Abraham Lincoln
1856 - Joined Republican Party
1858 - Ran against Stephen Douglas
Achievements included the Lincoln-Douglas debates + inaugural address + Gettysburg Address during the Civil War
After he won the election of 1860, the South seceded
Famous for the Emancipation Proclamation
Andrew Johnson served as his VP in the Election of 1864
Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
Jefferson Davis
Famous for his contributions to the Black Hawk War + Mexican War
1861 - Served as the President of the Confederate States of America
Held back by states’ rights
Imprisoned from 1865-1867
Fort Sumter
South Carolina
1861 - Fired upon by Confederates
Lincoln responded militarily, which is believed to have provoked a Confederate attack in response
Border States
1861 - 4 border states stayed, 4 border states seceded
Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia
If they were allowed not to have slavery, they were convinced not to secede
Lincoln used military force + police powers, which was unconstitutional
Robert E. Lee
Declined offer to lead Union army
1862 - Became Commander of Confederacy instead
1865 - Surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, ending the Civil War
Urged a peaceful end to war
Forts Henry and Donelson
Ulysses S. Grant captured both forts
Marked a major Union victory
Grant kept Kentucky from seceding
Ulysses S. Grant
1863 - Became commander of Union forces
Victories at Vicksburg + the freeing of the Mississippi River
Called a butcher of his own men
Elected president in 1868
There were many scandals during his presidency in the Gilded Age
First Battle of Bull Run
Because “Stonewall” Jackson refused to retreat, it ended as a Southern victory
Caused the first realization that the Civil War would be long and bloody
Trent Affair
The Trent was a British ship
A conflict that almost resulted in the British allying with the Confederates during the Civil War
1862 - Fought in western Tennessee
Resulted in a Union victory
Caused the Confederacy to lose Albert Sydney Johnston
Almost caused the end to Ulysses Grant’s career
Monitor v. Merrimac
The Merrimac, a Confederate ship, was destroying wooden Union ships
Ended in a draw
The Merrimac avoided capture
Was a successful Confederate raider
Was a source of diplomatic crisis between the UK + US
Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson
A brilliant Confederate commander
Led victories in the Shenandoah Valley + Chancellorsville
His death in 1863 hurt the Confederacy
The bloodiest one-day battle in US history
Robert E. Lee’s retreat was good news for the Union
Sparked the Emancipation Proclamation
Stopped foreign support of Confederacy
Emancipation Proclamation
Put forward a moral justification for the Civil War
Recruitment of Black soldiers
All Southern states that had been conquered by the Union were forced to follow it
Setback for Union
Severe Union casualties
Large + crucial battle
Unsuccessful Confederate attacks (ex. Pickett’s Charge)
Doomed the Confederacy for the rest of the war
Siege of Vicksburg
General Grant’s siege resulted in the Confederate’s hold on the Mississippi River falling
Demoralized the South
Geographically split the Confederacy
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Marched from Atlanta to Savannah
“Total war” - Making war on civilians’ property (like destroying fields, killing animals, etc.)
Further demoralized South
Election of 1864
Reelected Lincoln
Andrew Johnson served as Lincoln’s VP
Defeated Copperheads
Northern Democrats opposed to Civil War
1863 - Openly attacked Lincoln + his war policies
1864 - Supported George McClellan in election
Appomattox Courthouse
1865 - General Lee surrendered to General Grant
Lee urged his men to surrender + return to a normal, peaceful life after the end of the war
1862 - Conscription began for Confederacy
1863 - Conscription began for Union
Needed troops
New York Draft Riots
Irish immigrants lynched + destroyed the property of African Americans
Put down by troops
Paper currency printed during the Civil War
Because it wasn’t backed by precious metals, a high amount of inflation resulted
Civil War - Opposing interpretations of fed. gov’t
Total warfare - Civil populations + resources attacked + destroyed
Abraham Lincoln’s skillful management → Role model + legacy
End of Civil War → More powerful + authoritative fed. gov’t
Consequences - Changing race relationships + economic transformations