APUSH Academic Vocab Terms

Some helpful terms to acknowledge, that could be found in some APUSH documents or stimuli!

Autonomous: in charge of one's self, self governing

  • As the British colonies experiences senses of Anglicization overtime and developed autonomous political communities based on English models. The growing of autonomous communities within these colonies boosted especially with the large distances between the New World and the motherland.

Beneficiary: a person or group who receives benefits, profits, or advantages

  • Medicare was a health plan that was passed under LBJ 1965 that provided elderly beneficiaries with hospital and medical services.

Commonwealth: a federation of states

Disdain: to look upon or treat with contempt

Disparate: essentially different, dissimilar

Dissident: against status quo of government, disagree with official policy

Domineering: dominating over another in an arrogant way

Exploit: take advantage (ex. Europeans exploit new world resources)

Federation: a group of states with central government but independence in internal affairs

Levy: imposing or collecting, as of tax, by authority or force

Militant: vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a cause

Outmoded: out of date

Partition: divide into parts

Pilfer: to steal, especially in small quantities

Protracted: to draw out or lengthen, especially with time

Reflect: to think deeply or carefully about

Refute: to prove to be false

Renounced: to give up

Renowned: celebrated, famous

Secular: non-religious, pertaining to worldly things or to things that regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred

Specie: coined money

Subsidize: to support an organization or entity financially

Subsidy: to receive a financial contribution of money

Venerate: to worship
