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week 12: aggression

  • What is aggression? What are the 4 different types of aggression?

    actions where there is intent to harm another and the target must want to avoid harm

    • the 4 types of aggression are:

      • physical

      • social or relational - hurting feelings and impacting relationships

      • hostile - anger w an intent to make a point [ie. silent treatment, racism]

      • instrumental - aggression is used for some end goal beyond the aggression [ie. uprising, terrorist attack]

  • What are social scripts?

    Social scripts are culturally provided mental instructions for how to act in various situations. In the context of aggression, these scripts often guide individuals on how to respond aggressively in certain scenarios.

  • How is aggression instinctual?

    • evolutionary social psychology, survival of the fittest

    • inherent - needed to ensure our species’ survival

    • passed thru genetic code

  • What is frustration-aggression hypothesis? How is this hypothesis criticized?

    • frustration leads to an aggressive act

    • every aggressive act is a result of some past frustration

    • criticism

      dependent on situational constraints, ability to control behaviour as well

  • What is aversive emotional arousal?

    negative emotion such as anger and discomfort that leads to aggression; aggression reduces or eliminates the negative emotion

    • ie. punch pillow, rage rooms

  • What are the 4 characteristics of the targets of aggression?


    • connected to type of aggression

    • men = more physical, women = more social

    • men tend to be more violent, both genders are equally prone to aggressive behaviour


    FBI data finding: ppl are more likely to be aggressive to someone of their own race

    • doesn’t account for hate crimes

    whether there was intent

    there is an intent to be violent or harmful, all abt how u assess a situation - is there intent of violence, is there no intent of violence

    whether there might be retaliation

    cost-benefit analysis - should I retaliate, rational thinking involved

  • How does one reduce aggression using catharsis? How is this criticized?

    find an outlet to let your emotions out

    • criticism

      • disinhibits ppl from controlling their aggression

      • arouses anger even further in the long run

      • only effective when targeted toward the source of the frustration or anger which is unrealistic


week 12: aggression

  • What is aggression? What are the 4 different types of aggression?

    actions where there is intent to harm another and the target must want to avoid harm

    • the 4 types of aggression are:

      • physical

      • social or relational - hurting feelings and impacting relationships

      • hostile - anger w an intent to make a point [ie. silent treatment, racism]

      • instrumental - aggression is used for some end goal beyond the aggression [ie. uprising, terrorist attack]

  • What are social scripts?

    Social scripts are culturally provided mental instructions for how to act in various situations. In the context of aggression, these scripts often guide individuals on how to respond aggressively in certain scenarios.

  • How is aggression instinctual?

    • evolutionary social psychology, survival of the fittest

    • inherent - needed to ensure our species’ survival

    • passed thru genetic code

  • What is frustration-aggression hypothesis? How is this hypothesis criticized?

    • frustration leads to an aggressive act

    • every aggressive act is a result of some past frustration

    • criticism

      dependent on situational constraints, ability to control behaviour as well

  • What is aversive emotional arousal?

    negative emotion such as anger and discomfort that leads to aggression; aggression reduces or eliminates the negative emotion

    • ie. punch pillow, rage rooms

  • What are the 4 characteristics of the targets of aggression?


    • connected to type of aggression

    • men = more physical, women = more social

    • men tend to be more violent, both genders are equally prone to aggressive behaviour


    FBI data finding: ppl are more likely to be aggressive to someone of their own race

    • doesn’t account for hate crimes

    whether there was intent

    there is an intent to be violent or harmful, all abt how u assess a situation - is there intent of violence, is there no intent of violence

    whether there might be retaliation

    cost-benefit analysis - should I retaliate, rational thinking involved

  • How does one reduce aggression using catharsis? How is this criticized?

    find an outlet to let your emotions out

    • criticism

      • disinhibits ppl from controlling their aggression

      • arouses anger even further in the long run

      • only effective when targeted toward the source of the frustration or anger which is unrealistic