Reading the Bible in context - What does that mean? Why is it important?
It is easy to misunderstand or misinterpret - We need to understand why it was written and who it was written to.
The literal meaning (what it says)
Historical setting (the events of the story, to whom it is addressed, and how it was understood at the time)
Grammar (The immediate sentence and paragraph within which a word or phrase is found
Synthesis (comparing it with other parts of Scripture for a fuller meaning)
How is the Bible Divided?
Book, chapter, verses
Old Testament (Story of God’s people)
The Law (the Torah or the Pentateuch)
Books of History
Books of poetry/wisdom
Books of prophecy (major and minor prophets)
New Testament (Story of God’s Church)
The Gospels (4 books)
Letters (Epistles)
Apocalyptic Prophecy (Revelation - end times)
This helps keep the Bible organized
Creation - Order and Items -
Light and Darkness
Sky and sea
Land and water and vegetation
sun, moon and stars
Birds and fish
Man and land animals
What does Genesis 1 say about the presence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit at creation?
God the Father - In the beginning God
God the Spirit - the spirirt of God hovered over the waters
God the Son - God said
What were the first commands given to humans?
Fruitful - producing good results: beneficial; profitable
Multply - increase in number
Fill - to occupy to the full capacity
Subdue - to bring (land) under cultivation
Rule - to control or direct; exercise power, authority, or influence over; govern
What are some of the differences between Genesis 1 and 2?
Creation is in chapter one and shows all He made
Then Genesis twi shows us God rested and goes deeper about making male and female. Difference in order.
What does creation tell us about God and His character?
It shows that God has dominion over everything and that He is a creative God, therefore, He loves to create. He is perfect and creator of all things. He is orderly and not chaotic. There is a choice and freedom to live with God. He is a God that lives in relationships and God’s voice equals His actions
What is a covenant?
A coveneant is a promise between man and God.
What was important about Abram?
God promised a child in his old age. That his descendents would be very numerous (stars in the sky and sand) All nations would be blessed through him. God fulfilled that promise
What was the family line of Abraham?
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, David, Jesus
How do we see God’s faithfulness in the story?
Isaac - God fulfilled His promise of giving Abraham and Sarah a son
Jacob - He was a deceiver, but God used him for His good
Joseph - God never left hima nd was made second in command
Israel - “Kings shall come from your body”
Moses - Led people out of slavery
How did God show His power over the Egyptians and their gods?
He showed His power by sending the plagues over Egypt. Water into blood, frogs, gnats/lice, flies, livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, firstborn.
What are the Ten Commandments and how do they guide a person into a good relationship with God and Humans?
You must not worship any other gods
You must not make idols or worship them
You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God
Remember to keep the Sabbath day a special, holy day
Respect your father and mother
You must not murder
You must not commit adultery
You must not steal
You must not lie
You must not be jealous of what other people have
The Israelites were in the midst of many wrong things in Egypt and were still complaining in the wilderness. They teach us how to live with God (1- 4) and people (5-10).
Significance of three feasts.
Passover - It shows that Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice as it was a substitutionary death. He took our place when we deserved to be punished.
Sabbath and Sabbath Year - God gives us rest. He made the Sabbath day holy.
Day of Atonement - God provided the ultimate sacrifice of Hid don, jesus. It also shows that God forgives our sins and that He loves us very much.
How do these festicals point to Jesus?
To remember God’s promise of Jesus coming again and that He always keeps His promises.
What was there a need for Judges in the OT (Cycle of the Judges)?
Peace in the land
Israel does what is evil in the eyes of the Lord
God punishes Israel
Israel cries out
God raises up a judge
Israel is delivered
What was the job of the judge?
To politically and spiritually guide them
Why did the Israelites want a king?
Because Israel had no king
What did God warn them about if they got the kind of king they were asking for?
The Melek king would not lead the people in faithful worship. He would lead them badly, send their sons to war, take their gold, take their wives. etc.
What are the differences between a Nagid king and a Melek king?
A nagid king is a king who leads the people in faithful worhsip. A melek king is a king who does not lead the people in faithful worhsip.
How did the kings of Israel and Judah do as kings?
Most of them did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. very few did what was right.
Who were the Prophets and what was their task?
The prophets job was to call the people to repentence. Accusation (telling them what they did wrong), Called to repentence (telling them to turn back to God) the Day of the Lord. (Stop, recognize what you are doing wrong and turn back to God)
What were some of the prophets that we studied and how did they minister to the people?
The book of Nahum states that God was cursing Nineveh because of their sinful ways. They turned back to their sinful ways shortly after Jonah and the city was later destroyed.
How does understandinf the cultural setting of the NT help us understand the teachings of Jesus?
It helps you understand why Jesus had different methods to preach.
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
Stories (could be familiar) Jesus used to teach. He used them as they are easier to understand.
What are some of the lessons Jesus taught through parables?
We should be willing to give up everything to serve God.
How do the I AM statements of Jesus fulfull the OT prophecy?
I AM the tru vine - John 15:1 and Isaiah 5:1-7, Isaiah 27:2-6
I AM the resurrection and the life - John 11:25 and Exodus 26:33, Leviticus 16
I AM the way, the truth and the life - john 14:6 and Isaiah 53:10
I AM the Shepherd - John 10:11-18 and Micah 5:4, Isaiah 40:11
I AM the Gate - John 10:9 and Psalm 118:20, Ezekiel 34
I AM the light of the world - John 8:12 and Exodus 13:17-22, Isaiah 42:6, 49:6
I AM the Bread of Life - John 6:35 and Psalm 78:23-25, Deuteronomy 8:3
What are some (4) of the OT prophecies that are fulfilled in Jesus’s work and teaching?
The Messiah would speak in parables (Psalm 78:2-4, Isaiah 6:9-10, Matthew 13:10-15, 34-35)
Messiah would be an heir to the throne of Davaid - 2 Samuel 7:12:13, Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:32-33, Romans 1:3
Messiah would be silent - Isaiah 53:7, Mark 15:4-5
Messiah would be mocked - Psalm 22:7-8, Luke 23:35
What is the Great commission and how are we supposed to complete it?
Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We can do this by telling others about Jesus. Authority, action and assurance.
How and why are the gospels different?
They are different views written by different people. Some were eyewitnesses, and some were retelling the story. Some were to reinforce a teaching and some were for different audiences.
The Early Church - How did the early church spread?
Through the apostles and the disciples being missionaries. Letters of encouragement. They went out and told the story of Jesus. They preached thrugh the power of the Holy Spirit. They preached in the streets and the temples. They were tightly knit.
What obstacles did the early church face and how did they overcome it?
They faced persecution. They were reminded to rejoice in their sufferings because it produces endurance. They could learn that their sufferings were only temporary and to learn how to find joy in it.
How did the visions of Peter and Cornelius open the gates for the Gentiles to become a part of the family of believers?
Cornelius was a Gentiles and God gave him a vision to go and get Peter. All of his family received the Holy Spirit just by listening. Peter was a Jew who had the vision of the images of animals that were unclean, and he said he wouldn’t eat, but God told him to. “Do not call unclean what I have made clean.” it was symbolism that the church was now open to the Gentiles. We see this throughout the Bible with Rahab and Ruth. God used broken people and people not of Israel for His glory.
What were some of the messages of the epistles (Letters of Paul and others)
2 John - It gives us encouragement and tells us to love others as it has been commanded to us. We should not take part in wicked works, and we should instead walk according to God’s commandments. This applies to us now because we should continue to love one another as we are commanded to. We should also be aware of people who teach falsely.
Revelation - What does the book of Revelation reveal?
The Day of the Lord is not a bad thing. We wanted to do it on our own, Satan tricks us and we messed up, but God saves His people.