Components of Blood:
Consists of serum, clotting factors, and fibrin.
Formed Elements:
Red Blood Cells (RBCs), White Blood Cells (WBCs), and platelets (thrombocytes).
Definition: Normal cell production, mitosis, and differentiation.
Initially occurs in the yolk sac and liver primordium during fetal development.
Later occurs in the bone marrow.
Stem Cells:
Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to:
Myeloid Stem Cells: Produce:
Reticulocytes: Become RBCs.
Megakaryocytes: Become platelets.
Granulocytes: Become eosinophils, basophils, and neutrophils.
Monocyte Precursors: Become monocytes.
Lymphoid Stem Cells: Produce B and T lymphocytes and plasma cells.
Definition: Production of RBCs regulated by erythropoietin (hormone from liver and kidney).
Erythroblast → Reticulocyte → RBC.
RBCs lose their nucleus and have a lifespan of about 120 days, with a daily loss of approximately 1%.
Requirements: Needs hemoglobin synthesis, Vitamin B12, and folic acid.
Normal Count: Approximately 5 to 6 million RBCs per cubic millimeter.
Production of WBCs: Approximately 7 million granulocytes and monocytes in circulation, with an equal number in tissues and lymph nodes.
Lifespan: Granulocytes live for days and monocytes may last months to years.
Definition: Production of platelets from megakaryocytes via fragmentation.
Normal Count: About 250,000 platelets per microliter of blood.
Regulation: Influenced by growth factors produced by the liver, including thrombopoietin.
Purpose: Maintaining static volume of blood (hemostasis).
Clot Formation:
Essential for sealing leaks due to injury.
Coagulation Cascade:
Extrinsic Pathway: Tissue factor exposed on endothelium due to injury.
Intrinsic Pathway: Factors in blood activated by subendothelial collagen.
Calcium Ions: Required for clotting; EDTA acts as a coagulant blocker.
Basic Mechanism: Requires fibrin, platelets, and fibrinogen. Prothrombin converts to thrombin, which turns fibrinogen into fibrin that polymerizes and binds platelets.
When collagen is exposed, von Willebrand factor (vWF) binds collagen and platelets, activating aggregation.
Releases: ADP, stimulating more platelet aggregation; Thromboxane A2 (TxA2) promotes inflammation and vasoconstriction.
Methods of Stopping Coagulation Cascade:
Hemodynamics: Blood flow can dilute activated factors.
Endothelial Mediation: Endothelial cells release prostacyclin (PGI2) to inhibit platelet aggregation; degrade thrombin and ADP.
Fibrinolytic System: Plasminogen converts to plasmin, degrading fibrin and other clotting factors. Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) helps dissolve clots from the inside.
Interactions: Some factors can affect both hemostasis and anticoagulation:
Factor XII: Activates intrinsic pathway and promotes plasmin formation.
ADP & Thrombin: Promote both platelet activation and protein C, aiding fibrinolysis.
PTT (Partial Thromboplastin Time):
Normal range: 25-40 seconds; longer indicates problems.
PT (Prothrombin Time):
Normal range: 9-12 seconds; prolonged indicates low factor levels.
Terminology of Signs:
Petechiae: Pinpoint hemorrhages.
Purpura: Larger patches (≥2cm).
Ecchymoses: Bruises, larger in size.
Hematoma: 3D pooled blood trapped between tissues.
Thrombocytopenia: Insufficient circulating platelets caused by production issues, increased clearance, or immune destruction (e.g., ITP).
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP): Antibodies damage endothelium leading to widespread platelet binding.
DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation): Widespread platelet activation causing hemorrhaging.
Impaired Platelet Function: Resulting from genetic issues or uremia.
Genetic Causes:
Von Willebrand's Disease: Deficiency in vWF affecting collagen binding.
Hemophilias: Defects in clotting factors VIII (A) or IX (B).
Acquired Clotting Disorders: Related to liver synthesis impairments and Vitamin K deficiencies.
Results in small hemorrhages; conditions include vasculitis and hereditary telangiectasia.
Increased numbers = Polycythemia; Decreased numbers = Anemia.
Definition: Reduction in O2 transport efficiency with Hb < 14-18 g/dL (male) or < 12-16 g/dL (female).
Causes: Ranges from hemolysis and nutritional deficiencies to marrow defects.
Absolute Polycythemia: Increased erythropoietin secretion due to hypoxia or high altitudes.
Relative Polycythemia: Due to plasma deficiency, such as dehydration.
Leukopenia: Low WBC count; often neutropenia.
Leukocytosis: Elevated WBC count due to various conditions.
Leukemia: Malignant tumors of leukocyte precursors, various types including:
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Characterized by Reed-Sternberg cells.
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Lacks Reed-Sternberg cells.
Bone Marrow Transplant: Requires HLA antigen matching; donor loses 750 mL of marrow.
Definition: Reduction in O2 transport efficiency with Hb < 14-18 g/dL (male) or < 12-16 g/dL (female). Causes: Ranges from hemolysis and nutritional deficiencies to marrow defects.
Types of Anemia:
Iron-Deficiency Anemia: Caused by insufficient iron intake, chronic blood loss, or absorption issues.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia: Can lead to megaloblastic anemia due to poor absorption or dietary deficiency, manifesting in neurological symptoms.
Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia: Similar to B12 deficiency, often seen in pregnant women or individuals with malabsorption.
Hemolytic Anemia: Due to early destruction of RBCs caused by autoimmune diseases, infections, or hereditary conditions like sickle cell disease.
Aplastic Anemia: Bone marrow fails to produce sufficient blood cells, often resulting from autoimmune diseases, infections, or exposure to toxins.
Symptoms: Fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, and cold hands/feet.
Diagnosis: Blood tests measuring hemoglobin levels, reticulocyte count, and assessments of iron and vitamin B12 levels.
Treatment: Varies based on the cause; iron supplements, vitamin B12 injections, folic acid supplements, or treating underlying conditions may be necessary.