Untitled Flashcards Set

  1. Illustrates: Provides a vivid example or explanation.

2. Symbolizes: Represents or stands for something larger or more abstract.

3. Elicits: Evokes or draws out a reaction or response.

4. Suggests: Indicates or implies indirectly.

5. Conveys: Communicates or makes an idea understandable.

6. Emphasizes: Highlights or draws attention to something.

7. Foreshadows: Hints at events to come in the narrative.

8. Contrasts: Highlights differences between two elements.

9. Alludes: Refers indirectly to something outside the text.

10. Underscores: Stresses or draws attention to the importance of something.

11. Reveals: Makes known or brings to light.

12. Exemplifies: Serves as a typical or excellent example of something.

13. Explores: Examines or investigates an idea or theme in depth.

14. Reflects: Demonstrates or mirrors a particular idea, theme, or emotion.

15. Clarifies: Makes something less confusing or more comprehensible.

16. Represents: Serves as a depiction or stand-in for something.

17. Encapsulates: Sums up or expresses the essence of something.

18. Complicates: Makes something more intricate or difficult to understand.

19. Critiques: Analyzes and evaluates, often with a focus on flaws or problems.

20. Embodies: Expresses or gives tangible form to an idea or quality.

21. Addresses: Deals with or focuses on a specific issue or idea.

22. Challenges: Questions or disputes a prevailing idea or concept.

23. Examines: Studies or considers something in detail.

24. Juxtaposes: Places two things side by side for comparison or contrast.

25. Questions: Raises doubts or inquiries about something.

26. Highlights: Draws attention to something significant.

27. Develops: Expands upon or builds an idea or argument.

28. Aligns: Brings into agreement or shows correspondence with something.

29. Supports: Provides evidence or argumentation in favor of something.

30. Articulates: Expresses an idea clearly and effectively.
