Unit 2

Apologist: Christian thinker who defended and explained Christian beliefs

Atheism: The denial that God exists

Bishop: Means "overseer"; an ordained Church leader who is a successor of the Apostles and has received the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders

Canon: The Church's complete list of sacred books of the Bible

Catechumen: Unbaptized person preparing for membership in the Church

Deacon: A person ordained to assist the bishop and priests in a variety of ways

Deacon: in the early Church, someone appointed to serve those who were poor or otherwise needy in the community

Heresy: A belief, attitude, or teaching that is contrary to revealed truth, and to the Church's doctrine of faith

Heretic: Someone baptized a Christian who obstinately holds a position on an article of faith that conflicts with the officially defined Church teachings

Incarnation: The truth that the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, while remaining God, assumed a human nature and became man

Laity: Baptized Catholics who share in Jesus' mission and continue his work on earth but are not ordained

Martyr: A person who witnessed so strongly to their beliefs that they endured death to be faithful to Christ

Orthodoxy: A doctrine, belief, attitude, or teaching that is consistent with revealed truth and with the Church's doctrine of faith

Presbyter: another name for elders or priests

Presbyter: in the early church, they were closely associated with the bishop in the exercising of leadership in some faith communities

Sacraments: Effective signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which we share in divine life through the work of the Holy Spirit

Tradition: The living transmission of the message of the teachings of Jesus in the Church

Felicity: Perpetua's servant and companion

Stages of Gospel Development: 1. Life and Teaching of Jesus 2. Oral Tradition 3. Written Gospels

Stephen: First Christian Martyr

Diocletian: Emperor who began dioceses and the "great persecution" of Christians

Pliny: A Roman governor who write the emperor seeking guidance about what to do with Christians

Antioch: First place that Jesus' followers were called Christians

Setting the Canon of Scripture Criteria: Is the writing the work of someone with a direct connection to Jesus or those who knew him? Did the writing accurately reflect the teachings of Jesus? Had the piece of writing been consistently used in liturgical worship by the Church? Was there a general consensus that the writing was sacred and inspired by the Holy Spirit?

Theology: Faith seeking understanding

Justin Martyr: First apologist, one who defends the faith, was martyred for refusing to sacrifice to idols

Nero: Set Rome on fire in A.D. 64 and blamed the Christians

Canonization: The process by which the Church declares someone a saint

Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
