Untitled Flashcards Set

Week 2 Study Questions Head and Neck

4. Physical examination of a client reveals an enlarged tender tonsillar lymph node. what action would the nurse take next?

A. assess for meningitis

B Assess for dietary changes.

C Assess for an infection upstream

D Assess for enlarged nodes in other regions

5. A nurse is teaching an 18- year old female, who does not use tobacco or consume alcohol health promotion related to the head and neck. The nurse includes teaching about which of the following? Select all that apply

 A seatbelt use

B refraining from texting while driving

C wearing a helmet

D Cancers of the neck


6. The nurse can evaluate the strength of the sternocleidomastoid muscle by having the patient

a. tilt their head against resistance

b. clench their teeth during the muscle palpation

c. bring their head to the chest

d. extend their arms against the resistance.

7. Which of the following best describes the instructions the nurse should give a patient when assessing the thyroid form the posterior approach?

A. please tilt your head back as far as possible.

b. please turn your head as far to the right as you can

C. please bring your chin down toward your neck

D. please tilt your head slightly down and to one side

8. While assessing a patient, the nurse finds a palpable lymph node in the left supraclavicular region. Which of the following should be the next action?

A Recognize that it is not common to palpate lymph nodes in this region and that they must be carefully evaluated.

B. Recognize that enlarged lymph node in this area indicate sinus inflammation

C. Recognize that this is a common areas for lymph nodes to be enlarged with minor infections

D. Recognize that a palpable lymph node in this region is always indicative of malignancy.

9. While reviewing laboratory values for thyroid function in an adult patient, the nurse sees that the TSH is elevated, and T3 and T4 are decreased. The nurse recognizes that these findings are indicative of

A. normal thyroid function

B. hypothyroidism

C. hyperthyroidism

D thyroid cancer

10. A patient presents with a complaint of drooping of the eyelid on one side. This finding is documented as which of the following?

A. Kernig sign

B. Pharyngitis

C. Thyroglossal Cyst

D. Ptosis







Week 2 Study Questions Eyes

1.         When working with an older adult, what would the nurse emphasize as increased risks for the client?

a.          a. Myopia and strabismus

b.         B. Blepharitis and chalazion

c.         C. Glaucoma and Cataracts

d.          D. exophthalmos and presbyopia


2.         A public health nurse is performing annual vision screening for residents in senior housing. Which of the following charts would the nurse most likely be using?

a.         A. Jaeger chart

b.         B. Snellen Chart

c.         C. Ishihara cards

d.         D. Confrontation cards


3.         Which of the following scores for distance vision indicates the client with the poorest vision?

a.         A. 200/20

b.         B. 18/20

c.         C. 24/20

d.         D. 20/100

4.         A nurse recognizes that the 60-yo client may have difficulty reading fine print because of

a.         A, the loss of accommodation.

b.         B. anisocoria

c.         C amblyopia

d.         D. asthenopia

5.         Peripheral vision is evaluated by the nurse using the

a.         A. corneal light test

b.         B. cover test

c.         C. confrontation test

d.         D. cardinal fields of gaze test


6.         The cranial nerves involved with eye movements include

a.         A. II, V, VII

b.         B. III, IV, and VI

c.         C. IV, V, and VIII

d.         D. V, VI and VII

7.         The nurse assess the response of the eye to light and documents normal findings as

a.         A. PEERLA

b.         B. PERRLA

c.         c. PERLLA

d.         C. PERLAA


















Week 2 Questions Ear

1.         The function of the ear is for

a.         A. hearing and equilibrium

b.         B. equilibrium and perforations

c.         C. perforations and balance

d.         D. balance and equilibrium

2.         The inner ear

a.         A. contains the malleus, incus and stapes

b.         B. conducts sound waves to the external ear

c.         C. translates sound to the nerves and brainstem

d.         D. provides the body with proprioception

3.         Cues of hearing loss include which of the following? Select all that apply

a.         A. Using a loud or monotonous voice

b.         B Asking to repeat questions

c.         C. Concentrating on lip movement

d.         D. leaning forward to hear

4.         Risk factors for hearing loss include which of the following? Select all that apply

a.         A. frequent ear infections

b.         B. Being current on immunizations

c.         C. exposure to smoke

d.         D. Age less than 30 years


5.         Tinnitus is described as

a.         A. inability to hear well

b.         B. dizziness

c.         C. ringing in the ear

d.         D. ear pain


6.         Which of the following clients is most likely to have hearing loss?

a.         A. White male older than 70 yo

b.         B. Hispanic female older than 50 years

c.         C. Asian male younger that 30 years

d.         D. African American girl younger than 10 years


7.         Which of the following are usually done in an APRN assessment but not an RN assessment?

a.         A. History and risk factors

b.         B. Symptom analysis

c.         C. inspection and palpation

d.         D. Otoscopic assessment


8.         Progressive hearing loss associated with aging is known as

a.         A. diplopia

b.         B. presbycusis

c.         C. xerostomia

d.         D. anosmia

9.         Which of the following is an outcome appropriate for a client with hearing impairment?

a.         A. Provide a communication board or picture to assist teaching.

b.         B. Minimize background noise and close door.

c.         C. Stand in front of client and explain procedure

d.         D. Client explains plan to accommodate hearing impairment

10.   Which of the following are appropriate interventions for the client who is a risk for ear infections? Select all that apply

a.         A. be current on immunizations.

b.         B. Avoid secondhand smoke

c.         C. clean only the external ear,

d.         D. Have audiogram yearly.











Week 2 Questions nose, sinuses, mouth, throat

1.         Which of the following is part of the upper GI tract?

a.         A. Nasal septum

b.         B. Sinuses

c.         C. throat

d.         D. Adenoids


2.         The nurse is assessing the nares to evaluate the site of epistaxis. The most common site of bleeding is which of the following?

a.         A. Ostiomeatal complex

b.         B. Nasal septum

c.         C. Kiesselbach plexus

d.         D. Woodruff plexus


3.         The nurse knows that the floor of the mouth is highly vascular and therefore a good location for which of the following?

a.         A. Absorption of sublingual medications

b.         B. Identification of malignancy in the pharyngeal fossa

c.         C. Infection with streptococcus

d.         D. Aspiration, even if the gag reflex is present.


4.         Acute airway obstruction is a situation that should be

a.          A. reassessed during the next visit

b.         B. evaluated within 8 hours

c.         C. further assessed thoroughly

d.         D. quickly assessed and treated

5.         Risk factors for nose, sinus, mouth, and throat problems include

a.          A. topical decongestant use, smoking and allergies

b.         B. smoking, allergies, and high blood pressure

c.         C. Allergies, high blood pressure and topical decongestant use

d.         D. high blood pressure, topical decongestant use, and smoking


6.         The nurse has assessed the nose and documents expected findings as

a.         A. nose asymmetrical with clear drainage

b.  B. nose is symmetrical and midline

c.  C. nose asymmetrical and proportional to facial features

d.  D. nose symmetrical with yellow drainage.

7.         The nurse is assessing a client who has been taking antibiotics for 10 days. Oral assessment is important because of the increased risk for which of the following?

a.         A. Fordyce granules

b.         B. Pharyngitis

c.         C. Anosmia

d.         D. Candida Albicans

8.         An adolescent male presents with complaints of nosebleeds. The nurse would further assess for

a.         A. hemangioma

b.         B. nasal trauma

c.         C. angiofibroma

d.         D. cystic fibrosis

9.         The nurse assess the child with purulent, unilateral nasal drainage. The nurse knows that the most likely cause is

a.         A. allergic rhinitis

b.         B. choanal atresia

c.         C Foreign body in nose

d.         D. cystic fibrosis

10.   During routine physical examination of a 20 year old female, the nurse notes a septal perforation. This finding may be significant for which of the following causes?

a.         A. illicit drug use

b.         B. Nose picking

c.         C. Nasal trauma

d.         D. Bifid uvula

