his here (by me) - tenei
these here (by me ) - enei
that there (by you) - tena
those there (by you) - ena
that over there (by him/her) - tera
those over there - era
enei- by me, ena = by you , eera= over there
thing, object - mea
here (by speaker) - nei
there (by you, the listener) - na
over there (away from our reach) - ra
the (singular) - te
the (plural) - nga
a/some - he
those black tables (over there) - era tepu pango
this red pen ( here) - tenei pens whero
that good cell phone (over there) - tera waka pukoro pai
these blue books (here) - enei pukapuka kahurangi
these keys ( here) - enei ki
Taua = you and i
korua - you two
maua - an exclusive personal pronoun (excluding the listener fro what’s happening - eg; telling keeley that hats and I are going to mall )
raua - they or them two
tatou - us
koutou- you guys ( 3 or more)
matou - you and two others (excluding the listener from the action)
ratou - 3 or more
a and b (name 2) - ko a raua ko b
a and b and c - ko A ratou ko b ko c
myself, a and b - ko matou, ko a ko b
myself and a - ko matou ko a
we - matou
who is your father - ko wai to papa?
who is your mother? - ko wai to mama
julie is my mothers name - ko Julie taku mama
how many sisters do you have? - tokohia o tuahine?
I have two sisters - tokorua aku tuahine
I have three brothers - tokotoru aku tuakana
how are they? - kei te pehea ratou
they are tired - kei to hoha ratou
who is the mother of keeley - ko wai to mama o keeley
them - ratou
my (younger generation) - taku
my (older generation) - toku
zyzy is my boy - ko zyzy taku tama
there are two children in my family - tokowha nga tamariki o te whanau
a and b and c are my ancestors - ko a ratou ko b ko c oku tipuna
how many (people) - tokohia
how many (things/animals) - e hia
who - ko wai
matamua - oldest
potiki- youngest
tamaiti tuarua - 2nd child
tamaiti tuatoru - 3rd child
tuakana - older sibling of the same gender
tuākana- older siblings of the same gender
teina - younger sibling of same gender
tēina younger siblings of same gender
tungāne - brother of a female
tuahine - sister of a male
mātua - parents
matua- father
whaea- mother
tama - son
tamarind- daughter
computer- rorohikoo
men/man- Rangatauanui
the - nga
happy - harikoa
sick - mauiui
big/important - Nui
good- pai
small - iti/ninipi
table - tēpu
hat - pōtae
pen - pene
cell phone - waea pukoro
house - whare
chair - turu
book - pukapuka
keys - ki
hella ( to one) - Tena koe
hello (to two) - Tena korua
hello ( to three or more) - Tena koutou
informal greeting - kia ora
hello A ( when a is a maori name with 1 long vowel or two short vowels) - ki ora, e A
hello A ( when A is a pakeha name) - ki ora, A
welcoming on a marae - pōwhiri's
welcoming (informal) - mihi whakatau
no hea koe? - where/who are you from
no (place/ancestor) ahau
no hea ia? - where/who is he/she from?
no (place/ancestor) ia
no hea a (name/proper noun)? - Where is … from?
No (place/ancestor) ia
Tena koe, e hoa - hello friend
no Whangarei ahau - I am from who
friend - hoa
intimate friend - kare
girl/young women - hine
male - ta(ne)
girl - ko(tiro)
elderly women - kui(a)
elderly man - koro(oua)
mister - mataua
miss - whoa
friend - hike
friend - mara
highly skilled person - pukenga
teacher - kaiak
professor - Aorangi
boss- rangatira
pango - black
where- red
kahurangi/kikoranhgi - blue
kakariki - hreen
kowahi - yellow
panoni - brown
ahau - me
koe - you
ia - he/she
taua - ahau + koe (me and you)
korua - koe +koe ( you and you)
maua - ahau +ia ( me and her)
raua - ia + ia ( her and her)
tatou - ahau + koe + koe
koutou - koe +koe +koe
matou - ahau + ia + ia
ratou - ia + ia + ia + ia
sentence starters
e + number + te/ng/aku + object/s
e iwa aku pene - I have nine pens
e rua nga aporo - i have two apples
Kei te + haere + actor/s + ki hea?
keo te haere ratou ki hem? - where are they all going
kei te haere + actor/s + ki +location
kei te haere matou ki te moana - we are going to the ocean
kei te + haere + a +name + ki hea?
kei te haere a pita ki hea - where is pita going?
I haere a pita ki hea - where did pita go?
ka haere a pita ki hea - where will pita go?
I: past tense - where did you go?
Ka : future tense - where will you go?
kei te haere a pita ma ki hea? - where are pita and the others going
Ma; and others (plural)
kei hea + possessive/ te/nga/ a + actor/ p/pronoun /object
kei hea taku inu - where is my drink?
inanahi, I kai ahau o nga aporo - yesterday o ate the apples
I te ata nei - the morning past us
I te ata nei, i panui na tamariki I nga pukapuka - this morning the children read books
I tera wiki I haere a hoax ki te moana ki te hi ika - last week hoagie went to the ocean to fish
inanahi, I te tekau menti pari ii te tekau karaka, i haere ahau ki te whare wanaga ki te ako i te reo maori - yesterday at 10 past 10 I want to the unveirsity. for the purpose of learning the maori language
ki - destination
kei te - purpose
e + verb + ana = verb+ing
e kai ana = eating
e oma ana = running
e hi ika ana = fishing
kei raro te ngeru i te rakau e kai ana - the cat is under the tree eating
I roto nga pakupaku i te awa e kaukau ana - the toddlers were swimming in the river
kei heretaunga a pita e hui ana - pita is in Hastings for a meeting
tokoiaw nga kia e waiata ana - nine elderly ladies singing
kotahi te koroua e whai korero ana - one eldrly man is talking
location + number + action
kei te roto nga tangata tokorua e hikoi ana - there are two people AT THE LAKE walking
I otepoti nga tamakariki tokoiwa e ako ana - nine children in otepoti were studying
I runga I te rakau nga manu e wha e karanga ana - on top of the tree four birds were calling
kai waho I te where nga kuru e pahupahu Ana - the dogs were barking outside the house
rau - 100
mano - 1000
kotahi - before ray
kotahi - before something that’s one of
after word ma- we don’t use kotahi we use Tahi
kotahi mano kotahi rau e rima tekau ma ono - 1156
Kotahi rau ma ono - 106
kotahi rau ma ono mano - 106000
756 - e white rau e rica tekau ma ono
333 - toru rau e toru tekau ma toru
101- kotahi rau ma tahi
1003 - kotahi mano ma toru
998 - iwa rau e iwa tekau ma waru
1000- kotahi mano
794 - e whitu rau iwa tekau ma wha
409 - wha rau ma iwa
897 - waru rau e iwa tekau ma whitu
223 - rua rau e rua tekau ma toru
2024 - rua mano e rua tekau man wha
e hia o tau - how old are you
pepiha - who you re
mihimihi - set of acknowledgements