Bailar (to dance)
Comer (to eat)
Escribir (to write)
Estudiar (to study)
Escuchar (to listen)
Hablar (to speak)
Mirar (to watch)
Pintar (to paint)
Practicar (to practice)
Trabajar (to work)
Vivir (to live)
Almorzar (to have lunch)
Ayudar (to help)
Cantar (to sing)
Caminar (to walk)
Participar (to participate)
Regresar (to return)
Saludar (to greet)
Cocinar (to cook)
Memorizar (to memorize)
Repetir (to repeat)
Discutir (to discuss/argue)
Nadar (to swim)
Visitar (to visit)
Asistir (to assist/attend)
Dar (to give)
Lavar (to wash)
Limpiar (to clean)
Descansar (to rest/relax)
Bucear (to scuba dive/snorkel)
Dibujar (to draw)
Esquiar (to ski)
Cuidar (to take care of)
Presentar (to present)
Empezar (to start e:ie)
Entender (to understand e:ie)
Pensar (to think e:ie)
Perder (to lose e:ie)
Preferir (to prefer e:ie)
Querer (to want/love e:ie)
Sentir (to feel e:ie)
Merendar (to snack e:ie)
Poder (to be able to/can o:ue)
Probar (to try/taste o:ue)
Volver (to return/come back o:ue)
Devolver (to return something o:ue)
Dormir (to sleep o:ue)
Pedir (to ask for/order e:i)
Servir (to serve e:i)
Reír (to laugh e:i)
Sonreír (to smile e:i)
Vestir (to dress e:i)
Ser (to be)
Estar (to be)
Ir (to go)
Hacer (to do/make)
Tener (to have)
Venir (to come)
Salir (to go out)
Decir (to say some e:i)
Traer (to bring)
Saber (to know facts/information)
Conocer (to know people/places)