The Honshu Tsunami of 3/11/11 following the 8.9 (9.1?) quake
Micronesia includes 3 large archipelagos of scattered islands in NW Pacific
Mariana Islands: Volcanic islands along Philippine Sea;
Caroline Islands: scattered clusters of partially submerged volcanic islands + 100s of tiny coral islets;
Marshall Islands + Kiribati (Nauru farther south):
coral islands + atolls, in N-S line along E edge of Micronesia
Great Diversity:
Combines: Micronesia + Melanesia + SE Asia + Polynesia (17 different languages
Navigation + canoe-building = greatest arts
Relationships between Islands:
Island diversity + periodic natural disasters => sometimes must help one another
ie: low atoll peoples – need help of food from high mountainous peoples
ie: mountain peoples - need help of navigation from low atoll peoples
1.regional specialization
2.intricate trade networks
3.complex tribute systems
4.ceremonial exchanges between people on same island
Trade/Tribute Currency:
personal objects (coconut rope, woven skirts + loin cloths, shell)
extremely important social interaction can be within family
(ie: heirloom objects) or between communities.
Identity = established at birth
Based on: kinship relationships + village where born
Yet Identity = not rigidly fixed:
Mastery of traditional arts = way to improve status
(weaving, warfare, navigation, magic, tattooing, dancing.....)
D'Alleva talks about:
rolel a blai (paths of house) + rolel a bedengel (paths of person) in relationships between people, communities.
Visual Arts:
Great emphasis on aesthetics
(D'Alleva: oogis = object that is supremely functional or attractive design)
Geometric + Rectilinear surface designs
Great emphasis on symmetry.
Arts = Primarily non-Figural
Great variety of size:
small utilitarian → large wooden ceremonial bowls (ie: 4+ men to lift).
Canoes: some of finest sea-worthy ocean-going vessels
deep-hulled single-outrigger sailing canoe, either end can go 1st, so can always sail to wind
Canoes considered important works of art:
judged for utilitarian and aesthetic criteria
Painted – usually red (sacred color)
Canoe houses:
Store canoes
Meeting place for men of village
Place of discussion + for carving
Storage of sacred objects used by navigators (ie: weather sculptures)
Sea + Canoes = Source of much of art + culture
many containers = have double-end form, like canoe many food bowls = shape of canoe
Micronesian Architecture: Social life focuses around large communal meeting houses, sometimes low on ground, typically a frame
Status = determines which door to enter, which to exit, where to sit
rarely used in Micronesia
stone = used for some
House Platforms (ie: House of Taga)
Megaliths (ie: funerary monuments)
Micronesia = also known for:
Tattoos + Textiles:
intricately tied to status
Weaving = finely done mats, clothing, belts
Warrior Regalia
Caroline Islands: 1000 islands
(Belau/Palau, Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kosrae)
Part of Federated States of Micronesia (in free assoc. with USA) since 1986 (though not Belau)
Dance + Music = culturally very important
Dances could take place:
on platform built over flotilla of canoes in Pohnpei...
or sitting on mats in a village.....
Dances = often accentuated by dance paddles
that spun, flipped, struck in rhythm to stamping feet.
Art = many different kinds:
Mortlocks Is. courting sticks (ends carved to identify owner) Man pushed through thatch roof+woman inside accepted/rejected him
currencies + sculpture + large scale architecture.
Traditional Currency = glass beads + bars opaque glass not from Pacific (Philippines or China?)
men = owned + exchanged them, yet
women = wore as necklaces to display family's wealth, during pregnancy, + after birth of 1st child
Yap men = loom-woven cloth as currency too
Belau Men = also used pottery
Belau Women = used tortoise-shell platters (image in textbook)
Currencies: used in exchanges to mark
Life transitions: marriage birth life death
Only specialists (elders, leaders) know the
actual exchange value of various currencies.
LARGE flat stone disks – as currency
(ex Yap island, quarried on Belau)
Size: once metal tools introduced = +3 meters diam
metal tools allowed for more efficient carving and shaping of the stone disks. As metal tools became available, artisans could create larger and more intricate designs, leading to an increase in the size of these currencies.
(prep-metal tools = smaller)
Displays of wealth, prosperity, success, etc.
Value- based on:
History of disk
How old it is
Connections and relationships
Not necessarily linked to one single family
Associated with a particular moment in time
Have individual names.
Important stones = called Rai
Hole in center of STONE DISK = for carrying pole.
To put the carrying stick through. The disks were transported by the men of the village in exchanges by putting a stick through the center and carrying it.
In front of houses and along paths
As repositories of wealth
Sometimes: carried to meetings and
Used as ceremonial payment
Could make payment without moving it, like when someone buys a house, rai doesn't move
Markers for directions, stay where they are.
Most dramatic archaeological/architectural site in Oceania = POHNPEI:
Nan Madol (places in-between): 200 acre political + religious center seat of Sau Deleur dynasty.
- divided into sections for religious dwellings, which included the homes of priests, and for major tombs, which were significant for ceremonial purposes. This division reflects the importance of both religious and royal activities in the society that built Nan Madol.
Zenith = 1000-1500 Ad houses c.1000 people
Built on 92 natural + artificial islets in shallow lagoon.
Massive basalt boulder and columns
Quarried inland + ferried by sea to site
Created rectangular enclosures with stone paving platforms and house foundations
Divided into 2 areas
Religious dwellings (priest homes) and major tombs
Royal dwellings + ceremonial tombs
Advanced technology: massive stone sea wall right at water's edge protected area
Bai= Belau/Palu meeting house
Built in one village and purchased by another village
= demonstrated ability to amass wealth
Ideal village = had 6 bai;
2 sets each of:
Junior, middle, senior houses
Only 3 still standing, but more being built with
Resurgence of traditional values
Bai= have 6 entrances
No one can touch these doorways
Each person has own door
Only person with rank can enter
Made by someone else
Have to buy
Represents connection
Shows prosperity
Number 6 is important
Used as:
Mens meeting house
Womens meeting house
Ceremonial site of village titleholder
4 corners:
Seats of 4 principal titleholders of village
All titleholders= men
yet men Elected by Women (Matrilineal)
Women can remove titleholder from position if he acts inappropriately
Door jambs of west facade
Depict 2 of 4 leading women (ourrot) of village
Dramatic gable fronts
Historical events
These elements are significant because they reflect the culture, history, and values of the people who built these structures, serving as both a form of storytelling and a display of status.
Circles= valuables
Faces = heads were ransomed for valuables
Birds= money birds (generate valuables) or roosters (male symbol)
Bats= painted underside of eaves: D’alleva says “enjoys all within to act respectfully
Bai-ra-Irrai (bai from irrai, belau)
Originally built 300 years ago
Continually rebuilt ever since.
Cable: history of village
Contemporary gables + interior beams
Narrative painted reliefs depicting important historic and moral events
Figures incised outline + painted black, white, ocher
Some traditional Bai = have Dilukai;
Woman who brought (wealth, currency, success, prosperity, status) to village titleholders
Dilukai: primordial ancestress + symbol of fertility/power
Dliukai : protects taro fields, = fields and heals sick
= attached to gable of bai
(title holders exit from her loins)
Taro is staple food
Surrounding her on gable = Themes of Fertility:
Incised and painted images of men with enlarged senises pointing at her
Cryptic images that symbolize severed heads
Roosters, bats sun disks associated with cosmic cycles + renewal of fertility
Some (missionaries) say her carvings shame her for her promiscuity. And remind women to be chaste.
Yet she is obviously a woman of significance:
She wears symbols of wealth and prestige
A red bachel around her neck
And valuable representing stacked turtle shells on her waist
Dinonga Eidu:
Wooden standing female figures from Nukuoro atoll (s of Pohnpei)
Gods/Ancestor figures carved without metal tools
Body head chin, line across to show breasts, pubic triangle
Each founding clan has own god figure kept in Clan’s spirit house.
Spirit house (amalu)
= for entire community
=contained major deity figures (30-300cm or more)
Open on 3 sides (hung with mats)
Both men and women can enter
Ko Kawe = protective goddess of sekawae clan
Wife of ariki tu te nato aki, god of underworld
May be link to Polynesia?
Textbook= Ko Kawe from Nukuoro island with few trees but inhabited by Polynesians
Main ceremony in Amalau = at Breadfruit Harvest
Many taboos, renewed god images
And young women = given tattoos
Other sculpture:
Various sizes + materials
Some= stone
Others= smaller household
Ancestral deities + gaurdian spirits to
Accompany dead set adrift
Tapuanu = sacred spirits”
Mortlock islands: only island group to use masks
Tapu= sacred full of mana
Anu = ancestral spirit
"Weather masks"
Owned by secret societies (soutapuanu) + kept in communal meeting house (falefol)
Members perform masks: beginning of breadfruit season During dances + mock stick fights.
Wards off typhoons Protects breadfruit harvest.
Smaller masks:
Inside boat houses + meeting houses to protect them too.
Canoe-building = high status occupation
Often = painted red + black, with prow + stern decorations
Often have protective figures attached to canoe prows
Chuuk canoes:
Removable Figureheads = both ends
Can depict: 2 birds with beaks meeting + tails outstretched. stylized human form
Position of figureheads = showed intention of canoe: Peace if lowered; War if raised.
Spirit Canoes/nen = kept in canoe house
mini canoes to house + transport spirits to otherworld often = carved as double canoes (unusual in Micronesia) hung from rafters or put on shelves.
Ocean travel = Dangerous (weather, distance, currents, seas...
Complicated: 32 Directions = based on stars, islands, wind, season.
Wind/Weather power figures:
Some = janus (see all directions)
Chanted/prayed over before voyages to calm bad weather + ward off storms
To be effective, owner must
chant the power of his patron spirit into it near coconut tree where he learned art of navigation.
Can be used for divination,
to communicate with spirits / gods
important in Micronesian art
Terns + frigate birds
= important navigational aids (finding land)
Bones + feathers
= used to make tools + ornaments
Bowls = can be in form of Birds
Marshall Islands = famous for 2-D art, especially tattoos
worn by Men + Women, although only elite Men = wore on face
Marshall Islands also famous for Weaving:
plaited mats (pandanus leaves)
Some of finest plaiting
in Micronesia
Reserved for Royalty
one style = to serve
food to Queen; another = for King
currently, baskets
important cash crop
Marshall Islanders = famous for
2 platforms + thatched houses.
Instructional Navigational Charts: of Swells
(and movement of canoe through them)
as affected by elements depicted in charts: islands,
current (predominantly Westward), NE trade winds.
Currents + winds = fairly regular: causing fairly consistent wave patterns → made visible by charts
Mnemonic devices used to
teach navigation
There are 3 types of navigational maps (generally):
Mattang: personal maps that show swell lines + shell islands (used especially for teaching):
Meddo: extended matting with multiple islands, + swells in relation to those islands
(distance not as important):
Rebbilib: the most intricate, showing islands + swells within entire region or island chain.
Navigation depends upon both knowledge and body senses/feelings of waves, water, weather, currents, etc
These navigational maps help "students” learn and embody their knowledge of the seas
Kiribati house interior. Engraving by
Council houses (maneaba)
Huge. No walls. Massive thatched roof almost touches ground. Supported by tall coconut-wood posts (up to 15' at center). Located in sacred space (te marae - Polynesian word), of shell "gravel" + bounded by low stone border.
Cmdr. Wilkes, 1838-42.
Some maneaba = decorated with
white shells (on rafters), and/or
red or brown geometrical designs (on posts + beams).
Seating = around edge, according to
social divisions.
Center = open for speeches, presentations, competitive dances.
Kiribati = also famous for Warrior Regalia:
full body armor of Kiribati + Nauru pants, jacket, vest, helmet, neck guard - tightly knotted coconut fiber
Most tropical climate (winds rain earthquakes)
FIshing important
Crocodile= biggest animal (don't exist in Polynesia)
Social Organization
Not as hierarchical as Polynesia
More EGALITARIAN <- must work way up social ladder
Age/Social grades = attained through gifts feastings art commissions, etc.
Available to Men only
Highest Grade members = govern
At death – highest grade members = join ancestral spirit world
Only available to men specifically today.
Ancestors and Spirits of natural forces = worshipped
Ancestors = thought closer to the living than any toehr dieties
Initiation Ceremonies = coming of age
= important masking + dancing traditions
Ceremonies = Elaborate = Dramatic
Can last for Years -> One mask cycles = 20 years
Teaching done by people wearing mask.
No skin showing masquerade (whole body) = belief that that is the spirt and there is no human involved
Batel Nut: Mild Narcotic
Chewed or “plugged” = stains teeth red
Many objects associated with betel nut = almost ritualized
Lime containers, spatulas, sticks, nut containers
ART = Prolific
Art = Ancestral
Used to honor ancestors
Figures= place where ancestors spirits
Could temporarily inhabit
Masquerades = infused with
Ancestral spirits during ceremonies
Hair, bones, skulls of important deceased males
= sometimes added to sculptures + masks
Ancestors' voices = represented by Instruments:
Drums, flutes, pan pipes, conch shells
2 Creation Myths- variations found throughout Melanesia:
Man- eating demon, looked human (boar or eagle) terroized gods and proto hujans FILL THE REST OF THIS IN! (nov 5)
Gives basis for ancestor worship/ head hunting cults/ ritual cannibalism
Culutre Hero (or his animal) = dives to bottom of sea and brings land to surface
Hero = shapes land by
Shooting off peices with arrows to create islands
Mountain ranges created by where threw tools
Hero had sex with mother earth
His seed in her body began agriculture
named by cap cook
Long skinny island
One of larger Melanesian islands
Farthest south
Culture: not really intact anymore
Much of ART = LOST
Competition between Protestant + Catholic Missionaries
French Penal Colony
Artists: special relationship with supernatural spirits represented intheir art
Art: 2 main art forms:
Great House – mens house
Ceremonial Exchange
3 if you count masking
Chief sacred = resides in most important structure
Chiefs house called “great house”
Large often on rise
At end of broad walkway where all important social events take place
Ie: presenting gifts to community
Great house= covered in carving, finials, door jambs, cross beams
Decorated with shells
Represented trition shell
Blown to to summons villagers
= symbolizes elder's word
Stylized/ abstracted human from at based of spire
Often opposing Hooks + lines
Probably ancestral
= refer to Chief + Lineage
Representing cheifs word, message, role in great house. community, communication, his leadership, his direction,
Probably: spirit of ancestors
Bring them to great house,
Where they preside over affairs of living.
Door jambs
Hardwood (houp) + pigment
Keep rounded surface of log
Face : wide, often rectangle
Nose; classic broad/splayed nose, almost like 3 rounded triangles
Nose = sign of beauty
Usually – geometric forms below face
Similar to matting wrapped around decreased at burial
Major Masking Tradition in North
(no longer made after french colonizers tried to erficate since they thought they were devils)
May refer to ancestor Jamawe
Represents 3 things simultaneously:
Deceased chief
Founder of clan
Spirit who leads dead to underworld
Used: dance at funerals of important dead
Grin is not grin of happiness
Grin is to express the face that what is being carved is alive and not just static piece of wood with marks on it
Doesn't have to do with emotion but with animating the piece
Prolonged Mouring rituals- mourners segregated from rest of society
Family watches over dead and performs ceremonies until decomposition= complete.
During mourning = many rituals (ie: stealing house is finial, breaking artworks)
After a year = wash bones = put them in sacred spot, pointing towards deceased’s territory.
Mask Form: monochromatic
polished dark brown or black
Top: Tapa + Spiderweb + Hair
Hair: from men watching over deceased during mourning
(don't cut hair while mourning).
Bottom: Feathers
Some have Shells
"core" of mask: Elongated Head + Face
Great emphasis on Enormous Nose Eyes: “bean-shaped”
Mouth: large grimace ("toothy grin")
Top = headdress, fiber,
Associated with:
Water Spirits + Fertility + Ancestors
Original Ancestor + Kingdom of Dead
Apouema = god who lives near water and/or
Forest spirit associated with birds
Used by now-extinct secret initiation societies
Worn in ceremonies emphasizing Social control
Danced prior to Warfare
Within Funerals + Warfare, Kanak masks = 2 functions: • Stands in for dead chief
• Symbolized chief's authority "loaned" to chief from his clan
Apouema = may also be Azyu Culture hero of Northern New Caledonia
Legend of Azyu:
Azyu was killed by his enemies,
who tore off his nose + tongue as killed him. His mother (Dea) tried to bring him back to life. He declined because was ashamed of appearance
He traveled to Other World,
sent back mask with large nose, to replace one he lost.
Kanak masks carry rounded Ceremonial Axe, Adze, and/or spear
to Maintain Order during large-scale ceremonies.
Wrapping still plays an important role
for ceremonial objects...
Materials = give prestige
European cloth
(as in IU's collection)
Ceremonial axes: Symbolize the
strength + power
of chief and people
Figures = kept in Chief's houses
Bulbous, rounded, rhythmic
Face: large nose Heavy brow Grimacing mouth
Can be Male or Female
May be Ancestral
May help Control Rain
"The Country that Stands Up"
"Our Land"
Capt. Cook (1774) called these islands New Hebrides.
The locals changed it to Vanuatu (1980) [Vanua = “land” in many local languages] People call themselves Ni-Vanuatu
Culture = almost wiped out by Europeans
Missionaries, disease, alcohol, firearms, colonialism
Went from 600k → 40k people (in 1920s)
But culture existed "underground" + now bouncing back, as is Population.
Many Graded Societies (Nimangi) Up to 20 ranks
• Must work one's way to top = you buy your way into each society Payment for grades = pigs, feasts
Vanuatu nimangi = Suque
Important in establishing one's importance on earth +
in afterlife/world of ancestors
Each society = has own Emblems:
Flowers, jewelry, foods, hairstyles, where sit, property.....
• All Men of same grade
= eat + sleep together
• Government = run by men in highest grade
Rare to reach top since must satisfy many people: • members of the level leaving
⚫ members of the level joining
Required for climbing Grade system:
Sponsor from within rank one is aspiring to Huge Feasts + Celebrations
Change of name
Large Slit Gongs
Large Fern Figures
Socio-economic Redistribution of Wealth:
Spend great amounts of $ to pay for sculpture, feasts, gongs, etc
Pig tusks:
castrated male pigs = long + curved important in rituals, ceremonies, art
Pig + Pig Tusks = symbol of Wealth Symbol of Obligation + Debt; Symbol of Responsibility
→ the more pig tusks = the more elevated the grade
Exact use of Pig Magic Stone = unknown
Some said to be used to facilitate pig exchange
Large wooden masks (similar to New Caledonia) = Not as common today. Were important in rituals relating to sacred relationship between Men + Yams Some = used during extensive Grade Rituals’
Both single faced + Janus
The more faces + tusks higher the grade
Some are painted
Some have Human Figure as superstructure ie: sitting on or behind
Rom Masks = danced during Ole
This type = very rare since:
• Very fragile - Banana fiber on light wood frame
• Usually are Ritually Destroyed after finished.
• Prohibition against selling Rom Masks
became very strict since independence (1980).
Constant striving for
Cultural, Ritual, +Artistic Innovation
In North = Highly sophisticated "Copyright" system:
More complex than anything in West:
Can copyright anything:
songs, dances, myths, artifacts, ritual colors, dream visions
Can sell almost anything: social rank, title, rituals, parts of rituals, art forms, parts of art forms
can break copyright
Breaking copyright = considered very serious.
= makes it difficult to learn.
Made of Nut Paste over fiber core Sometimes modeled over coconut shell
Figures + Heads:
puppet-like figures manipulated behind screens by members of age grade.
Sculptural Features: Pig's Tusks
highly+ arbitrarily colored Tubular Eyes Long Noses
Variations by Grades:
Low Grades = formed over coconut
Highest Grade = formed over human skull
Used in Sukwe Grade Societies
Higher Grades = have figures carved of Tree Fern
Tree fern = turned upside down Wider at top than Bottom (to emphasize head)
Rough + Enormous Heads
Initiate commissioned from specialist
- Very Expensive
Usually = covered with clay so could be Painted, Chalked
Sacred leaf = usually place through nose
Eyes can be Large Discs
Originally would have had Concentric Circles or other Designs (Quattrofoil)
Fern Figures = displayed in front of dwelling of highest ranking elder of secret society Or in front of the men's house.
Or standing on platforms in wooden + bamboo shelters (Gamal):
Shelters = where dances
performed during Age Grade Ceremony.
Grade-taking man: = wears + displays ritual paraphernalia
= dances on shelter's roof at
height of ceremony
Gamal Ceremonial house for person of high rank. 1910-12.
Fern figures represent ancestors. During ceremony, figures = inhabited by women
Most Fern figures used for
Male Age Grade societies.
Though some = may have been used for Female Grade societies
SLIT GONGS: Voices of the Ancestors
Hard tree trunks, Large (+12')
Stuck in ground so stand up
Faces = similar to Fern Figures Clustered in same area as Fern Figures
No Mouths
(Mouth = slit down center creating sound)
Voice emanating from slit gong
ancestral – speaking in coded rhythms
In some areas = this is the only form of carving
Sometimes = highly stylized figure at top too
Huge figures = made for ceremonies of highest grade
Thought of as if alive
RAMBARAMP: Funeral Effigy
Portrait of Specific dead/ancestor
Reserved for member of highest Suque rank (warrior, leader)
Direct Portrait: Using Skull
"Dry" remains are exhumed so can use skull.
Covered with Pig Tusks
to show high rank
More realistic than other sculptures:
Skull added to body of bamboo, cane, wood, clay.......
Decorated with fiber, feathers, spider web (for hair)
Supernatural Elements:
Smaller Heads at joints = multiply spirit + power
As man rises in grade societies = leaves world of living Becomes Supernatural Being.
Eventually: He eats alone + lives in sacred solitude: He has joined the ancestors while still on earth.
When he dies = must make Rambaramp
(Women denied this important step after missionaries destroyed their societies)
Rambaramp = used at
1st Mourning Ceremonies
Ritually carried from his house (where body lay in state)
Ceremonial Suque society house
Displayed inside Suque house - to ensure ancestor's presence
surrounded by smaller sculptures that are more dynamic
(like head with son on top)
Rambaramp may have been:
⚫ carried by dancers
• displayed in Suque house during feasts
Rambaramp = Not Permanent, relatively Fragile
Later = Discarded, but Head = saved
PowerPoint Slide Show - [Oc09_NewCal_Vanu
Rambaramp may have been:
⚫ carried by dancers
• displayed in Suque house during feasts
Rambaramp = Not Permanent, relatively Fragile
Later = Discarded, but Head = saved
Some Facial Elements = Meaningful
Mouth on smaller figures:
if open: can mean owner was high suque rank
• If closed: can mean owner has not entered grade system yet.
Santa Cruz
(culturally part of Solomon) + Admiralty Islands
Have a 2nd Style of Melanesian Art:
simpler - tends toward black + white
(some red)
more contained, less flamboyant, less extended
"Discovered" by Spaniard Alvaro de Mendana (1567) Looking for gold - islands covered with "fool's gold"
Thought he'd found Biblical "wealth of Solomon"
(mythical islands that supplied gold to adorn King Solomon's temple)
Islands = mostly mountainous + rainforest (Smaller islands = volcanic + coral)
Important WWII battle sites for US, New Zealand, Japan
→ Huge repercussions felt by people
Independent from Britain (1978)
Art: Ancestral, protective spirits, public initiation rituals
Wealth: (not the same thing as money)
2 kinds: feathers in huge rolls Shells.
Feather Rolls (Tevau):
Exact Worth = based on Length, Condition, Richness of Red Feathers
Thus = carefully stored + cared for - often under hearth (warmth kept rot + animals away)
Tevau feather rolls used for: marriage payments,
+ to buy ceremonial items: pigs, canoes, taro roots, labor
Cardinal Honey-eater
Fiber Core. 9m.
Feathers, Bark
500-600 Hours to make Tevau feather roll.
3 Specialists:
Bird-Catcher (needed down of c.30 birds)
• Artist: makes 2" platelets (need 1500) of grey Pacific pigeon feathers on wood.
Sews red cardinal honey-eater feathers onto platelets.
• Binder: attaches platelets onto bark fiber roll, Adds shells, seeds, turtle shell.
Sews "signature" design on end of roll.
Incantations + Amulets used.
Could be to show two different sides of the exchange
Bird catcher to get feathers
used as: Currency + Art/Fashion
Art includes:
Ear, chest, forehead ornaments,
usually = with inlay
Kap Kap:
Forehead ornaments
large sea shell disk + tortoise shell
Designs often include: human heads + frigate birds
references to head-hunting + to spirits
High Contrast aesthetic = common
Kapkap. Clam Shell, Turtle Shell.
delicate + hair-thin + refined.
Made into small z or x forms + embedded into shallow relief cavities with putty nut.
Nose ornaments= called “Nelo”
Simplified Aesthetics:
Large Head / hairstyle
White in eyes/mouth/ear plugs = shell inlay
Zigzag design for décor/scarification
Fishing Floats
Associated with:
(Bonito-related spirits)
Looking out towards the ocean
Santa cruz scluptrure:
Head: tilted up,
Face: flat, no/little inlay
Santa Cruz sculptures:
Sometimes exaggerated
often associated/embellished with sharks
=related to ancestor sharks
House posts:
In Communal / Ceremonial houses
Commemorate Important People (great hierarchy in society)
usually = Male, a few = Female
usually = single, some = multiple
Represent: Ancestral
Historical figures (are their ancestors)
Associated with Initiation
Sea creature swallows boy + spits out as man
= Rite of passage symbolic death + rebirth
often depict: Animal/crocodile/shark = swallowing boy
NOV 19
Canoes = used for Bonito fishing + Warfare + Funeral ceremonies
Bonito = type of Tuna, come in huge schools
Come unexpectedly, leave unexpectedy.
They follow small fish + are followed by sharks + flocks of birds All this activity = makes water “boil”
Bonito = manifestation of powerful deities – a supernatural gift when they come Never know when they'll come, or how long they'll stay
Dangerous (due to sharks)!
Bonito Hunt = dangerous + dramatic
= Important part of initiation ceremonies
Adaro = Bonito-related spirits
They stand on fish until people are "good" Once people are "good," Adaro release the fish
Canoes Decorated:
Fish + birds on points of prows
Often = embellished with Elegant mosaic of sh
Figures at bow + stern at Water Line:
Seek out Shells + Fish
Protect from Sharks + Enemies
Musumusu: (also called nguzunguzu):
Prow Figures head at base of
high prow
Usually = busts
Occasionally = full figures
Hocker position:
elbows-Knees-chin posture Balanced, cylindrical shape
PowerPoint Slide Show
Associated with Adaro spirits:
human/fish head, human legs, scaled backbone hold sharks
looks human but turns into fish Bird+fish imagery
Associated with Adaro spirits:
human/fish head, human legs, scaled backbone hold sharks
looks human but turns into fish Bird+fish imagery
LOOKING OUT over the water protecting
Emphasize the Head: Decoration = same as people
face painting, scarification.
Designs: zigzag + variation scarifications,
Stretched to hold
shell guages
Head ofs upernatural being who helps find head of enemies
Often: hold something to chin
Heads: refer to head-hunting
Birds: to ability to
fly straight from
point to point.
they promoted
"doves" of peace.
Politically: papa NewGuienea
Enligsh caption Phiip Central named it
Admiralty Islands
(Manus Island = largest)
Population= 5,000 years old
30 languages
Great sailors + traders
(Obsidian = volcanic glass with razor-sharp edge = traded to New Guinea)
1st Europeans: Spanish - Alvaro de Saavedra (1529)
After WWII:
Dutch Schouten + Le Maire (1616)
Abrupt rejection of tradition → result = widespread destruction of material culture
Currently traditional culture revival
Patrilineal clans:
Religion: \honoring Ancestors, who punish those who breach strict moral code
Ancestors = NOT eternal
If forgotten, they recede into obscurity + be replaced by more recent ancestors
Many = figural
wood carvings = specialty of Matankol (small islands) Carved with obsidian blades
specific people?
Based on scarification patterns, jewelry......
Figures = Honor /Commemorate Dead Relatively secular honoring
Often = large
Arms: usually down with hands free or on hips
Distinctive Mouth
Surface Design:
Incised Patterns rubbed with Chalk
Repeated triangles, diamonds, rectangles, opposed curves
Often bordered bands
Often black + white on red
Scarification: on arms + legs
Jewelry: on neck, ears, waist, arms, knees, ankles
Warrior Power Figures:
Notched Frigate bird Feathers
human or osprey bone (femur, humerus, forearms (rare) (bones = hidden by feathers except at top)
Some carved in wood with human head = newer? Who: Respected Relative? Worthy Adversary?
Power Figure = increases power of wearer by drawing upon power of dead
Worn: hanging down ones Back
Faces behind wearer.
to see/protect back? To protect during battle
To increase courage To protect from wounds
To protect from evil spirits
Were = Personal Property
NOT passed on to next generation
Triangular incising edging face = NOT scarification
but aesthetic of putting border on art objects
Beads = important in Oceania Originally = local materials (stone, bone, shells, teeth)
after European contact = Glass (imported)
Island New Guinea
Northern Solomons Bougainville
Enortland bland
Solomon Islands
Словни Island
New Ireland
+New Britain
= part of
Bismark Archipelago
Still politically part of Papua New Guinea
New Ireland: Coastal!
Fishing, some agriculture No Head-hunting
Kap Kap
New Ireland= Matrilineal clans
New Ireland = most famous Funerary rituals in Melanesia:
MALANGAN: (Malanggan) Name for Carvings + for Display
Importance = Analogous with: Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (pageantry)
Tournament of Roses parade (The Bee Movie) (ephemeral)
Malangan Funerary Event: Clan brings family together to honor dead
feasts, performances, oration, exchange of pigs + shell ornaments and to
Introduce deceased person to land of dead
Malangan House Display
made in Honor of Deceased, for improvement of the Living, 3-sided stage for Display
Carvings = displayed on green leaves that “show off" carvings
Bones of deceased = wrapped in leaves + placed in front of house below carvings
Malangan House:
• Commemorates Specific Ancestor
honor his life + ease his transition into death/ancestorhood
• Celebrates Living Men
"big" men: must exhibit spectacular sculpture as move up in age grade young men: carvings can be made to mark end of Initiation
Malangan displays: Occur every 1-5 years Lasting up to 9 months
Malangan system = Complex! Lavish Funerary Ceremony alone = 6-8 months: Involving: 24 dances, 4 new buildings, 7 major feasts, 6 gift exchanges, 3 days of speeches, ceremonial dress...
Death of chief:
must accord him proper send off
Malangan display/ceremonies refer to mythological + artistic wealth of family
O RIP Display of Carvings, Masks, + Performances All-ommissioned specifically for ceremony
= expensive
Each Malangan design = Owned by Family
All designs, forms, carvings
= named, + owned + copyrighted by family
Climax of Ritual = Display of Carvings, Masks, + Performances All = commissioned specifically for ceremony
When display "opened" to public = great Festival of Gift Exchange to prove high Status, Wealth, Prestige
Guests = pay small token to dead
• to show respect to dead + his family • to show that they aren't impoverished.
When display "opened” to public = great Festival of Gift Exchange to prove high Status, Wealth, Prestige
Guests = pay small token to dead
• to show respect to dead + his family • to show that they aren't impoverished.
Images = Carved out of Single Block of soft Wood
Tendency: long, Horizontal figures/friezes, or Vertical planks
Most meanings of carvings have disappeared
Evidently carvings = in realm of ideas:
Many of creatures
= composite
May be mythological
Painting of forms: Complex + meticulous + Bright
Complex forms:
Can be Cosmological +/or Observable forms Full of esoteric meaning + knowledge
Often Composite:
masts, fish, canoes, planks Mystical fish
birds+figures + geometric
Eyes = snail shell opercula-seem to watch you
Surrealists liked Malangan imagery
Some figures = may have represented specific spirit
Theres a story here, most likely to a particular story, like a family crest, these combinations
Carving probably not done by sponsor of ceremony/event.
Probably not done by professional artist either.
Probably carved by relative.
People = interdependent on relatives (for carving, painting, pigs, foods, etc)
= redistribution of wealth, a man is judged by his generosity.
Soul Boat: for Ancestors, Funeral of Chief Important During Ceremony = Ephemeral soft wood intentionally impermanent
openwork, many parts = Fragile
Transportation of spirit
Temporary boat made of soft wood
Intentionally temporary, not meant to last
Screen Carvings:
Malangan houses = often covered with screen-like flat forms, brought by participants
Masks: fall into various types with names + characteristics we just don’t know what are
Images = hard to interpret
Monsters encountered by Hunters in Forest.
Materials: Vegetal fiber
Sea sponge/fiber (for hair)
Planks Tusks
Intense Busy-ness
horror vacui- “fear of open space”
Face = animal or humanoid often buried beneath complex structure
Intensely Colored
Kepong / Ges – rabbit like ears
Huge display of masks + mask dances = accompany funeral + initiation
Tatanua Masks
a "line of tatanua❞
= masked dancers who perform on last day of Malangan
Masks a part of iniation system
Tatanua = image of ideal manhood
Wooden face with opercula eye
Enormous crest-like structure on top Usually = asymmetrical crest Vegetal matter
in style of young men in mourning/bereavement:
Sides shaved Top = crest-like
Head - covered in lime plaster
Most elaborately carved mask in New Ireland
Used to
Remove Taboos
Central mask + 2 Flange sections.
Combination of: humanoid figures Animals
Dancers wear
leaf costumes
Used during:
Moving up grade system Funerary Ceremonies
Emerge from sacred area where person cremated
Mourners gather around masks + move forward together
At end of dance:
masks return to cremation ground
Uli Figures:
(also called Nalik)
Used in
mortuary rituals in center of island Mandak people (vs coastal Malangan)
Embody the spiritual energy of Leader
who has died.
Uli = Protective figures Used by 13 Festival Associations
More developed sculpturally. Don't depend on paint for sculptural forms (as do Malangan).
Not perishable / thrown away (as are Malangan)
Instead Uli are used repeatedly.
Uli ceremony:
Feasts = every month for a year
Last feast = when bury the skull of dead leader must have Uli carved for this
Neighboring villages = bring own Uli + set up in shrines
Uli of past leaders = repaired, repainted, + displayed with new sculptures
Spirit of dead leader = enters uli during feast
Set up in Men's association House Can act as advisor, guide to living
Hermaphroditic figures (genitals + breasts) Can create + nourish
Are they Male figures wearing false breasts? (echoing ceremonial dress during certain rituals)
Refers to: Fertility
Balance in community:
Both Men + Women are necessary for culture: Women = grow taro root
Men + male power = symbolized by taro root
Wearing ceremonial dress: Wristlets, anklets, crested headpiece
Body = Enclosed in body “Cage”:
may be remnant of where skull was held originally?
Lorr Masks
Used by Iniet society
Made from front lobe, jaw+teeth of
human skull
Human hair
is added
Worn by secret society.
All about: Social control, manipulate dead, society police force
Do not depict specific person.
Danced at Night
Dancer holds piece of wood in mouth attached to mask.
Last time used? 1850s?
Duk Duk
Men's society: policing society
Enforce social and cultural laws of the community
Sulka People's Masks
Provide temporary abode for spirits
Worn during life passage celebrations: Birth, Initiation, Marriage, Funerals of important man or woman
Complex = takes at least 6 months to make (can have = wooden hands + feet)
Use = once
Sulka people's masks
Provide temporary abode for spitis
Worn during life passage celebrations:
Birth, initiation, marriage, funerals
Of important man or woman
Complex = takes at least 6 months to make
(can have wooden hands + feet)
Use = once
Dance = slow + dignified
Hemlanut Masks
(Sulka people)
Dancers jump up and down:
To reveal patterns under umbrella crest and to display supernatural qualities
Double headed = represent spirits
Wowe Masks- can be very big but tend to be mostly be reeds, wicker, fiber, mouth is made of wood,
Other basketry masks
Kavat Masks:
Baining people
Interior mountainous rain forests of e New Britan
Baining have series of masking ceremonies
Enacted day + night
To honor
Births, harvests, initiations, mourning
Balsa wood, cane, bark cloth.
Kavat masks= bark cloth stretched over wood/bamboo frame.
Embody spirits related to hunting + finding food.
Multiple masks come out and perform, dance, parade, differences in shapes, strong focus on the EYEs, the mouths (all quite different)
Painted designs, resemble very much barkcloth, and paintings on shields that warriors would use in Papa new guiena.
Day= Honor WOMEN + things associated with them (gardens)
Night = Honor MEN + confrontation between civilized village and uncivilized bush.
Colors are symbolic
RED = male, ritual bonfire, blood of hunt + war, ceremonial self sacrifice...
BLACK = female, cooking, fire ash, fertility of earth + mud, dark + wet places where spirits live
WHITE = spirits, misty, water holes, foam on water, afterbirth, primordial slime (potential for life)
Kavat have Specific Personas;
Animals; IE grasshopper praying mantis cassowary bird
Spirits: IE – male cannibal spirit, his wife, leaf + tree spirits, spirits of a pig vertebra
Spirit of a tree Fork
Tree Forks = important
Used for
Support posts for
Houses + shelters
Where remains of important dead
are placed (in trees near streams)
To honor them and lift them up, enfolding them back into trees which have personalities and importance.
Kavat masks = worn at initiations by
Young men as enter important age grade
Masks dance out of bush + perform all night.
Initiates alst learn about
VUNGVUNG trumpet masks.
Only senior men know all secrets of this final mask.
Printed designs = full of symbolism
Fire dance, with spider mask (background) which opens and closes fire
A dome mask SIVIRKI= used in female initiations ceremonies.
Used for onset of menstruation
Can only be performed by groups of women together
May represent the moon?
Western understanding of PNG = exotic
(where Michael Rockefeller disappeared)
Mens house (eravo)
Huge ceremonial houses
Communal labor to build
Huge tree trunks for frame (from inland)
Long with sloping / pitched roof
Store sacred objects inside :
Ie: Gope Boards + HEVEHE Masks
Has very TALL DOOR – so masks can exit
Initiation Masks include
KOVAVE spirit masks
EHARO comical masks (meant for comic relief)
Teach and provide lessons through different ways, teaching though comedy, teach how not to act, dont be like that dopehead
Eharo & Kovave:
Have same basic design:
Concentric eyes,
Emphasis on mouth
Yet Eharo
=more elborate than we know
Ceremonial cycle + name of mask. its BOTH
Initiation x2:
Into adulthood
Into hevehe cycle
Person being initiated
= ceremonially dies
Wears mask + reduced to nothingness,
Then reborn as a new person
HEVEHE MASKS = colossal bark cloth, over bamboo frame, paint, raffia (8-30')
Pointed oval masks with face near bottom
(can have 2nd face up higher)
Built inside eravo
Shape = echoes oval shape of other sacred objects in eravo
Women and children = can see but don’t understand symbolism
Masks = paraded/danced for 30 days
Somewhat sexual in their imagery, vaginal, fertility and honoring women, WORN BY MEN
Masks= perform at culmination fo Initiation Cycle
That takes 10-20 years to complete (ceremonies, feats performances, initiations)
Women call masks from ERAVO
Masks represent daughters of Female Sea Spirits...
After burst forth from eravo often in groups of 100 or more,
Rush to sea to address Spirits.
Dance with women for a month.
Similar vibe to our schooling system process, 12 yrs to complete.
Hevehe masks travel: Eravo –> beach/sea -> bush -> ERAVO
Esoteric language, senior men know, knowing of meaning depends on your level in the system
Then Hevehe = “killed”
Shot with arrows + burned
To release hevehe spirits
(similar to initiate ceremonially killed +reborn)
Masks= owned by families
Designs= owned by families + are carefully guarded.
Gope boards
portraits of guardian spirits
Power objects;
Associated with Remote Ancestors/ Spirits/ Human skulls
Use: in men’s houses, on farms, during boy’s initiations, as canoes as shields...
Honor Ancestors, but NOT portraits
PORTRAIT OF AN IDEA/CONCEPT not a specific person
Can be Shrines.
People of Papa new Guinea were head hunters, but didn't just kill anyone
Gope spirit boards
= awe inspiring + powerful
Provide protection supernaturally
Show aggression
Eyes emphasized
Bloodshot eyes = great warrior
Enemies eyes = kept
Associated with:
INMUNU (mana)= concept of heat force energy everyone and everything has it
Needed for successful life:
Male virility, hunting, health, everything
Want to attract. Steal imunu (why they head hunt)
Agiba Boards (Skull Racks)
The most powerful spirit boards
“Big” (important) men will collect 100s of heads
= of family, friends, etc
SEPIK RIVER : Biwat iatmal karawari
Important area
Sacred flutes = c8’ long hollow bamboo
Pairs or ensembles played for ceremonies
When not in use = sacred flute stopper
Inserted into end near mouth hole.
Figures = offspring fo ancestral crocodile spirit (ASHIN)
Very large flute
When played the sound of the flute is the voice of the ancestors
They do not want it to make sound on its own through the wind etc, unsacred unintentional moment,
They place them in flute stoppers to prevent them from making a sound
Carved nicely bc they are interacting with the ancestors to show respect to ancestors
Flute + stopper = individually owned.
Owners of sacred obejcts initiate boys + girls into sacred cults
Flutes and their stopers play important role in:
ASHIN Crocodile Cult
Precious heriloom
Passed from dad to daughter
Morther to son
Carved by sculptor but decorated communally
Finished stopper:
“child of the crocodile spirit”
=has important supernatural power.
Stored in MENS HOUSE.
Sacred Flues can also have masks....
Attached to masks
KARAWARI (korewari) people
Karawari river= below Sepik west of biwat
War+ hunting spirit figure
Individually owned? Clan owned?
Kept in men's house
After owner died – put indry rocky area/ Cave with other owners bones
Opposing hook form
Hook above head = bird
Lump at top = shows is hornbill
Hooks in middle = ribs
Knob in center = navel
Linage, connection, genealogy
Iatmul Poeple (middle sepik region)
Iatmul origin myth
All the world was water . Giant crocodile lived in water, brought mud from bottom to create islands the land continues to rest on teh back of the primordial corocodile (why earthwuakes) c
Crocodiles (pukpuk)
= most importantn class totem today
Iatmul Corcodile Society (for men)
Given during Bandi initiation.
Marks membership in Crocodile Society.
Men’s house:
=used for ale initiations + meetings betwen clan elders
-structed is shaped like crocodiles mouth
=center of activities especially of “competing” clan groups.
Orators pulpits
Represents and houses
Most powerful spirit, wagen
Gives speaker authority.
Like a stool with a person on one side of it, BUT NOT SAT on
Idea of “sitting there”
Faces and bodies that connect with spirits and ancestors
Speaker never sits on pulpit, but punctuates major points by striking it’s “seat” with branch.
Ancestors and their skulls continue to be imporatns
Pulpit is refrefencing the skulls and ancestors
Mei/Mai/ Mwei Masks
Best known iatmul masks
Long thin bird like face with tongue
Used in male initiation ceremonies
when taught secrets of sacred flute
Emphasized nose like Vanuatu and new Caldonia.
Mwei Masks
Not worn over gace
Instead atatached to large fiber cone on shoulders
Form = bird – like
Long nose attached to chin refers to 1st ancestors,
who couldn’t talk until noses were deetached
Noses often end in small bird, snake, or animal forms.
Qualiites of thoes animals have brought to item, stength etc
Bottom is emphasized
If painted, designs = similar to ancestral skulls may be PROTECTIVE
Ancestral spirits masks -> honon Ancestors
Performed as
Male + female pairs
(mythical brothers and sisters)
Young men make maks “talk”
Using bamboo flutes
Mei masks = “junior” to maks worn by senior men to ancestral ceremonies
Performing what they have learned, grauation type ceremony, honoring ancestors
During initiation, boys taken from family +
Being tuaght knowledge to become men
Mask pairs: perform and teach
Sacred knowledge
Iatmul World View =
Balance + Duality
Male and female
Earth and sky
Older and younger
Good and bad
Life and death
North of Sepik river near prince alexander mts
Dominated village
Gable facade elaborate paintings
Painted bark panels of basketry
Wooden lintel with faces
Intensely colored
HUGE gable front, everyone can see it, it dominates the community
Like malagan panels
Initiates/men physically interact with
Tamberan during ceremonies
Spiritually ancestral imagery
Remind those of the teachings (like stained glass in a church)
Most sacred figures are
= stored inside tamberan
Initiates must pass through interior
of ceremonial house during final initiation
Work way through tamberan similar to a funhouse maze situation,
Dark inside
Bringing references to you through the art and the process of going through tamberan men's house
Abelam ceremonial regalia
Masks with basketry
Sometimes open basketry
Masks also worn by yams
But call themselve
Asmat: Irian Jaya
Politically = part of Indonesia
Unfriendly swampland environment
Some of last people to be contacted by outsider (wester/asain worlds)
Very little information = known before wwii
Fierce head-hunters (still in 1960s)
Carvings on canoe prows
= calles penis *
Which means:
warriors are led into battled by eret phallus
Not carved to look like penises but represent the manhoood leading into battle
ASMAT= famous for wooden shields
When something painted
= supernaturally powered
Red= blood, power
White= brains, body, semen, courage
Black hair humans
Often depict figures niamals head hunting symvols
Preying mantis
Flying fox= person
Shields = consecrated + dedicated to specific ancestors
Named for them
BISJI POLES: effigies for ancestors who’ve died, whose deaths are avenged by head-hunting
Mangrove tree (hardwood)
Attacked in forest
Bark =scraped off + bleeds red sap
Tree= ceremoniously brought back wiht one root left instance
Turned upside-down and carved by professional sculptors
Root becomes carved scren at top
Called penises
Fiured carved on above another with screen at top
Large flag like screen
Called a penis
Screen liek carvinging of couples and head hunting symbols
C shape or hook shape = strong symbol in asmat art
BISJ Cermony
Avenges death asmat to not accept natural death either killed by enemy or enemy sorceer
Drive away soulds of dea
So wont harm