Chapter 1: Introduction
Moral panic
Term coined by Stanley Cohen in 1972
Recidivism rates of persons who commit sex crimes
Lower than expected
“Sex offender” vs. Person who committed a sex crime
People are more willing to volunteer to work with a person who committed a sex offense than a sex offender
Seduction theory of childhood sexuality
Later be recognized as unfortunately worded since it implies some sort of willingness by the child
Definition of sex crimes (federal level)
Offense involving a sexual acts or sexual contact
Alfred Kinsey: views on homosexuality
Were ends of continuum, with many people falling somewhere between the two
Proposed a scale that ranged from zero (exclusively heterosexual) to six (exclusively homosexual)
Sources of current numbers of sex crimes:
UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Annual self-report survey conducted in countries belonging to the United Nations
UCR – Uniform Crime Reports: U.S Numbers – Annual reports of crimes and arrests that have occurred in the United States, published by the FBI
To be discontinued soon. Includes overall numbers of crimes committed each year
NIBRS – National Incident Based Reporting System
Collects detailed information about all crimes
Crime Data Explorer
Interactive use-friendly of UCR + NIBRS data combined
NCVS – National Crime Victimization Survey
Information about crimes not reported to law enforcement, capturing “the dark figure of crime”
NVAWS - National Violence Against Women Survey
Administered over the phone and uses a complex design to yield a nationally representative sample
Myths regarding sex crimes and persons who commit them
Sex crime rates are high and getting higher
All those who commit a sex crime will recidivate
Those persons must be mentally ill
Child molesters are alike – “boogiemen”
Chapter 2: Theory
Definition and purpose of a theory
Definition: someone’s personal ideas about the causes of something
Sex-crime specific theories:
Precondition theory – They have some sort of motivation to commit child sexual abuse, overcome any internal and external inhibitions, and overcome any possible resistance from the child
Probabilistic vs. Deterministic
Probabilistic – cause may result in a specific outcome
Deterministic – cause always results in outcome
Criminological theories (applied to sex crimes):
Social control theory
Also called “social bonding theory”
Four bond that prevent crime
Self-control theory
Low self-control increases the likelihood of committing crimes, including sex crimes
Routine activities theory
Attention on victims
Three elements for occurrence of crime
Motivated offender
Suitable target
Absence of capable guardian
Social learning theory: imitation/ experiential learning/ vicarious learning
People learn behavior by observing the behavior of other people
Know the main concepts associated with each theory
Cognitive schemas
Cognitive distortions
Cognitive biases
Experiential learning
Vicarious learning
Personality development: traits associated with sexual offending
Lack of empathy
Personality pathology
Psychological Theories:
5 stages of psychosexual development
Explanations of abnormal behavior – occurs during the phallic stage
Bowlby: attachment theory
Attachment to caregiver: evolutionary behavior and innate
Babies must attach to someone when young to develop proper relationships to others later in life
S-R (stimulus-response) connection – reaction that the body does
Pavlov: classical conditioning – Classical Conditioning
Involves eliciting a conditioned responds “a dog salivating at the sight of food” from a neutral stimulus (the sound of a bell)
Reinforcements/punishments – Operant conditioning
Conditioning/ neutral stimuli/positive and negative reinforcement
Biological theories:
Hormones (Testosterone) – Violence is the result of high levels
Neurotransmitters (Serotonin) – Affect brain function, mood, and autonomic reactions
Linked to violent behavior
Brain structure – temporal lobe
Brain differences may exist between persons who have committed a sex crime and persons who have not
Genetics - Rare combinations of chromosomes (XXY, XXXY, XYY) been suggested and may be linked to the commission of sex crimes
Intelligence deficits – Molest children because the actual age of the victim matches the mental age of the offender
Cognitive-Based Theories:
Cognitive schemas - Basic building blocks that help individuals organize information and make sense of the world – they involve organized patterns of previous experiences, which are relied upon to interpret new information
Cognitive distortions/biases – Type of automatic thought process that develops and assists in minimizing the seriousness of the offense
Chapter 3: Rape & sexual assault
Sexual violence pyramid
The peak of the pyramid is where rape and sexual assault are located
Rape culture
A complex set of belief that encourages male sexual aggression and supports violence against women
Attitudes and belief system: attitudes supportive of rape often align with other isms
Rape reform movement and what’s involved (1970)
Rules of evidence: victim must physically resist attack and provide corroborating evidence
Victims’ prior sexual history admissible
Males and wives as victims were ten not acknowledge
Rape shield laws (what they involve)
To prevent a victim’s sexual history from being introduced as evidence against the victim’s credibility during court proceedings
Improve the treatment of rape victims
Rape typologies
A classification system used to categories individuals who are alike into. Distinct categories
Typologies are only as reliable as the indicators used to construct them
How rape cases are treated in the criminal justice system
Not to report due to fears of not being believed or re-traumatization during the legal process
Case attrition
The failure of a case to proceed to the next phase of the criminal justice process common with crimes of rape
Unfounded cases and why cases are unfounded
Lack of penetration or now evidence of force
Victim may Abe ulterior motive for making the charge
Victim is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
There is evidence of a previous consensual sexual relationship between the victim and perpetrator
Victim is highly distraught and emotional
Victim is too calm and “matter of fact”
Good-looking effect
The victim is physically attractive, as well as defendants, tend to fare more favorably compared to less attractive people
Intimacy effect
Rape between intimates is considered less serious than stranger rapes
Considering what “consent” means
“I agree to do this”
And “I understand what I’m agreeing to do”
Why prosecutors drop rape cases
Police decide to report is baseless, so it is marked as unfounded
Characteristics of those who commit rape (and what each of those characteristics entails)
Hostile masculinity
Aggressive sexual beliefs
Physical and psychological aggression
History of violences
Alcohol use and abuse
How often rape cases are prosecuted/result in conviction
History of “rape”:
Historical perceptions of rape
Property crime
Difference between legacy and new definition
Too outdated and outdated, while the new definition is more inclusive and reflects the reality of sexual assault
Be able to assess whether a situation Is rape/Isn’t rape
Chapter 4: child sexual abuse (CAS)
CSA (definition) – Child sexual abuse: broad spectrum of behaviors in which an adult engages in inappropriate sex acts with a child
CSA myths
People who sexually abuse children target any and all children
Children who are sexually abused will sexually abuse others when they grow up
Everyone who sexually abuse children is a pedophile
CSA vs. pedophile
Primary sexual attraction/orientation to adults
More likely to commit intrafamilial abuse
Lower number of victims
Lower rates of recidivism
May abuse family members
High recidivism rates after incarceration and treatment
May have hundreds of victims over their lifetimes
Are uncomfortable with and reject adult intimacy
CSA typologies:
Groth’s Typology
FBI Typology
To evaluate how child molesters have sex with children to identify, arrest, and convict them
Has undergone several revisions
The skillful manipulation of a child into situations where they can be more readily sexually bused and less likely to disclose their incident
The order of stages
Risk assessment stage
What happens in each stage
Theory of infantile sexuality
Reports of child sexual abuse were imagined
Battered child syndrome (Henry Kempe)
Clinical diagnosis for children experiencing repeated physical abuse
Established duty of physicians to fully evaluate injured children and guarantee non-recurrence of expected repetition of trauma
Child abuse and prevention act
All state has statutes that identify mandated reporters
Social worker, school prevention, medical examiners, mental health professionals, and law enforcement officials
In 18 states, anyone who suspect a child sexual abuse is required to report regardless of profession
Testimonial competence
Very young victims (infant – 6) are at a significant disadvantage in successfully prosecution and adjunction of suspected sexual abuse
Factors affecting criminal trial proceedings in child sexual abuse cases
Child sexual abuse cases how one of the lowest convictions rates
1. Considered one of the best forms of evidence
2. Not available in most cases
3. Presence of evidence can affect prosecutorial decision making
o Behavioral evidence
1. The way victims behave may have substantial impact on the trial outcome
2. Mid-adolosecent children are likely to be viewed as most credible