Some helpful terms to acknowledge, that could be found in some APUSH documents or stimuli!
Autonomous: in charge of one's self, self governing
Beneficiary: a person or group who receives benefits, profits, or advantages
Commonwealth: a federation of states
Disdain: to look upon or treat with contempt
Disparate: essentially different, dissimilar
Dissident: against status quo of government, disagree with official policy
Domineering: dominating over another in an arrogant way
Exploit: take advantage (ex. Europeans exploit new world resources)
Federation: a group of states with central government but independence in internal affairs
Levy: imposing or collecting, as of tax, by authority or force
Militant: vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a cause
Outmoded: out of date
Partition: divide into parts
Pilfer: to steal, especially in small quantities
Protracted: to draw out or lengthen, especially with time
Reflect: to think deeply or carefully about
Refute: to prove to be false
Renounced: to give up
Renowned: celebrated, famous
Secular: non-religious, pertaining to worldly things or to things that regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred
Specie: coined money
Subsidize: to support an organization or entity financially
Subsidy: to receive a financial contribution of money
Venerate: to worship