Sociology: the social science study of societies behavior as a whole
Theories: A general attempt to describe/explain something
Perspectives: The way we see each other and the world
Sociology started during the industrial revolution era
Cities became to crowded
Housing crisis
The term sociology was first coined in 1780 by the French essayist Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès (1748–1836) in an unpublished manuscript (Fauré et al. 1999). In 1838, the term was reintroduced by Auguste Comte (1798–1857).
Auguste Comte
Can be proven scientifically
Through limited experiences
Social experiments
Father of sociology
He believed it would unite all sciences and improve society
Emilie Durkheim
Everything in society has a contribution/function
Saw society as a human body
If one isn’t working, the whole system collapses
Saw society as a series of interrelated parts
Society exerted powerful force on individuals
The collective consciousness (Norms, and beliefs) binds individuals together and creates social integration
Max Weber
Social action theory
What we do is connected to society and vice versa
We act based on society's reactions to cause and effect
Humans adapt their behavior based on social context
Groups within a society
To understand something, we must see it from different perspectives
Put yourself in your shoes
Karl Marx
The structure of society is structured based on how its economy is organized
Conflict theory
To criticize capitalism
Capitalism relies on social conflicts between the bourgeoisie and proletariat
The wealthy stays in power and the labors stay as subjects of the government
The labors overthrow a revolution to introduce a classless society (communism)
The wealthy uses religion as the opium of the people to suppress the conflict
Religion can be a way to distract people with false hope and fate (why be rich now when u can be rich in the after life)
Erving Goffman
The dramaturgical approach to human interaction
Guide/control on how other people see us
How we are is different between home and outside
The front stage and the backstage
Our real emotions are behind a curtain
To fit in with social norms
How we act depends on social settings
The theatrical presentation of life
Life is a theater, our real selves are behind a curtain
Herbert Spencer
Biological view of society
Saw society as organisms
Natural selection
Survival of the fittest
Nature selects the richest to live as they are the most capable to live
Poor are left to die/suffer because that's nature's way of getting rid of them.
Doctrine of social darwinism (Theory of evolution)
C. Wright mills
Sociological imagination
Connect our personal issues to public/social issues
To blame oneself then a bigger group
A framework for understanding the social world that far surpasses any common sense notion
Might derive from limited social experience
Common sense notion
Using imagination to widen a perspective
The awareness of the relationship between personal experience and wider society
Reconcile “Society” & “individuals”
Capitalism: Gaining money/profit
Money makes your way
Makes everybody work