History Study Guide (MP1+MP2)



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  • Collection of religious beliefs that developed slowly over time.

  • No founder with a single set of ideas.

Origins & Beliefs

  • 750-500 B.C. Hindu teachers created Upanishads text of teaching

  • Each person has atman-soul united with all others.

  • In Bahram, in reincarnation, people are reborn to new lives. A soul's good and bad deeds, karma, determines the course of new life.

Over the last 2,500 years different forms of Gods grow in importance. Today, Hindus choose their own path to Moksna - a state of perfect understanding.

Hinduism and Society

  • Hinduism supported the caste system believing the upper class were rich since in their former life they were good while the lower class were poor since they deserved it for their bad deeds.

New religion

  • Jainism, a new religion, arose in 500 B.C. Jainism will not harm any creature. They work in trade, commerce, & practice religious tolerance.


The Buddha Seeks Enlightenment

Founder of Buddhism priests prophesied his greatness.

Siddhartha’s Quest

  • Raised in isolation, Siddhartha's Guatmama wants to learn about the world.

  • Seeks enlightenment ( wisdom ) how to escape human suffering.

  • Tries many methods; gains enlightenment by meditating.

  • Becomes the “Buddha” the “ Enlightened One”

  • Buddha begins to teach followers.

  • Preaches Four Noble Truths - Basic philosophy of Buddhism.

  • Fourth Noble Truth is to follow the Eightfold path to achieve Nirvana.


  • A peach state of understanding.

  • A release from selfishness and pain.

Buddha rejected the caste system and multiple Gods of Hinduisms.

The Four Noble Truths

First Noble Truth

Life is filled with suffering and sorrow.

Second Noble Truth

The cause of all suffering is people’s selfish desire for the temporary pleasures of the world.

Third Noble Truth

The way to end all suffering is to end all desires.

Fourth Noble Truth

The way to overcome such desires and attain enlightenment is to follow the Eightfold Path, which is called the Middle Way between desires and self-denial.

The Caste System Develops

Aryans are physically distinct from people of India. Four Castes of social classes develop.

  • Priests

  • Warriors

  • Peasants and Traders

  • Laborers

Tip: You stay in the class you were born in for life in Hinduism. People are born into their caste class for life.


Origins & Beliefs

  • Jewish belief in Abraham is considered to be the founding father of Jewish people.

  • God made an agreement with Abraham to create a nation of the Jewish people.

  • Secondly, Moses plays an important prophet who is a teacher of God’s will.

  • After one thousand after Abraham, Egyptians enslaved Jews and Moses led Jews out of slavery to lead them to the promised land, Israel. God and Moses made an agreement and gave the ten commandments, which is the Torah.

The Tanakh is the Hebrew bible and it’s the holy & stories that contain the origins of Jewish belief. The first five books of the Tanakh are called the Torah which are rules to follow on a daily basis.

Key's belief

  • Judaism is the agreement between Abraham & God, Moses' role in leading Jews out of slavery into Israel.

  • Moses gave out the Torah, first five books of the bible. Jews & God having a promise and the Messiah coming.

  • Jews believe in God’s promises to do good and in return to get holiness in their lives. Jews also believe in the Messiah, who is the promised deliverer for the Jews that will be from God one day.

Western Wall is called the Wailing Wall for it is a sacred place for Jewish people. The wall is located in Jerusalem. Last remaining temple of Jewish temple. Jews make it a mission ( Pilgrimage) to visit the Western Wall. The three Judaism branches: Orthodox, The reform movement, Conservative, and


Origins & Beliefs

  • Christianity is a monotheistic religion: The belief of only one God.

  • It originates from 1 B.C or 2,000 years ago, and was founded by Jesus Christ.

  • Christians believe Jesus is the promised deliverer (Messiah) of the Jewish people from the Old Testament.

  • The Jews believe the Messiah has not arrived, yet. There are four books of the Gospel.

Christianity and Society

  • Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem around 6 BCE.

  • Christian belief is that his mother, Mary, was a virgin and gave birth to Jesus.

  • He lived near Jerusalem which is modern day Palestine under the rule of the Roman Empire. At the age of 30, he was preaching the word of God.

  • He received followers or apostles, who called themselves Christians.

Jesus used short stories with messages that are called parables. Jesus had 12 disciples who devoted to him and performed miracles. Jesus claimed to have God’s authority, turned over by the Roman empire, and was arrested for heresy. Hersey is rejecting popular religious practices and committing blasphemy: Disrespecting the holy.

Jesus was sent to death and crucified: Death by the nail hanging on a cross. After his death, he was resurrected on the third day. It was Jesus’ resurrection and an act of God. The Holy book, bible, has 66 books which have the Old Testament, part of the Hebrew Bible. The New Testament was written after the resurrection of Jesus and his apostles preaching his teachings.

Paul converted after Jesus’ death and spread the Christian beliefs. Christians began to be persecuted because of their religious beliefs. The Roman emperor, Domitian, made Christianity made it illegal in the Roman Empire.

Depending on the denomination of Christianity, it varies from place to place. Christians worship in churches, chapels, and cathedrals, and worship on Sunday. It has over two billion followers. The Roman emperor, Constantine, legalized Christianity.


Origins & Beliefs

  • Islam originates from modern-day Saudi Arabia.

  • Islam is the second-largest religion.

  • To Muslims, their holy site is Mecca**.**

  • Muslims use the Islamic calendar called the Heji to know of events, holidays, or rituals. The first month is Muharram, the tenth day of Muharram is known as Ashura. It is a day for fasting, celebration of Noah leaving the ark, Moses saving his people. For Shia Muslims, Ashura celebrated as well the Martyrdom of Hussein in 680 A.D.

During Eid, they bring their own rug and pray in the mosque. At the end of the month, they break their fast and typically eat sweets, cookies, bakery, etc.

Heji is the pilgrimage of Mecca that every Muslims needs to visit and a self-renewal.


  • Islam’s founder is the prophet Muhammad. Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca around 570 C.E.

  • At 40, in a cave by himself praying, the angel Gabriel visited him. He made some revelations and he began preaching. Because of his preaching, his followers and him wanted to be persecuted.

  • They fled and made more followers. After some conflict, the Meccan followers accepted and let them be. He died at 632 C.E.

Sunni v.s. Shia

  • 1,400 years ago, there was a conflict and who was going to be the leader. It was between Fatima and Ali.

  • Fatima is blood related to Muhammad. 80-90% of Muslims believe in Sunni which the majority. While 10% believe in Shia.

  • The Holy book is the Quran. The Quran is recited in Arabic and dictated to Muhammad. Two branches of Islam is Sunni and Shia.

  • Muslims pray in a mosque: A room with words written in ‘Mihrab’ and face the direction of Mecca.







Praying five times a day.

To give donations, charities, etc. to the poor from personal wealth.

During the months of Ramadan in daylight hours (nine months) they fast.

Those who are healthy and stable enough to visit the holy place, Mecca. (Makkah)

To believe in one God, Allah and Muhammad being the first prophet.

Religion Overview

  • Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are considered to Abrahamic religions since Abraham is their first prophet. They are also monotheistic religions: The belief in one God. Creation in the angels, heaven, Earth, judgment day, eternal salvation.












The Enlightenment

Beliefs of the Philosophers

  • The philosophers are French social critics in the mid-1700s

  • Value reason, nature, happiness, progress, liberty

Voltaire Combats Intolerance

  • Voltaire — influential philosopher, pen name of Francois Marie Aorta

  • Publishers many works arguing for tolerance, reason.

  • Makes powerful enemies and is imprisoned twice for his views

  • He believed in freedom of speech & religion.

Montesquieu and the Separation of Powers

  • Montesquieu—- a french writer who admires Britain's government system.

  • Favors separations of powers to keep one body from running government.

Rousseau: Champion of Freedom

  • Rousseau— philosopher who favors individual freedom, direct democracy.

  • Views Social contract as agreement by free people to form government.

Beccaria Promotes Criminal Justice

  • Italian philosopher Cesare Bebecca works to reform justice system

  • Calls for speedy trials, greater rights for criminal defendants.

Women and the Enlightenment

  • Many Enlightenment thinkers take traditional views of women’s role

  • Prominent writer Mary Wollstonecraft urge greater rights for women

  • argues women need quality education to be virtuous and useful

  • urges women to go into traditionally male professions like politics and medicine/health.

The Scientific Revolution

Galileo Galileo: an astronomer and mathematician, born in Italy. He was known for the development of the scientific method. His interest in stars and celestial bodies resulted in his focus on the telescopes. His discoveries with the telescope revolutionized astronomy and the acceptance of the heliocentric model.

Nicolaus Copernicus: an astronomer, was born in Poland. He was known for supporting the heliocentric planetary model which was our solar system and planets orbited around the sun despite the Church believing in the geocentric model.

Isaac Newton: a mathematician, was born in England. Newton was known for major things such as the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and within that book, he supported the usage of the scientific method and the law of gravitation. He is also credited for the creation of calculus which is essential in construction and engineering.

Leonardo da Vinci: an Italian painter and sculptor, was born in Italy. He was well known for his artistic achievements. But he was also known for his architecture, engineering, and innovative inventions. He contributed to the scientific revolution by theorizing about things like helicopters and scuba gear. Leonardo da Vinci’s ideas were thought to be groundbreaking.

The Scientific Revolution Overview



Scientific Method

A practice that requires you to formulate a hypothesis, create an experiment, and then gather data to come to a conclusion.


An optional instrument used to magnify images from far distances, specifically planets and stars.

Heliocentric Model

Puts forth the idea that the sun at the center of our solar system and planets orbit around it.

Geocentric Model

Puts forth the idea that the Earth is in the center of our solar system, and the sun orbits it.

Law of Gravitation

Scientific thought says objects are naturally drawn to one another, which creates things like planetary orbits.

Scientific Revolution

A period of time when new thinkers challenged existing ideas on math, biology, astronomy, physics, and chemistry.

Industrial Revolution

Industrial revolution is a period of time in the 18th to the 19th century where new manufacturing processes were increasing in production. It took place in and started Great Britain.

Farmers were finding methods to make crops grow efficiently. So the Agricultural Revolution started, in which crop rotation(rotating the crops grown each year to improve soil health) and selective breeding (only breeding the best livestock to produce the best meat) were made. The Agricultural Revolution sparked the Industrial Revolution.




which is the process of developing machine production of goods, which requires such resources.


machines in large buildings


a person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.


city building and the movement of people to cities.

Middle class

a social class made up of skilled workers, professionals, business people, and wealthy farmers.

Working class

group consisting of people who are employed in manual or industrial work.


certain rights of ownership.


business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debts.

laissez faire

the economic policy of letting owners of industry and business set working conditions without interference.


is an economic system in which the factors of production are privately owned and money is invested in business ventures to make a profit.


An economic system where the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all.

Karl Marx

a German journalist who introduced the world to a radical type of socialism called Marxism.


as a form of complete socialism in which the means of production—all land, mines,factories, railroads, and businesses—would be owned by the people. Everyone is at the same level like they have no status, so no one is higher or lower than someone else.


To press for reforms, workers joined together in voluntary labor associations.


Refusing to work.

American Revolution

