Topic 1.4:
-What are carbon sinks/reservoirs?
-What are carbon sources?
-What is the difference between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
-How are humans impacting the carbon cycle?
Topics 1.5:
-What are nitrogen sinks/reservoirs?
-What are nitrogen sources?
-What are the steps of the nitrogen cycle?
-How are humans impacting the nitrogen cycle?
Topic 1.6:
-What are phosphorus sinks?
-What are phosphorus sources?
-What is the difference between the phosphorus cycle and other cycles?
-How are humans impacting the phosphorus cycle?
Topic 1.7:
-What are water sinks/reserviors?
-How are humans impacting the water cycle?
Topic 4.2:
-How are soils formed?
-What are the different soil horizons and their characteristics?
-How are human activities impacting soils?
Topic 4.3:
-What are the different particle types? What is largest? Smallest?
-How does particle size affect porosity/permeability/water holding capacity?
-Can you read a soil triangle chart to determine soil texture?
-What is the ideal soil type?
-What factors increase soil fertility?
-What factors decrease soil fertility?
-What do the different characteristics (texture, permeability, pH, color, nutrient level) tell you about the soil?
Topic 4.6:
-How are the boundaries of a watershed determined?
-How do vegetation, slope and soil type influence watershed drainage?
-Identify and describe way in which humans alter watershed dynamics
-What ecosystem services do estuaries/wetlands provide?
-What are some major sources of nitrogen and phosphorus in watersheds that result in eutrophication?
-What other pollutants are problematic in watersheds?
-Describe the effects of clearcutting on watersheds
Topic 5.3:
-What changed with agriculture during/following the Green Revolution?
-What are some benefits resulting from the Green Revolution?
-What are some drawbacks of the Green Revolution?
-What is the difference between a High Yield crop and a GMO?
Topic 5.4:
-What are pros and cons of monocropping/monoculture?
-Why is tilling harmful?
-Why is slash & burn agriculture harmful?
-What are pros and cons of synthetic fertilizers?
Topic 5.5:
-Identify and describe the 4 types of irrigation
-List the irrigation methods from most to least efficient
-Describe waterlogging and identify ways to combat it
-Describe soil salinization and identify ways to combat it
-How are aquifers recharged?
-Describe saltwater intrusion
Topic 5.6:
-What are the different types of pesticides?
-Explain the correlation between GMOs and pesticides.
-Describe the pesticide treadmill.
-Explain the correlation between GMOs and genetic diversity.
Topic 5.7:
-What are the pros and cons of of feedlots/CAFOs?
-How is animal waste from feedlots dealt with and what are some concerns?
-Why is free range grazing preferable to feedlots?
-What are issues associated with overgrazing?
-What is a more sustainable alternative?
-Describe the inefficiency of meat production and consumption.
Topic 5.14:
-What is the goal of IPM?
-What methods are employed with IPM?
-What are the pros and cons of IPM?
Topic 5.15:
-What farming methods prevent soil erosion? Describe them.
-What farming methods improve soil fertility/minimize loss of soil nutrients? Describe them.
Topic 8.3:
-What are some examples of endocrine disruptors and their use?
-How do endocrine disruptors affect humans and wildlife?
-How do endocrine disruptors affect ecosystems?
Topic 8.7:
-Why are POPs called “forever chemicals”?
-Why do POPs accumulate in the tissues of living organisms?
-What are some examples of POPs?
Topic 8.8:
-What is the difference between bioaccumulation and biomagnification?
-Why do apex predators have higher concentrations of environmental toxins in their tissues than lower trophic level organisms?
-List some common pollutants that are bioaccumulated/biomagnified
Topic 8.11:
-Describe the different stages of sewage treatment (primary, secondary, tertiary)\
-Which stage is biological? Physical? Chemical?
-Why are aeration tanks important for the secondary stage?
-What can be contained in raw (untreated) sewage?
-What substances are often not eliminated during the treatment process?
Topic 8.12/13:
-Can you interpret a dose-response curve to and use it to determine the threshold lethal dose?
-What is the difference between ED50 and LD50?
-How do we determine the maximum dose allowed for a human?
-When comparing substances, which is more toxic: the one with the lower LD50 or the higher LD50?
-Why are LD50 values not always appropriate for predicting potential ecosystem impacts?