10.1 WS and Ch. 10 Cut & Paste
Where did the Industrial Revolution start? Why?
The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain. It started because of an increased food supply (which happened due to the Agricultural Revolution, which made farming expand, made it cheaper, and made it more efficient), population growth (which happened due to the increased food supply and after many peasants were forced to move to cities, created labor supply for factories), a ready supply of money (Britain had a steady supply of money to invest in machines and factories, and entrepreneurs also found new business opportunities), plentiful natural resources (Britain’s rivers provided water power for factories and a means of transporting materials and Britain also had an abundant supply of coal and iron ore), and a supply of markets (Britain had many colonies and ships to ship goods to them, so British manufacturers had an easy outlet to sell their goods. Britain also had an increased domestic market due to population growth).
Who were the Luddites?
The Luddites were terrorists/freedom fighters (depending on your point of view) who protested the mechanization of the textile industry by destroying factories and factory machines.
Who invented the steamboat?
Robert Fulton invented the steamboat.
What were conditions like for the urban poor?
They lived in crowded, dirty buildings with little light or ventilation. Open sewers and human waste ran through these slums. Because of this, diseases like typhoid and cholera became rampant.
What did liberals believe in?
Liberals believed in individual liberties, free speech, trade, religion, universal equality under law, laissez-faire economics, representative government, and only men with property having the ability to vote.
What did Utilitarians believe in?
Utilitarians believed in laws bringing the greatest good to the greatest number of people and the government promoting education, democracy, education, and free trade.
What did the Socialists believe?
The socialists believed that people should do what is best for society as a whole, political equality is useless without economic equality and the government should take control of businesses and use everything for the good of all people.
What is the biggest difference between Adam Smith and the Socialists?
Adam Smith believed in free markets with minimal government interference, while socialists believed that the government should control all of the businesses.
11.1 WS Second Industrial Rev
Who improved the telegraph?
Samuel Morse improved the telegraph.
Who was Marconi? Nobel? Edison?
Marconi sent the first radio broadcast across the Atlantic. Nobel invented dynamite, a safer explosive used for construction. Edison invented the incandescent light bulb.
What was the most important invention of Otto? Daimler & Benz?
The most important invention of Otto was the gasoline burning Internal Combustion Engine. The most important invention of Daimler and Benz was the first automobile.
Who started the first billion-dollar business?
P. Morgan started US Steel, the first billion dollar business.
What was the last major nation to industrialize?
The last major nation to industrialize was Russia.
Culture WS and Notes
What is Romanticism? Melodrama?
Romanticism is a style of art that is used to evoke emotions, so usually shows extreme circumstances. Melodrama is art that involves a virtuous person’s heroic struggles against corruption, but has a happy ending to appeal to the audience.
What is Realism?
Realism is a style of art that rejects romanticism, believing that most people are not heroic individuals doing dramatic things, but are ordinary humans in everyday situations. Realists paint and write about the normal struggles of the common man.
Who was Lyell?
Lyell was author of Principles of Geology. His book proposes that, due to natural processes, the earth is slowly, but constantly changing and has been for millions and millions of years. While his book contradicted the Bible that claimed the earth was built in six days, it was fine because this was post Scientific Revolution and people have little interest in rocks.
Who wrote Origin of Species? What theory did it propose?
Charles Darwin wrote Origin of Species, which proposed that all species adapt so they can better survive in their environment (evolution).
What was Eugenics? Who was Galton?
Eugenics was the idea that we should artificially select the best people to breed and sterilize the bad people to make a better human race. Galton was the inventor of Eugenics.
What was Social Darwinism?
Social Darwinism, invented by Herbert Spencer, was the idea that Darwinism applies to social situations (the wealthy have the natural given right to be in charge, the starving are inferior and should be allowed to die, etc.).
Communist Manifesto
Define Bourgeoisie: Wealthy class who own most of society's wealth and means of production (are industrialists/factory owners/etc)
Define Proletariat: Industrial/working class
Who wrote the Communist Manifesto?
Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto.
Summarize the main beliefs of the Communists.
They represent/defend the proletariat
They would get rid of private property and nations
There needs to be a revolution of the proletariat
They support everyone who wants to destroy common social order
What was their belief about nations?
They believe that nations should not exist, and we should unify by our class instead.
Ragged Dick
What is the main idea behind the book Ragged Dick?
The main idea behind the book Ragged Dick is that anyone can become successful through hard work.
What type of art is Ragged Dick an example of?
Ragged Dick is an example of a Melodrama.
Why did Ragged Dick appeal to the common man?
Ragged Dick appealed to the common man because it had a satisfying, happy end, and was simple.
Maggie by Stephen Crane
What type of art is Maggie an example of?
Maggie is an example of realism.
What things happened to the characters in Maggie that wouldn’t have happened to characters in a melodrama?
In short: bad things happen to the characters in Maggie and these things wouldn’t happen in a melodrama. Things like domestic violence, alcoholic parents, sibling deaths, hopelessness, bad decision making due to lack of education, prostitution, and suicide wouldn’t happen in a melodrama but happen in Maggie.
Would Maggie like the book “Ragged Dick”?
Maggie would like the book “Ragged Dick” (if she can read) because in the book said she always enjoyed melodrama plays, and “Ragged Dick” is a melodrama book.
Congress of Vienna
What was the Congress of Vienna?
The Congress of Vienna was the peace conference organized to decide what was going to happen in Europe now that Napoleon had been defeated.
Who was Metternich? What were his main goals?
Metternich was an Austrian leader who dominated the Congress of Vienna. His main goals were to restore the royal families who ruled before Napoleon back to power and create alliances in a way that balances territory and military power so that no one country or group too powerful. He thought if there was a balance it could lead to permanent peace as both sides would know war would not be profitable so they would avoid war.
What was Conservatism?
Conservatism was the political philosophy that favored tradition. Conservatives at the time wanted obedience to political and religious authorities. They believed it would create stability. They were generally against revolutions, individual rights, and voting.
What was Nationalism?
Nationalism was the idea that people who shared a culture, language, ethnic group, etc should all live in the same nation/country.
Unification WS
What was the Crimean War?
The Crimean War was the conflict between the Ottoman Empire, who controlled most of the Balkan territory in southeastern Europe, and Russia, who wanted to expand into the Balkans to gain access to the Mediterranean. France and Great Britain fought for the Ottoman Empire because they feared Russia.
What empire was called the sick man of Europe? Why?
The Ottoman Empire was called the “Sick Man of Europe” because of their weakness.
Who was Guiseppe Garibaldi?
Guiseppe Garibaldi was the person who raised a volunteer army called the Red Shirts to fight for the unification of Southern Italy (he wanted to unify all of Italy but worked on unifying Southern Italy).
How did Bismarck feel about democracy? Explain.
Bismarck dislikes democracy. As evidence, he dismissed the Prussian Parliament when they refused to let him raise taxes and said “The great questions of the day will not be settled by speeches and majority decisions…but by blood and iron.”
What do the blood and iron in Bismarck’s statement refer to?
The blood refers to blood spilled in war and the iron refers to industrialization that helped to create weapons of war.
Who was Herder? What was the flaw in his pacifist vision of nationalism?
Herder was a German who developed the concept of Volk as a unifying force of nations. He thought that it would help bring peace if all people lived within the natural borders of their nation. The flaw with his pacifist vision of nationalism is that he neglected to think of the fate of the minorities within those borders. This would later lead to tragic consequences.
What are some examples of Anti-Semitism in the Grimm brothers story you read?
In the story, the Jew is just called “the Jew” and is unable to stop himself from dancing when the fiddle is played, as if to suggest that Jews are unable to control themselves. The Jew in the story also wants to have a songbird killed that he was listening to singing in the tree, as if to suggest that Jewish people are pointlessly destructive of things that only make the world better, like songbirds.
Expansion in U.S.
What was the Seneca Falls Convention?
The Seneca Falls Convention was a convention led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott about giving women equal rights.
What happened to Native Americans?
Native Americans were forced off their lands due to American expansion and forced to live on reservations.
Nationalism & reform, Mass Society WS & Malthus Notes
Where did the British establish a penal colony in 1787?
The British established a penal colony in Sydney, Australia in 1787.
What was the British North America Act?
The British in North America Act was an act that made Canada become a dominion, meaning they controlled their domestic but not foreign policy.
How were the natives in Australia and New Zealand treated?
Natives in Australia and New Zealand were mostly killed off and their land was stolen.
Why did Australia restrict the immigration of Asians? What other nation restricted Asian immigration for similar reasons?
Australia restricted the immigration of Asians because they were racist towards non-white people.
What was the first country to give women the right to vote?
The first country to give women the right to vote was New Zealand.
Who was Emmeline Pankhurst? Who were the suffragettes?
Emmeline Pakhurst was the founder of the Women’s Social and Political Union. In England they fought for women’s rights in general, but especially advocated women’s suffrage (voting rights). She believed in using publicity stunts to draw attention to the movement. Members of her groups did things like pelting government officials with eggs, chaining themselves to lampposts, going on hunger strikes, interrupting horse races and smashing store windows to get attention. She and members of her group were frequently arrested. Women in England finally gained equal voting rights forty years after she started her first voting rights organization.
Draw a graph and describe each of Malthus' 4 stages of population growth.
Stage 1) Pre-Industrial (birth of humanity-industrial revolution):
High birth rates because many kids die, there is no birth control, and large families=more workers
High death rates due to bad/no medical understanding
Stage 2) Industrial
Very high birth rates because there is no birth control/it’s unavailable, infant mortality is still there but less common, and having large families was still culturally common despite being less needed
Lowered death rates because of scientific revolution, and sanitation and hygiene improve
Stage 3) Post-Industrial (prediction)
Lower birth rates because birth control is invented, more accepted, and more widely available, it is more socially acceptable to have smaller families, and women get educated and enter the workforce (for this, Malthus actually predicted that people would not have kids due to overpopulation, and would become priests and nuns)
Lowered death rates due to improved medicine, and even better hygiene and sanitation
Stage 4) Doom
Lower birth rates because people won’t want to bring kids into a bad time
Greater death rates because there will be too many people and not enough resources. This will lead to mass starvation, which will lead to epidemics, which will lead to war, desperation for resources, crime, and violence.
Why did the Czar say it was a good idea to free the Serfs?
The Czar said it was a good idea to free the Serfs because he would prefer to free them before they violently free themselves.
What was the Bloody Sunday massacre?
The Bloody Sunday massacre was a massacre where 70 peaceful protesters demanding reforms outside of the Czar’s Palace were killed by soldiers in 1905 during the Revolution of 1905.
What was the Duma?
The Duma was a legislative body created by Czar Nicholas II to make Russia a constitutional monarchy, however it didn’t have any real power and was made to appease the people.
Who are the Nihilists?
The Nihilists are people who are critical thinkers: they do not bow down to any authorities, do not accept any principle on faith, and believe in science, medicine, and math, not tradition, art, principle, or love.
Describe Bazarov.
Bazarov is a Nihilist. He is a critical thinker who believes in math, science, and medicine, not love, tradition, or art. He is blunt, sarcastic, and dismissive of non-nihilist views.
Modern Consciousness WS & Young Einstein
Who was Marie Curie?
Marie Curie was the scientist who helped to discover radioactivity, and discovered radium and polonium.
Who was Louis Pasteur?
Louis Pasteur was the scientist who developed Germ Theory, realizing that bacteria cause diseases. He created vaccines for anthrax and rabies and pasteurization for safe food.
What were Einstein’s most famous ideas?
Came up with the Theory of Relativity (says time and motion are relative to the observer)
Discovered e=mc^2
Said the one constant is the speed of light and nothing can travel faster
Said the closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time goes
Came up with the twin paradox where one twin stays on earth, and one goes space traveling close to the speed of light, making the second twin slightly younger
Describe Pavlov’s famous experiments. What theory did he develop?
Pavlov developed the Theory of Classical Conditioning, which says two completely different things can be taught to be the same, so much so that you have the same reaction to both. In one experiment, he taught dogs that ringing a dinner bell meant they would receive food, and eventually the dogs began to salivate at the dinner bell even if they didn’t receive food, indicating these two completely different things can be taught to be the same thing.
What were some of Freud’s theories?
Every human brain has 3 distinct parts (combined, are called the psyche): the Id (selfish), the Superego (selfless), and the Ego (balances the Id and Superego).
If you are healthy, you are sometimes selfish and sometimes selfless.
The Oedipus Complex, the idea that all little boys love their mother first and want their mom’s attention, and since their dad is the number one competitor for her attention, little boys want to kill their fathers.
Said children eventually learn of differences between genders, and girls want what boys have, and boys think that girls are just boys that were castrated by their fathers for wanting all of their mom’s attention so are scared of castration by their father and develop castration anxiety.
What was Zionism? Who was the main advocate of Zionism?
Zionism was the movement that advocated for the formation of a Jewish state in Palestine. The main advocate of Zionism was Theodor Herzl.
What were some of the new art movements? Who was the most famous practitioner of each?
Impressionism was exemplified by Monet
Post Impressionism was exemplified by van Gogh
Cubism was exemplified by Picasso
Abstract was exemplified by Kandinsky
Who was Rutherford?
Rutherford was the physicist who developed the model of an atom with a central nucleus, and discovered radioactive decay. This got him the nickname “Father of Nuclear Physics.”