Components: Brain and Spinal Cord.
Function: Controls body functions; allows thinking, memory, speech, and movement.
Cauda Equina: Bundle of spinal nerves at the lower end of the spinal cord.
Communication System: Coordinates all body functions.
Divided into Two Parts:
Somatic Nervous System:
Sends signals to skeletal (voluntary) muscles.
Receives sensory input.
Autonomic Nervous System:
Functions subconsciously; controls involuntary actions (smooth and cardiac muscles).
Evaluates sensory information and sends responses to muscles/glands.
Components: Cranial nerves (12 pairs) and spinal nerves (31 pairs).
Function: Acts as electrical wires for communication between CNS and muscles/sensory receptors; controls automatic functions (e.g., heart, respiration).
Cerebrum: Largest part; controls voluntary muscle movement, senses (sight, sound), intellect, memory, emotions.
Cerebellum: Coordinates muscle movements and maintains balance.
Ventricles: Cavities containing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that cushions and nourishes the brain.
Parts: Pons, Medulla Oblongata, Midbrain.
Functions: Controls respiration and heart rate, connects cerebrum with the spinal cord.
Definition: Three protective membranous layers around brain/spinal cord (Dura mater, Arachnoid mater, Pia mater).
Functions: Provides mechanical protection, supports blood vessels, allows passage of CSF.
Total: 31 spinal nerves connecting spinal cord to body.
Cervical: 8 pairs - head, neck, diaphragm.
Thoracic: 12 pairs - chest and abdominal muscles.
Lumbar: 5 pairs - leg muscles.
Sacral: 5 pairs - bowel, bladder, sexual function.
Neurons: Nerve cells that conduct impulses.
Glia: Support and nourish nerve tissue; maintain the structure of the Nervous system.
Glioblastoma: Tumor of developing glia.
Subdural Hematoma: Accumulation of blood below the dura mater, often from injury.
Dementia Types:
Alzheimer’s Disease: Most common; irreversible cognitive decline.
Vascular Dementia: Due to small strokes.
Frontotemporal Dementia: Behavior and speech impacts.
Movement Disorders:
Cerebral Palsy: Muscle control dysfunction due to brain damage.
Multiple Sclerosis: Degeneration of nerve fibers.
Parkinson's Disease: Affects movement and cognition.
Types: Ischemic (blood supply restricted), Hemorrhagic (vessel rupture).
Warning Signs: Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) - temporary stroke-like symptoms.
Shingles: Painful rash from reactivated chickenpox virus.
Diagnostic Procedures: EEG, CT, MRI used for evaluating brain conditions.
Anxiety Disorders: Chronic feelings of apprehension.
Bipolar Disorder: Mood swings between mania and depression.
Schizophrenia: Severe mental disorder with hallucinations.
PTSD: Symptoms relating to traumatic events.
Combining Forms:
Neuro- (nerve, nervous system)
Encephal/o- (brain)
Myel/o- (spinal cord)
Psych/o- (mind)
Gli/o- (glial cells)
Cerebell/o (cerebellum)
Cerebr/o (cerebrum, brain)
Dur/o (hard, dura mater)
Gangli/o (ganglion)
Ganglion/o - (ganglion)
Mening/o - (meninges)
Meningi/o - (meninges)
Poli/o - (Gray Matter)
Radicul/o - (nerve root)
Rhiz/o - (nerve root)
Angi/o - (vessels, blood vessels)
Blast/o - (developing cell, germ cell)
Cephal/o - (head)
Crani/o - (cranium)
Embol/o - (plug)
Esthesi/o - (sensation, sensitivity, feeling)
Hem/o - (blood)
Hemat/o - (blood)
Hydr/o - (water)
Ment/o - (mind)
Mon/o - (one, single)
Phas/o - (speech)
Psych/o - (mind)
Quadr/i - (four)
Thromb/o - (blood clot)
Peri- (around)
A- (absence of, without)
An- (Absence of, without)
Dys- (painful, abnormal, difficult)
Hemi- (half)
Hyper- (above, excessive)
Inter- (between)
Intra- (within)
Pera- (beside, beyond, around, abnormal)
Poly- (many, much)
Post- (after)
Sub- (under, below)
Contra- (against)
Pre- (before)
-itis (inflammation)
-a (no meaning)
-al (pertaining to)
-algia (pain)
-cele (hernia, protrusion)
-genic (producing, originating)
-graphy (process
-oma (tumor)
-pathy (disease)
-plasia (growth)
-pnea (breathing)
-logy (study of)
-ectomy (surgical removal)
-scopy (visual examination)
-gram (record)
-rrhea (flow)
-phobia (fear)
-mania (excessive enthusiasm)
-dysfunction (impaired function)