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AP US History Unit 1 Content Outline

  • Americas populated by tribes of Natives

  • Environment determines social, political, economic structures

  • Major centralized civilizations in Andes (Inca) and Mexico (Aztec)

    • Tribute system

    • Lots of gold and silver

  • Mississippi built dense urban centers with mounds and farming, trade

  • Eastern Woodlands develop villages with maize farming, foraging, hunting

    • Local chiefs, and the Iroquois Confederation

  • lack of resources = mobile lifestyles in the Great Plains and Great Lakes

    • Spanish introduce horses in 1500’s

  • Arid Southwest led to irrigation, maize farming, large pueblo towns

  • Pacific Coast natives based on fishing, social hierarchies, wealth

  • Africa dominated by powerful chiefs, internal trade, slave trade with Arabs

  • Europe beginning to centralize power and expand

    • Crusades increase awareness and spice trade with Asia

    • Explorers begin to search for new trade routes around Africa

    • Columbus finds New World looking for spice route to Asia in 1492

  • Columbian exchange

    • disease (esp. smallpox) wipes out Native Americans but benefits Europe

    • new crops and livestock to Americas; maize, tomatoes, and potatoes to Europe

  • Spain dominant colonial power for 100 years

    • Conquistadores looking for God, Gold, and Glory

    • Encomienda system develops

      • Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico

  • French explore Canada and the Mississippi for fur trade

    • Friendly relations with natives

  • English begin to arrive seeking land and freedoms

AP US History Unit 1 Content Outline

  • Americas populated by tribes of Natives

  • Environment determines social, political, economic structures

  • Major centralized civilizations in Andes (Inca) and Mexico (Aztec)

    • Tribute system

    • Lots of gold and silver

  • Mississippi built dense urban centers with mounds and farming, trade

  • Eastern Woodlands develop villages with maize farming, foraging, hunting

    • Local chiefs, and the Iroquois Confederation

  • lack of resources = mobile lifestyles in the Great Plains and Great Lakes

    • Spanish introduce horses in 1500’s

  • Arid Southwest led to irrigation, maize farming, large pueblo towns

  • Pacific Coast natives based on fishing, social hierarchies, wealth

  • Africa dominated by powerful chiefs, internal trade, slave trade with Arabs

  • Europe beginning to centralize power and expand

    • Crusades increase awareness and spice trade with Asia

    • Explorers begin to search for new trade routes around Africa

    • Columbus finds New World looking for spice route to Asia in 1492

  • Columbian exchange

    • disease (esp. smallpox) wipes out Native Americans but benefits Europe

    • new crops and livestock to Americas; maize, tomatoes, and potatoes to Europe

  • Spain dominant colonial power for 100 years

    • Conquistadores looking for God, Gold, and Glory

    • Encomienda system develops

      • Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico

  • French explore Canada and the Mississippi for fur trade

    • Friendly relations with natives

  • English begin to arrive seeking land and freedoms