Jesus- Savior, Son of God, Messiah
Kingdom of God - New special order based on unconditional love, rule of God over the hearts of man, ever-spreading bubble
Parables - reveals religious truth through metaphors
Miracles - an extraordinary event taken as a sign of the supernatural powers of God
Types of miracles - healing, nature, exorcism, resurrection
Disciples - followers of Jesus who live with him through the Church
Apostles - 12 disciples chosen by Jesus himself
Paschal Mystery - The process of Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection
Passion - the week when we remember Jesus’ suffering and death
Metaphors for Jesus’ death - suffering servant, ransom for many, paschal lamb, station of the cross, depiction of Jesus’ crucifixtion
Blasphemy - disrespect shown to God/ goes against him (arrested for)
Treason - claiming to overthrow Caesar (killed for)
Resurrection - Jesus rising from the dead
Ascension - Jesus ascending from Earth on the fourth day of resurrection
Intro rites - preparing to celebrate Eucharist (Entrance hymn, greeting, penitential act, Gloria)
Liturgy of the Word - hearing God’s plan of salvation, Old Testament reading, responsorial psalm, Gospel reading, profession of faith)
Liturgy of the Eucharist - celebrating Christ’s presence and receiving the Body and Blood of Christ (presentation and preparation of the gifts, prayer over the gifts, Eucharistic prayer)
Consecration - special words said during transubstantiation
Concluding rites - going forth to glorify the lord by our lives (final blessing, dismissal)
Advent - 4 weeks waiting for Jesus’ birth
Christmas - celebrating Christ’s incarnation for 3 weeks
Ordinary Time (1st time) - reflect on Jesus’ teachings 7-8 weeks
Lent - 40 days, remembering Jesus’ sacrifice
Easter Triduum - 3 days leading to Easter (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil)
Easter - 7 weeks celebrating Christ’s resurrection
Pentecost - Holy inspired Church, day HS came upon the Apostles
Ordinary Time (2nd time) - 23 to 26 weeks to meditate on Bible’s teachings as they apply to our daily life
Holy Thursday - the commemoration of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ when he established the sacrament of Holy Communion prior to his arrest and crucifixion
Good Friday - Jesus Christ was crucified at the place of skull or Calvary after being flogged and nailed by wrists and feet on to a cross.
Holy Saturday - marks the time when Jesus Christ was buried in the tomb, fulfilling the prophecy of his death and resurrection
Grace - free an undeserved gift of God’s loving presence in our lives
Sanctifying Grace - the grace that is infused into our soul by the Holy Spirit, we’re born with this
Actual Grace - an intervention from God that supports us in our everyday moments in our lives
Special grace (Charisms) - Graces that accompany people in special vocation in their lives at Church
Sacramental Grace - gifts from the Holy Spirit that come through the Sacraments
Sacrament Catechism Definition - efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us
What does Baptism do? - forgives all sins that were present before baptism, turns baptized into a newly adopted child of God and a new member of the Church
Who can be baptized? - any adult wants to be in the Church. Infants whose parents commit to raise and teach them faith, can only happen once
Who are the people present at Baptism? - priest, godparents, parents
Ritual of Baptism - marks baptized as one who now belongs to Christ, immersion and pouring in water x3, sin and old life are washed away. Sacred oil, person anointed becomes one with Christ
Chrism - perfumed oil, consecrated by bishop, signified gifts of the Holy Spirit
Laying on of hands - Apostles laid hands when conferring ‘powers’ of the Holy Spirit upon others
Seal of the HS- seal makes a document official. A seal leaves permanent mark on the person’s soul
Sponsor- Role model of faith who supports and inspires growth in faith
Confirmation name - reminds of Baptism as new creation, new name to inspire new life in Christ
Roots and institution in the last supper - Jesus and his apostles were celebrating the Jewish Passover (which Israelites were freed from Egypt and Plagues) Jesus instituted the Eucharist - Jesus left a special memorial to be a sign of His continued presence (take this, this is my Body)
Eucharist involves a sacrifice of Jesus’ Body and Blood - Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross saves us from eternal separation of God (like sacrifice of lamb saved Israelites from Egypt and Plagues)
Celebrating the Sacrament of Eucharist perpetuates that sacrifice every time - In Eucharist, Jesus’ saving actions are made present in the here and now (Jesus’ original sacrifice is made real and present)
Transubstantiation - In consecration, bread and wine changes in substance but not in accidents
Real Presence - Jesus is present in the Eucharist (Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity)
Holy Communion - In sharing and receiving the Body and Blood of Christ, we become one was a community
Why do we consume the Eucharist? - it strengthens us to love God and others. Deepens unity of community. Physically present to Christ’s sacrifice for our salvation
Ruakh - wind or breath in Hebrew God’s mysterious, powerful life - giving presence. The spirit of God poured out and continues to dwell among the people. lord helps us find inspiration, guidance, unity, and peace
Advocate - another word for Holy Spirit. Someone who supports someone else
Fire as a symbol for Holy Spirit - Sacrificial Lamb, used for sacrifices, transferring energy
Water as symbol for His Spirit - Symbol for the action of the HS in Baptism, used for cleansing
Gifts of the Holy Spirit - At Confirmation, the Holy Spirit pours his gifts onto us
Wisdom - We see God at work in our lives and in the world. We can enjoy his presence and gain knowledge of the Divine Life
Understanding - Perfects our perception of the mysteries of the faith and allows us to dig deeper into divine truths
Knowledge - pertains to the entire realm of created things and allows us to see the circumstances in our life as he does
Counsel - Helps us make wise decisions, promptly, correctly, and according to the will of God. Allows us to choose actions for the glory of God and our own salvation
Fortitude -gives us the strength and courage to endure difficulties and complete tasks in the source of God
Piety - a true love of God as own merciful father who se can depend on. (Abba = Father)
Fear of the Lord - Respect for the all powerful and loving God who leads us to know evil and therefore turn away from it
White/Gold - signify glory, joy, purity of the soul (Christmas, Easter, Seasons, forreal masses)
Green - hope, life , growth (Ordinary Time)
Red - blood shed by Christ, HS (Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Pentecost, Confirmation Mass)
Violet - preparation and penance (Advent and Lent)
Cross - symbol of hope and death, transformed by Jesus into one of love and life after being one for pain and death
Crucifix - Jesus dying on the cross reminded of his sacrifice. Jesus died for the sins of the world. His sacrifice and death soaks up pain, injustices and evil in the world now
INRI - Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews (mockery)
Alpha and Omega - First and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Jesus is the beginning and end of everything
Sacred Heart - Jesus’ physical heart, surrounded by thorns, bleeding w cross on top (shows Jesus’ suffering for humanity)
IHS - Shortened form for Greek word for ‘Jesus’
Chi-Rho - First two letters of Christ in Greek
Fish- based on acrostic for Greek “Ichthus” , typically outside door to disguise praying center for Church
JCSGS - Jesus Christ Son (of) God Savior
Dove - carrying olive branch = symbol of God’s forgiveness
Keys of Heaven - resembles metaphorical keys Jesus gave to Peter (On the Pope’s Coat of Arms and Flag)
Lamb of God - Jesus is the lamb sacrificed to save us from our sins. The flag is symbolic of Christ’s victory over death (refers to the Protoevangelium)
Fleur de Lis - Symbol of Trinity, held together by Mary (brought God into the world)
Alb- long white robe (anyone baptized can wear this)
Stole - life a scarf (signifies ordained ministry)
Chasuble - outer garment (worn over alb, specific color chosen)
Body of Christ - Christ is the head of the Body, Church receives life from the Christ/head (without Christ , the Church is meaningless
Bride of Christ - There should be an intimate relationship between Christ and the Church (faithfulness, intimacy, sacrifice, etc.)
Temple of the Holy Spirit - Holy Spirit is poured out onto the members of the Church and lives inside of them
Christ Priest - An example to us of how to pray and worship. (we are christ priest when we pray)
Christ King - Meant to be in service of the pope. Was king in a Kingdom of God where His love leadership reached all people without focus on fame or gain (I am Christ when I do service)
Christ Prophet - Spoke out, reached out to the vulnerable, tonight to be close to God, calling for authentic worship (I am Christ when I speak up)
Jesus died of - asphyxiation