753-509 BCE Monarchy
509-27 BCE Republic
27 BCE-476 CE Principate (Empire)
753 BCE Legendary foundation of Rome
c. 625 BCE Physical unification of Rome [i.e., the real foundation]
509 BCE Expulsion of the kings; foundation of the Republic
218-201 BCE Second Punic War
133 BCE Tribunate of Tiberius Gracchus
88 BCE Sulla marched on Rome for the first time
59 BCE Caesar was Consul for the first time
49 BCE Caesar crossed the Rubicon River
15 March 44 BCE Assassination of Julius Caesar
31 BCE Battle of Actium
27 BCE Augustus’ First Constitutional Settlement; beginning of the Principate
14 CE Death of Augustus
69 CE Year of the Four Emperors
313 CE Edict of Toleration
330 CE Foundation (dedication) of the city of Constantinople
476 CE “Fall” of the Western Empire
565 CE Death of Justinian