximillian Robespierre

  • Leader of French revolution 1758-1794

  • Killed by guillotine

  • Lawyer, influenced by enlightenment, advocated for execution's of Louie 16th

  • Used terror to preserve the revolution and his power.

  • Promoted equality and overthrow of aristocrats

  • Abolitionist

  • Universal suffrage

Rights of Man

  • List of rights for all French

Simon Bolivar

  • Leader of Latin American Revolutions 1783-1830

  • Venezuelan Creole

  • Influenced by enlightenment philosophy, taken back to South America, influenced people to rebel

  • Ideal to throw off European rule and to create a nation-state of Latin American Countries

  • Grand Colombia, nation-state he made

  • Geographically too spread out, too diverse, fell apart after his death

  • Bolivia named after him

Haitian Revolution

  • Took place in Haiti in 1791

  • Richest New World colony, 8000 plantations with Black African slave labor

  • Not many Europeans

  • Slave conditions were brutal.

  • Set conditions of French Rev.

  • Starts with Slave revolt, quickly gets out of control

  • Civil War between slaves and Europeans.

  • Successful, French unsuccessful in trying to stop it

  • First successful slave revolt, first free state

  • Led by Toussaint L’Ouverture

  • Achieves independence of a Black African dominated society

  • Breaks up plantation and given to slaves

  • Remains in economic strain

  • Payed indignity to France for their freedom, crippling to the economy.

  • Export of Cash Crops. Economically dependent on Europe

7 Years War

  • Great Britain and France.

  • Global conflict, not generally fought in Europe

  • North America, India and the Oceans

  • Great Britain wins, kicks France out of India, monopolizes European trade.

  • Take over trade in India, BEIC.

  • NA, France loses territory, Indian allies also lose territory so British colonists can expand westward

  • Bankrupts French Gov.

  • Sets up the French Rev. Famine, poverty, social unrest

  • British set up taxes for NA colonists, sets up the American Revolution.

The Rights of Man

  • Most important doc. from French Rev.

  • Articulates fundamental rights of all citizens under the revolution

  • Human equality

  • Analogous to the Bill of Rights

Consequences of Revolution:

Baptist War

  • Abolitionist Movement in Great Britain

  • takes place in Jamaica

  • 1831, huge slave uprising, slaves and maroon colonies

  • Came to accommodation and truce.

  • Brought instability to Jamaica, led to gov. believing slavery is not worth it

  • Led to slavery abolitionist act.

Elizabeth Cady-Stanton

  • Leader of 19th century feminism 1815-1902

  • Organized the gathering of feminists in New York

  • Formulated the Declaration of the Rights of sentiments, modeling of Dec of Independence.

  • Pushed for female suffrage, becomes focus of the feminist movement

  • Pays off, New Zealand first to recognize female suffrage, 1920 in USA

Maternal Feminism

  • Argues that women deserve suffrage since they take care of children

  • They should have a say in political affairs.

Acts of British Parliament + Abolitionist

  • Acts that led to the abolitionist movement

  • Quakers, believed slavery is evil

  • Write about conditions of the slave trade

  • builds support for the movement.

  • First political attempts to abolish slavery

  • British parliament passes slave trade act, penalizes with fines

  • 1811, passes felony slave trade act, can go to jail.


  • Proclaimed French Emperor

  • Soldier of French army

  • He was an effective commander, becomes top general

  • Takes over French gov.

  • Puts end to democracy

  • Promoted equality of all Frenchmen

  • Napoleonic Code, did away with legal privilege.

  • Laws that were applied to you were equal among everyone.

  • Champions a rational gov. Bureaucracy of merit.

  • Based on education, not family name or connections

  • Promoted Nationalism. Defying unit. Shared language culture and history.

  • Soldiers spread Nationalism in other parts of the world.

  • Direct challenge to Monarchy, they rule by divine right of kings. Nationalism says that political power is determined by the nation of the people. Shared culture

  • Defeated by British, died in 1821

Industrial Revolutions

Enclosure Movement

  • Pre-condition of Indus Rev.

  • Reorganization of agricultural and rural land.

  • Aristocrat owned undeveloped land, where peasants and commoners used the resources to sustain themselves.

  • Aristocrats wanted to gain money from them.

  • They fenced off the land, set off huge migration of peasants to cities

  • Made a huge labor force for the Industrial rev.

Adam Smith

  • Scottish economist

  • 1723-1790

  • Justifier of Industrial Capitalism

  • Wealth of Nations of 1776.

  • Argued for Laissez Faire economics that argues that Government should never intervene with economic activity

  • Makes it inefficient and less profitable

  • Should be guided by supply and demand, and the market

  • Would be most efficient.

  • Critiquing mercantilism, encouraging exports

  • Allowed industrial capitalist to do whatever they wanted, bad conditions, employ children

  • Capitalist Bible

Bessemer Process

  • Initiates second Indus rev.

  • Process in how steel is created

  • If you inject oxygen when smelting iron, it creates a stronger iron

  • Steel replaces iron. Used for buildings and transport

  • Primary material of Second indus rev.

5 stages of History

  • Karl Marx theory of historical development, and how it will lead to a better future Communist Manifesto

  • Based on his observations of European history

  • Notion of historical materialism. The way people acquire goods, determines organization.

  • Primitive communism: Hunter and Gatherer societies. Development of settled Agriculture brought end to this stage. Private property.

  • Slave Holding society: Need labor force to work lands. Constant warfare ends the era.

  • Feudal Stage: Weak kings, landowning aristocracy controls land, and tries to make manors, self-sufficient places.

  • Provides protection for peasantry. Serfdom, controlled by lord. Rise of commerce and trade undermines self-sufficiency. Commercial class arises outside feudalism.

  • Capitalism: Stage that Marx lived in. Profit motive reigns supreme. Do anything to make a profit, factory owners pay as little as possible for workers. Exploitation of proletariat. Oppressions of working class would rise up and overthrow Industrial capitalists.

  • Communist Stage: Workers will own things in society, determine how things are allocated. Last stage of history. No contradiction.

  • Gave working class people hope.

Division of Labor

  • Josiah Wedgewood

  • Pottery making had lots of steps

  • Realized that one person could do one step, speeding up the process, making all the things uniform.

  • Higher quality, safer transport, and could pack more.

  • Increased profits

  • Applied to production of any goods.

Thomas Malthus

  • Argued that population size is limited by resources

  • Lack of adequate food, famine, people would die off

  • Influenced Darwin

  • Working conditions were bad, because proletariat had too many babies

  • Overproduced

  • Too many workers, labor devalued

  • Should have fewer children, marry later, more morally restrained

  • Less population, labor would be valued more

  • Blames victim for their own suffering


  • Important power source of 2nd Indus. Rev.

  • Used to run generators, improvement over coal fired engines.

  • Steady power source. Improve work conditions by providing light, improved gas lights.

  • Electrification of factories and cities.


White Man’s Burden

  • Social Darwinism

  • Use of Darwinist ideas to explain inequality

  • Justifies imperialism and colonialism

  • Reason for conquering is since they have a responsibility to introduce western ideas to people, so they evolve.

  • Moral obligation to improve the people they colonize

The Decent of Man

  • Charles Darwin book 1871

  • Attempt to apply theories of bio. to human evolution and culture.

  • LDCs are an expression of human evolution. Lesser evolved.

Origin of Species

  • 1859, Darwin book of his observations in the Galapagos

  • Theorizes that differences of species are determined by environmental pressures over time

  • Struggle for existence is between same species

  • Those that survive are those that are adapted to survive, due to some biological change

  • They will survive and pass on their adaptations to their offspring.

  • Important work

European Imperialism

Emperor Kangxi

  • 3rd Emperor of the Qing dynasty. 1654-1722

  • Stabilized Qing China

  • Revitalized Exam system, Confucian teachings and culture

  • Helps peasants, giving land, reducing taxes

  • Improved road systems

  • Open to western ideas and tech

  • Good terms with Jesuits, let them be missionaries

  • Adopted western technology

  • Greatest Qing empire

Indian National Congress

  • Part of British rule in India

  • British gov. allowed BEIC to control India

  • Sepoy rebellion made India a crown colony, of the British gov.

  • Implemented modernization program, created universal education, railroads

  • United India, nationalist conscience.

  • Thought that India should be free from British rule

  • Approach to independence was non-confrontational and gradual.

  • Should modernize, then British would give them liberty

  • Congress dominated by Hindus, advocated for their beliefs

  • Muslims resented this.

  • Created Muslim league to cater towards Muslims.

  • Organization working towards India’s independence

BEIC Control over India

  • Start to take control after 7 years war

  • Own private army

  • Become involved in state politics in Mughal Empire

  • Fragmented Mughal Empire

  • Needed Indian people to provide for BEIC, greatly enriching them, detrimental to India’s economy.

  • BEIC takes over different parts of India

  • Only about 1000 people in BEIC, to rule India, they relied on local leaders, incorporating them into their interests

  • Mughal emperor stays on the throne. Legitimizes the authority of local leaders.

  • Leads to Sepoy Rebellion

  • Insensitive towards Indian culture, superiority. End up offending Indians

  • Employed Indian soldiers to fight for BEIC called sepoys

  • Rifle introduced, greased with pork and beef fat. Sacrilegious to Hindus and Muslims

  • Led to the Sepoy revolt.

  • Convinced British gov. that the BEIC could not control India, so they take over the Mughal empire. British Crown, called British Raj.

Congo Free State

  • Relates to the Scramble for Africa

  • Exploitation of Europeans

  • Personal possession of Belgian king.

  • Berlin Conference of 1884 led by Otto Van Bismark

  • Drew lines to divide up Africa.

  • Belgian king argued that he should take control of the congo.

  • Has valuable resources, rubber, diamonds.

  • Belgians exploit the area, basically enslave natives

  • Chopped off hands and feet as punishment.

  • 50% of population died.

  • Showed how the White Man’s burden was hypocritical

Boer War:

  • South Africa. Zulu population and small British and Dutch population called Afrikkaners.

  • in the 1890s gold is discovered in Dutch Land, British want to take over.

  • Dutch Boers are outgunned and outnumbered by British however they resist them.

  • British win the war, but they create a new state with the Dutch called the Union of South Africa with Dutch Afrikaners, British, and Black Africans.

  • Laws that legally separate them races. Called Apartheid Laws.

  • Created Union of South Africa and Apartheid

Africanization of Christianity

  • Christian Missionaries came to Africa

  • Sub-Sahara Christianized

  • Frequent African traditions, beliefs, and rituals

  • Create churched independent of European structure

  • Blend Christianity with African Values

  • similar to Islam in West Africa.


AP WH Unit 3 1750-1900

The Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution:


  • Initiated Scientific Rev.

  • Idea that the sun is the center of the universe not the earth

  • Introduced by Nicolas Copernicus on his observation of the movements of the sky

  • Cosmology: Model of the universe

Jean Jacques Rousseau

  • Enlightenment philosopher

  • Lived in 18th Century 1712-1778

  • Famous book of the social contract

  • Political power is an agreement from the ruler to the ruled.

  • Man was born innocent, but society is what corrupts people.

  • Civilization was based on the rich and the poor, poor were tricked into injustice

  • Society needed to be based on the will of the people

  • Influential for the American revolution and education LEQ

Popular Sovereignty

  • People are the ultimate power in society, analogous to Will of the people

  • Related to nationalism

  • People should be in power of their political destiny

Divine Right of Kings

  • European states and kings justification of their rule

  • St Augustine, City of God, two cities, city of man and city of god

  • City of man is political authority

  • City of God is Christian believers

  • City of Man’s authority to protect the Christian church

  • Kings rule should be absolute, sanctioned by god, religious justification

  • Challenging of this starts the Enlightenment, based on consent of governed. Secular theories


  • Enlightenment critique of Christianity

  • Thoughts on the natural world

  • Creating of new religious orientation, Deism

  • Philosophers rejected the stories of miracles and how God has intervened in the world

  • Maintained belief that God created everything based on a set of laws, then was hands off letting the world run

  • Metaphor of a clockmaker, letting the clock run

  • Many philosophers and founding fathers were deist.

Ptolemaic Universe

  • original cosmology of Claudius Ptolemy.

  • Explanation of the sky, Geocentric cosmology, earth centered

  • Noticed that stars would go back and forth

  • Reconciled this by idea of precession, stars are circling the earth and also rotating around another axis point.


  • Part of enlightenment

  • People with education, doctors, educators, engineers, scientists.

  • Adopted enlightenment ideals, read philosophers

  • Their writings popularized the idea of progress.

  • Notion that through the scientific revolution, if people learned about the world, they could learn how the world works, and improve themselves

  • Bad actions were based on bad ideas.

  • Improving society by informing about the world

  • Belief in progress

  • harshest critics of the church

  • Most famous was Voltaire

Thomas Hobbes

  • Initiator of the enlightenment

  • 1588-1679

  • Published the Leviathan

  • Explains nature of political power, based upon the English civil war

  • Essential nature of man is bad, self interested, greedy, do worst to other man to get what they need

  • Political power is a contract between the ruler and the ruled

  • If the ruler can provide stability and peace, they deserve the loyalty of their subjects

  • Loyalty should be absolute, not challenged

  • First instance of the social contract

John Locke

  • Successor to Hobbes

  • Social contract theory

  • lived through the glorious revolution, change of dynasties 1688

  • bloodless revolution

  • Opposite conclusion of Hobbes, man is good, wants to live with people cooperately

  • Inalienable rights, rights when they are born

  • Right to life, liberty, property.

  • Social contract that the leader ruled with loyalty, if they retained the inalienable rights

  • If they don’t, the people have the right to overthrow them and place a new leader.

  • Justification for revoltuion

Galileo Galilei

  • Italian scientist 1564-1642

  • Greatest scientist of his age

  • Created telescope to observe the stars

  • Helped confirm Copernicus theory of heliocentrism.

  • Astronomical discoveries, Jupiter’s moons, sunspots, craters.

  • Enhancement of man’s observation through tech innovations.

  • Published in the starry messenger in 1610, proved Copernicus theory

  • Catholic church rejects his argument, he is put under house arrest.

  • Pioneers of the scientific method, evidence and testing.

The Atlantic Revolutions

Maximillian Robespierre

  • Leader of French revolution 1758-1794

  • Killed by guillotine

  • Lawyer, influenced by enlightenment, advocated for execution's of Louie 16th

  • Used terror to preserve the revolution and his power.

  • Promoted equality and overthrow of aristocrats

  • Abolitionist

  • Universal suffrage

Rights of Man

  • List of rights for all French

Simon Bolivar

  • Leader of Latin American Revolutions 1783-1830

  • Venezuelan Creole

  • Influenced by enlightenment philosophy, taken back to South America, influenced people to rebel

  • Ideal to throw off European rule and to create a nation-state of Latin American Countries

  • Grand Colombia, nation-state he made

  • Geographically too spread out, too diverse, fell apart after his death

  • Bolivia named after him

Haitian Revolution

  • Took place in Haiti in 1791

  • Richest New World colony, 8000 plantations with Black African slave labor

  • Not many Europeans

  • Slave conditions were brutal.

  • Set conditions of French Rev.

  • Starts with Slave revolt, quickly gets out of control

  • Civil War between slaves and Europeans.

  • Successful, French unsuccessful in trying to stop it

  • First successful slave revolt, first free state

  • Led by Toussaint L’Ouverture

  • Achieves independence of a Black African dominated society

  • Breaks up plantation and given to slaves

  • Remains in economic strain

  • Payed indignity to France for their freedom, crippling to the economy.

  • Export of Cash Crops. Economically dependent on Europe

7 Years War

  • Great Britain and France.

  • Global conflict, not generally fought in Europe

  • North America, India and the Oceans

  • Great Britain wins, kicks France out of India, monopolizes European trade.

  • Take over trade in India, BEIC.

  • NA, France loses territory, Indian allies also lose territory so British colonists can expand westward

  • Bankrupts French Gov.

  • Sets up the French Rev. Famine, poverty, social unrest

  • British set up taxes for NA colonists, sets up the American Revolution.

The Rights of Man

  • Most important doc. from French Rev.

  • Articulates fundamental rights of all citizens under the revolution

  • Human equality

  • Analogous to the Bill of Rights

Consequences of Revolution:

Baptist War

  • Abolitionist Movement in Great Britain

  • takes place in Jamaica

  • 1831, huge slave uprising, slaves and maroon colonies

  • Came to accommodation and truce.

  • Brought instability to Jamaica, led to gov. believing slavery is not worth it

  • Led to slavery abolitionist act.

Elizabeth Cady-Stanton

  • Leader of 19th century feminism 1815-1902

  • Organized the gathering of feminists in New York

  • Formulated the Declaration of the Rights of sentiments, modeling of Dec of Independence.

  • Pushed for female suffrage, becomes focus of the feminist movement

  • Pays off, New Zealand first to recognize female suffrage, 1920 in USA

Maternal Feminism

  • Argues that women deserve suffrage since they take care of children

  • They should have a say in political affairs.

Acts of British Parliament + Abolitionist

  • Acts that led to the abolitionist movement

  • Quakers, believed slavery is evil

  • Write about conditions of the slave trade

  • builds support for the movement.

  • First political attempts to abolish slavery

  • British parliament passes slave trade act, penalizes with fines

  • 1811, passes felony slave trade act, can go to jail.


  • Proclaimed French Emperor

  • Soldier of French army

  • He was an effective commander, becomes top general

  • Takes over French gov.

  • Puts end to democracy

  • Promoted equality of all Frenchmen

  • Napoleonic Code, did away with legal privilege.

  • Laws that were applied to you were equal among everyone.

  • Champions a rational gov. Bureaucracy of merit.

  • Based on education, not family name or connections

  • Promoted Nationalism. Defying unit. Shared language culture and history.

  • Soldiers spread Nationalism in other parts of the world.

  • Direct challenge to Monarchy, they rule by divine right of kings. Nationalism says that political power is determined by the nation of the people. Shared culture

  • Defeated by British, died in 1821

Industrial Revolutions

Enclosure Movement

  • Pre-condition of Indus Rev.

  • Reorganization of agricultural and rural land.

  • Aristocrat owned undeveloped land, where peasants and commoners used the resources to sustain themselves.

  • Aristocrats wanted to gain money from them.

  • They fenced off the land, set off huge migration of peasants to cities

  • Made a huge labor force for the Industrial rev.

Adam Smith

  • Scottish economist

  • 1723-1790

  • Justifier of Industrial Capitalism

  • Wealth of Nations of 1776.

  • Argued for Laissez Faire economics that argues that Government should never intervene with economic activity

  • Makes it inefficient and less profitable

  • Should be guided by supply and demand, and the market

  • Would be most efficient.

  • Critiquing mercantilism, encouraging exports

  • Allowed industrial capitalist to do whatever they wanted, bad conditions, employ children

  • Capitalist Bible

Bessemer Process

  • Initiates second Indus rev.

  • Process in how steel is created

  • If you inject oxygen when smelting iron, it creates a stronger iron

  • Steel replaces iron. Used for buildings and transport

  • Primary material of Second indus rev.

5 stages of History

  • Karl Marx theory of historical development, and how it will lead to a better future Communist Manifesto

  • Based on his observations of European history

  • Notion of historical materialism. The way people acquire goods, determines organization.

  • Primitive communism: Hunter and Gatherer societies. Development of settled Agriculture brought end to this stage. Private property.

  • Slave Holding society: Need labor force to work lands. Constant warfare ends the era.

  • Feudal Stage: Weak kings, landowning aristocracy controls land, and tries to make manors, self-sufficient places.

  • Provides protection for peasantry. Serfdom, controlled by lord. Rise of commerce and trade undermines self-sufficiency. Commercial class arises outside feudalism.

  • Capitalism: Stage that Marx lived in. Profit motive reigns supreme. Do anything to make a profit, factory owners pay as little as possible for workers. Exploitation of proletariat. Oppressions of working class would rise up and overthrow Industrial capitalists.

  • Communist Stage: Workers will own things in society, determine how things are allocated. Last stage of history. No contradiction.

  • Gave working class people hope.

Division of Labor

  • Josiah Wedgewood

  • Pottery making had lots of steps

  • Realized that one person could do one step, speeding up the process, making all the things uniform.

  • Higher quality, safer transport, and could pack more.

  • Increased profits

  • Applied to production of any goods.

Thomas Malthus

  • Argued that population size is limited by resources

  • Lack of adequate food, famine, people would die off

  • Influenced Darwin

  • Working conditions were bad, because proletariat had too many babies

  • Overproduced

  • Too many workers, labor devalued

  • Should have fewer children, marry later, more morally restrained

  • Less population, labor would be valued more

  • Blames victim for their own suffering


  • Important power source of 2nd Indus. Rev.

  • Used to run generators, improvement over coal fired engines.

  • Steady power source. Improve work conditions by providing light, improved gas lights.

  • Electrification of factories and cities.


White Man’s Burden

  • Social Darwinism

  • Use of Darwinist ideas to explain inequality

  • Justifies imperialism and colonialism

  • Reason for conquering is since they have a responsibility to introduce western ideas to people, so they evolve.

  • Moral obligation to improve the people they colonize

The Decent of Man

  • Charles Darwin book 1871

  • Attempt to apply theories of bio. to human evolution and culture.

  • LDCs are an expression of human evolution. Lesser evolved.

Origin of Species

  • 1859, Darwin book of his observations in the Galapagos

  • Theorizes that differences of species are determined by environmental pressures over time

  • Struggle for existence is between same species

  • Those that survive are those that are adapted to survive, due to some biological change

  • They will survive and pass on their adaptations to their offspring.

  • Important work

European Imperialism

Emperor Kangxi

  • 3rd Emperor of the Qing dynasty. 1654-1722

  • Stabilized Qing China

  • Revitalized Exam system, Confucian teachings and culture

  • Helps peasants, giving land, reducing taxes

  • Improved road systems

  • Open to western ideas and tech

  • Good terms with Jesuits, let them be missionaries

  • Adopted western technology

  • Greatest Qing empire

Indian National Congress

  • Part of British rule in India

  • British gov. allowed BEIC to control India

  • Sepoy rebellion made India a crown colony, of the British gov.

  • Implemented modernization program, created universal education, railroads

  • United India, nationalist conscience.

  • Thought that India should be free from British rule

  • Approach to independence was non-confrontational and gradual.

  • Should modernize, then British would give them liberty

  • Congress dominated by Hindus, advocated for their beliefs

  • Muslims resented this.

  • Created Muslim league to cater towards Muslims.

  • Organization working towards India’s independence

BEIC Control over India

  • Start to take control after 7 years war

  • Own private army

  • Become involved in state politics in Mughal Empire

  • Fragmented Mughal Empire

  • Needed Indian people to provide for BEIC, greatly enriching them, detrimental to India’s economy.

  • BEIC takes over different parts of India

  • Only about 1000 people in BEIC, to rule India, they relied on local leaders, incorporating them into their interests

  • Mughal emperor stays on the throne. Legitimizes the authority of local leaders.

  • Leads to Sepoy Rebellion

  • Insensitive towards Indian culture, superiority. End up offending Indians

  • Employed Indian soldiers to fight for BEIC called sepoys

  • Rifle introduced, greased with pork and beef fat. Sacrilegious to Hindus and Muslims

  • Led to the Sepoy revolt.

  • Convinced British gov. that the BEIC could not control India, so they take over the Mughal empire. British Crown, called British Raj.

Congo Free State

  • Relates to the Scramble for Africa

  • Exploitation of Europeans

  • Personal possession of Belgian king.

  • Berlin Conference of 1884 led by Otto Van Bismark

  • Drew lines to divide up Africa.

  • Belgian king argued that he should take control of the congo.

  • Has valuable resources, rubber, diamonds.

  • Belgians exploit the area, basically enslave natives

  • Chopped off hands and feet as punishment.

  • 50% of population died.

  • Showed how the White Man’s burden was hypocritical

Boer War:

  • South Africa. Zulu population and small British and Dutch population called Afrikkaners.

  • in the 1890s gold is discovered in Dutch Land, British want to take over.

  • Dutch Boers are outgunned and outnumbered by British however they resist them.

  • British win the war, but they create a new state with the Dutch called the Union of South Africa with Dutch Afrikaners, British, and Black Africans.

  • Laws that legally separate them races. Called Apartheid Laws.

  • Created Union of South Africa and Apartheid

Africanization of Christianity

  • Christian Missionaries came to Africa

  • Sub-Sahara Christianized

  • Frequent African traditions, beliefs, and rituals

  • Create churched independent of European structure

  • Blend Christianity with African Values

  • similar to Islam in West Africa.
