Role of imperialism and World War I
Imperialism: When a nation extends its power by obtaining land through purchase, diplomacy, or military conquests.
Berlin conference and Scramble for Africa
The attendees – representatives of 12 European countries, diplomats from USA, and Belgium's Leopold II - didn't partition Africa at the conference
Impact -
Rejection of Local Agency
By 1900, 90% of Africa under European control
Mineral resources belonged to outsiders
Legitimization of Violence
Mass violence and genocide
Congo Free State: free trade area stretching across Congo
Colonialism and reparations
Reparations: Forms of decolonisation - Case studies
Statue of King Leopold II in Belgium spray painted in 2020
Students in South Africa and UK marching to challenge Eurocentric curriculums
France determined to return 26 stolen artifacts to Benin
South Africa in 2015 - RhodesMustFall movement
Black Lives Matter