The United states entered the progressive Era from 1890 to 1920 when a variety of reformers tried to clean up problems created during the gilded age
wealth gap
poor working and living conditions
Industrialization led to a rise in urbanization, immigration, poverty, and dangerous working conditions
City, states and federal government were seen as corrupt
Corporate monopolies limited competition and workers wages
Middle class protestant Christians embraced the social gospel movement
Progressive reform began in American Cities in response to slums, tenements, child labor, alcohol abuse, prostitution, and political corruption
Urban reformers tried to improve the lives of poor workers and children
Jane Addams created the Hull House in Chicago
Hull house was the first settlement house which offered baths, cheap food, child care, job training, and healthcare to help the poor
YMCA created gyms and libraries to help young men and children
Salvation Army created nurseries and soup kitchens
Florence Kelley fought to created child labor laws and laws limiting women to a 10 hour work day
many reformers saw alcohol abuse as a serious problem
Temperance reformers hoped that ending alcohol would reduce crime, corruption, and assimilate immigrants
Many Reformers saw alcohol as a serious problem
Reformers Frances Willard and Carrie Nation led the Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Reformers gained prohibition laws in rural areas and states in South and West (Dry Counties)
Reformers gained prohibition laws in rural areas and states in the south and west
in 1919, the states ratified the 18th amendment which outlaws alcohol throughout the USA
how to remember
18th amendment - cant drink at 18
21st amendment - can drink at 21
Investigative journalists known as muckrakers exposed corruption, poverty, health hazards, and monopolies
Jacob Riis wrote: How the Other Half Lives (1890)
exposed urban poverty and life in the slums
Ida Tarbell wrote: The History of Standard Oil (1904)
Revealed Rockefeller’s ruthless business practices and called for the break up of large monopolies
Upton Sinclair wrote: The Jungle (1906)
Revealed unsanitary conditions of slaughterhouses and led to government regulation
The progressive Era led to demands for equal rights by women
Women could not vote but black, immigrant, and illiterate men could
Women were expected to remain at home as wives and mothers
Women lived independently in cities
More girls graduated from high school and attended universities
During the progressive Era, many women took the lead and played important roles as reformers
Laws were passed that banned prostitution
the most significant reform for women was the demand for suffrage (voting rights)
women demanded property and voting rights in 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention
by the early 1900s, most western states allowed women to votes but women in the east could not vote
in 1920, the states ratified the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote
The Progressive Era led to demands for equal rights by African Americans
Literacy tests and poll taxes limited black voting
Jim Crow law segregated
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) declared that segregation did not violate the 14th amendment
Black civil rights leaders were divided on how to address racial problems
in 1905, Dubois and other black leaders led the Niagara movement
They demanded an end to segregation and discrimination and economic and educational equality
The meeting led to the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP) in 1909 to fight for black equality
The NAACP fought voting restrictions and segregation laws by using the 14th amendment to file lawsuits
Jamaican immigrant Marcus Garvey believed that whites and blacks could not coexist in America
In 1907 he founded the Universal Negro Improvment Association to encourage blacks to return to Africa
He created a number of businesses to promote Black Nationalism
While women gained voting rights and labor laws
African Americans were unable to end Jim Crow segregation, stop lynching, or gain economic equaluty
But Black leaders in the Progressive Era inspired later generations to demand changes
1890-1920 - Progressive Era
1919 - 18th Amendment Ratified
1890 - Jacob Riis’ writes How the Other Half Lives
1904 - Ida Tarbell writes The History of Standard Oil
1906 - Upton Sinclair writes The Jungle
1848 - Seneca Falls Convention
1920 - 19th Amendment Ratified
Dry Counties - Counties in states that restrict the selling of alcohol