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American Revolution


  • George III

    • aggressive

    • hard to please

    • High turn over

    • Instable

  • Parliamentary

    • Power → #1 authority

  • Communication

American View

  • Tax power → Col Assembles

  • Direct Tax

    • applied to a good

    • Ex- Sales Tax, Stamp Tax

  • Indirect tax

    • Producers

      • Price went up

    • Gas

  • High Literacy rates

    • weekly journals

    • Newspaper

  • Bonds

    • Post 1763

    • British Troops

      • 4,000 troops

      • Ohio Valley

      • British → Peace → Am & Natives


  • Sugar Act

    • Importing of Sugar

    • Price of Rum increased

      • Pay for keep of Empire

    • 1765 - Stamp Act

      • direct tax

      • office class

      • newspaper

      • playing cards

      • (go into effect 1766)

      • Mass boycotts - England

        • Ex- Sons of Liberty and daughters of liberty

Show of Force

  • 1768 - Relocation of troops

    • 4k troops

    • Boston

    • Anti- British feeling

  • 1770 - Boston Massacre

    • 5 killed

    • Soldiers arrested

    • J. Adams


  • 1770-73

    • Peaceful

    • Sam Adams

      • Son of Liberty

  • 1773- Tea Act

    • British East India C.o (tea)

    • Monopolize (tea trade)

      • cheaper

  • Boston Tea Party

    • tea party

    • 342 chests

  • Jan 1774 - Coercive Acts/Intolerable

    • Gov of Mass

    • Martial Law

      • Thomas Gage

    • Close port of Boston

    • Militias start forming

Towards Independence

  • 1774 - Phila

    • 1st Cont. Congress

      • No Independence

The shot

  • Mid- April

    • Lexington & Concord

      • Village greens

        • 1st shot colonies

          • Slatement

  • 1st major battle

    • Bunker hill

      • Boston Harbor → British victory (costly)

    • Minutemen

Starting Again

  • 1775 - 2nd Congress

  • Army - “Continental”

    • G. Washington

  • Funding

    • Continentals → Printing → Inflation

    • Suppiles

      • French & Spain → Convert assistance

Common Sense

  • Jan 1776

  • T. Paine

    • Common Sense

      • Declare Independent

      • Regular Folks

      • Within 1st 3 months (100k copies)

  • T. Jefferson

    • Life, Liberty, and happiness

Tale of the Tape


  • Population

    • 12 mil

    • 3 mil

  • Industrial base

  • Pro Army (Experienced)

  • Powerful Navy

Arm (Colonists)

  • Logistics

  • Vasteriers

  • Leadership

    • G. Washington

    • N. Greene

    • H. Gates

    • H. Anntox

    • B. Arnold

  • Morale


  • Strategy

    • Long game

    • Less risk

    • “Fielding Army”

    • “Survival

  • Militias

    • 13 colonies (informal armies)

    • Control Land

    • Guerilla tactics

    • African Americans

      • 25k - Am & North “freedom”

      • 50k - Brit → Lord Denmore _> “Freedom”

Testing the Will

  • 1776

  • British - leadership

    • W. Howe

      • Pardon Plan

        • Allegiance

        • Travel to NYC

  • 1776 - NY Campaign

    • Terrible for Americans

  • Washington Flee to NJ

  • Christmas

    • Trenton

    • Princeton

      • Boost Morale

Turning Point

  • Oct 1777

    • Battle of Soratoga

      • H. Gates

      • B. Arnold

      • British surrender

  • Winter - 1777/78

    • Valley Forge, PA

      • High Death rate

      • Small pox

      • ¼ dead

French Allies

  • 1777 Form Alliance

    • Navy

    • Troops

  • British

    • Word Conflict

Last Campaign

  • 1777 - British

    • W. Howe

    • Lord Cornwallis

    • H. Clinton

  • Relocate

    • Boston → NYC→ South Carolina → Loywists

  • 1780 → Charleston

  • 1781 → Yorktown

    • French Navy

      • Surrender


  • Colonists loyal to England

    • 1/3 Patriots

    • 1/3 Loyalists

    • 1/3 Netural

  • Colonial mob activity intimidatory

  • Relocate 100k loyalist (leave America)

Treaty of Paris

  • 1783 - Paris

    • J. Jay

    • J .Adams

    • Spain

    • France

    • Independence

    • LAnds

      • East of Miss

    • Fishing

    • Debts

      • Repaid


American Revolution


  • George III

    • aggressive

    • hard to please

    • High turn over

    • Instable

  • Parliamentary

    • Power → #1 authority

  • Communication

American View

  • Tax power → Col Assembles

  • Direct Tax

    • applied to a good

    • Ex- Sales Tax, Stamp Tax

  • Indirect tax

    • Producers

      • Price went up

    • Gas

  • High Literacy rates

    • weekly journals

    • Newspaper

  • Bonds

    • Post 1763

    • British Troops

      • 4,000 troops

      • Ohio Valley

      • British → Peace → Am & Natives


  • Sugar Act

    • Importing of Sugar

    • Price of Rum increased

      • Pay for keep of Empire

    • 1765 - Stamp Act

      • direct tax

      • office class

      • newspaper

      • playing cards

      • (go into effect 1766)

      • Mass boycotts - England

        • Ex- Sons of Liberty and daughters of liberty

Show of Force

  • 1768 - Relocation of troops

    • 4k troops

    • Boston

    • Anti- British feeling

  • 1770 - Boston Massacre

    • 5 killed

    • Soldiers arrested

    • J. Adams


  • 1770-73

    • Peaceful

    • Sam Adams

      • Son of Liberty

  • 1773- Tea Act

    • British East India C.o (tea)

    • Monopolize (tea trade)

      • cheaper

  • Boston Tea Party

    • tea party

    • 342 chests

  • Jan 1774 - Coercive Acts/Intolerable

    • Gov of Mass

    • Martial Law

      • Thomas Gage

    • Close port of Boston

    • Militias start forming

Towards Independence

  • 1774 - Phila

    • 1st Cont. Congress

      • No Independence

The shot

  • Mid- April

    • Lexington & Concord

      • Village greens

        • 1st shot colonies

          • Slatement

  • 1st major battle

    • Bunker hill

      • Boston Harbor → British victory (costly)

    • Minutemen

Starting Again

  • 1775 - 2nd Congress

  • Army - “Continental”

    • G. Washington

  • Funding

    • Continentals → Printing → Inflation

    • Suppiles

      • French & Spain → Convert assistance

Common Sense

  • Jan 1776

  • T. Paine

    • Common Sense

      • Declare Independent

      • Regular Folks

      • Within 1st 3 months (100k copies)

  • T. Jefferson

    • Life, Liberty, and happiness

Tale of the Tape


  • Population

    • 12 mil

    • 3 mil

  • Industrial base

  • Pro Army (Experienced)

  • Powerful Navy

Arm (Colonists)

  • Logistics

  • Vasteriers

  • Leadership

    • G. Washington

    • N. Greene

    • H. Gates

    • H. Anntox

    • B. Arnold

  • Morale


  • Strategy

    • Long game

    • Less risk

    • “Fielding Army”

    • “Survival

  • Militias

    • 13 colonies (informal armies)

    • Control Land

    • Guerilla tactics

    • African Americans

      • 25k - Am & North “freedom”

      • 50k - Brit → Lord Denmore _> “Freedom”

Testing the Will

  • 1776

  • British - leadership

    • W. Howe

      • Pardon Plan

        • Allegiance

        • Travel to NYC

  • 1776 - NY Campaign

    • Terrible for Americans

  • Washington Flee to NJ

  • Christmas

    • Trenton

    • Princeton

      • Boost Morale

Turning Point

  • Oct 1777

    • Battle of Soratoga

      • H. Gates

      • B. Arnold

      • British surrender

  • Winter - 1777/78

    • Valley Forge, PA

      • High Death rate

      • Small pox

      • ¼ dead

French Allies

  • 1777 Form Alliance

    • Navy

    • Troops

  • British

    • Word Conflict

Last Campaign

  • 1777 - British

    • W. Howe

    • Lord Cornwallis

    • H. Clinton

  • Relocate

    • Boston → NYC→ South Carolina → Loywists

  • 1780 → Charleston

  • 1781 → Yorktown

    • French Navy

      • Surrender


  • Colonists loyal to England

    • 1/3 Patriots

    • 1/3 Loyalists

    • 1/3 Netural

  • Colonial mob activity intimidatory

  • Relocate 100k loyalist (leave America)

Treaty of Paris

  • 1783 - Paris

    • J. Jay

    • J .Adams

    • Spain

    • France

    • Independence

    • LAnds

      • East of Miss

    • Fishing

    • Debts

      • Repaid
