Encoding and Transfer of Information
Forms of Encoding
Short-Term Storage
Long-Term Storage
Transfer of Information from STM to LTM
Organization of Information
Retrieval from STM
Retrieval from LTM
Process of Forgetting and Memory Distortion
Interference Theory
Decay Theory
The Constructive Nature of Memory
Autobiographical Memory
Eyewitness Testimony
Primarily acoustic encoding
Primarily semantic encoding
Key Problems
Memory Types
Nondeclarative Memory: learning through practice or conditioning
Declarative Memory: processing through attention and association
Types of Rehearsal
Overt (visible)
Covert (silent)
Maintenance Rehearsal: simple repetition
Elaborative Rehearsal: meaningful integration with existing knowledge
Short-Term Memory
Parallel vs. Serial Processing
Exhaustive vs. Self-terminating Processing
Long-Term Memory
Cued recall yields better results than free recall
Types of Interference
Retroactive: new learning interferes with old
Proactive: old learning interferes with new
Memories fade; effects are small short-term; more forgetfulness due to interference
Key Concepts
Transience: quick fading of memories
Absent-mindedness and Blocking
Misattribution and Suggestibility
Bias in recall influenced by current emotions
Persistence of significant memories over trivial ones
Errors in memory can lead to wrongful convictions
Examples of wrongful accusations show the potential risks of unreliable memories