Untitled Flashcards Set

  • Scientific Revolution Causes:

-people starting to question, curiosity/exploration, tech advancements, and humanism (“Why does this person have power)

  • Scientfiic revolution Impacts/effects:

-Impact on thought (emphasis on evidence/experiment), influence on enlightenment (foundation for questioning) Broader impacts (Policial, economic, and social idelogies)


  • Influence of the scientific revolution on the enlightenment

-men started to question norms/foundation of questioning

  • Key ideas to include social and political reforms

French revolution: influence of enlightenment principles on the call for political and social change

  • Natural rights (what are they)

-Life liberty and property

  • Hobbes view on government and natural rights

-Favored absolute monarchy, believed people were evil, so only a powerful government can ensure social order. 

  • Locke’s view on government and natural rights

-Life, Liberty, and Property are natural rights. 

  • Montesquie’s view on government and natural rights

-Seperation of Powers in goverment

  • Rousseau’s view on government and natural rights

-Wrote the social contract, people were naturally good in their own state.

  • Enlightenment influence on the American and French revolutions:

American: idea of freedom and self-determination. 

French:  influence from Enlightenment principles, on the call for political and social change. 


  • What caused France’s financial/economic crisis

-King Louis lavished money on himself and residences like versailles.

  • The three estates (what members of society made up each estate)

1st Estate: Clergy  2nd Estate: Nobility  3rd Estate: Everyone else

  • What was the estate general, why was this meeting called?

-The Estate General was a meeting of all the estates to figure out a solution for the debt

  • How the tennis court oath gave rise to the National Assembly

-National assembly: They want to force a constitution influenced from the Enlightenment philosophers and took a oath not to leave the tennis court until the consitiution is made. 

  • Reign of Terror (causes/leadership)

-Causes: accused of treason, mass exucutions. Lead by Danton and Jacobin, danton lead the committee of public safety where lots of people were guillitoned and then robesspiere was

  • Rise of Napoleon (First consul, then emperor)

-Napelon launches a Coup’dEtat (Seziure and overthrow) on the weak and corrupt directory then he is victorious and seizes control of France as a consul/dictator. Emperor was his ultimate goal. Then in 1804, Napoleon grabs the crown out of the Pope’s hands and crowns himself emperor of the French. 

  • Napoleon's reforms

-economic: slowed inflation and equaled taxation

-social: introduced the metric system to France

-religious: promoted catholism and established a concordant

-legal: established the NAPOLEONIC CODE OF LAWS.

  • Napoleon's accomplishments (military)

Known as one of the greatest military leaders of all time

Nationalism throughout Europe rose during and after his reign

  • Napoleon's three big mistakes

-the continental system:France attempts to stop British trades with Europe, the peninsular war : France attacks spain for ignoring te continental system, and the invasion of Russia

  • Congress of Vienna (Purpose and consequences)

-Puts a monarch back on its throne, is called how to figure out how to make peace between nations. 


  • Explanation causes of the revolution to include:

    • Agriculture

      -change from hand-made to machinery and new farming methods, helped people with jobs

      • Population Explosion

      -people eat healthier and women give birth to healthier babies 

      • Energy Revolution 

      -Machines make doing work easier and life easier. Mass production from machines of goods

      • Why the industrial revolution happened in England

      -The industrial revolution happened in England because they had a colonial empire, their capital, and their geography with mild temperatures, island, and irregular coastline. They also have a large labor supply, natural resources, new technology, and a stable government and economy.

      • Basics of Industrial Society

      -shift from rural to urban machine-based manufacturing. Wage Employment-Instead of working on a farm for a share of the crops and a place to live, people earn wages in factories. Movement from people in farms to cities, and high social mobility. 

      • Rise of the Working class to include

        • Women

      -women would either work in dangerous factories or stay home with the children.

      • Children

      -many worked in dangerous factories were tight and fit into spaces

    • Adam Smith

      • Views on government and the economy

    -free market should regulate business activity. The government should have minimal interference (The government will be able to focus on society and providing public works)

    • Karl Marx

      • Views on government and the economy

    -a battle between the working class and owner, Argues capitalism creates a system of imbalance: favors communism and socialism, favor of the worker, worker needs to form a revolution to overturn capitalism 


    • Vocabulary : quizlet

    • The main motives

      • Economic, social, and political

    -Economic: Industrial revolution created a need for raw materials

    -Social: nationalism and humanatraism 

    -Political: increased political power

    • Control over markets, etc..

    •  Nations involved in imperializing

    -Western Europe and the united states

    • Nations who were imperialized

    -Africa, Asia, Latin America

    • Popular uprising to include

      • Boxer Rebellion 

    -1900- Rebellion in China against imperialism and the open door policy there

    • Boer Wars

    -Fighting was vicious, Britain victorious because of their superior military technology The idea is to have a peaceful solution, however it does not happen when it comes to power and money

    • Zulu Resistance 

-South African tribe that placed an emphasis on military organization and skill

  • Sepoy Rebellion

-The sepoys refused to put the cartridges in their mouths and were sent home without pay - they rebelled against this unfair treatment and slaughtered british men, women, and children

  • Analyze how the Industrial Revolution brought the imperial age.

-sped up economic development in Europe and US, Established a way that industrial nations viewed their colonies Began to see colonies as: Market for goods, Sources for raw materials Movement from mercantilism to imperialism=deeper control

  • Social, political, and economic impacts of imperialism in Africa, India, and China

Africa: shift from subsitence farming to cash crops + plantations, colonial governments replaced traditional structures, adoption of native practices/language/chritstianity, zulu resistance and boer war.

India: colonial governments, cash crops, sepoy rebellion

China: Opium war, open trading

  • Open Door Policy (What was it and intended purpose)

- All countries have equal trading rights in the area
