Diaspora: Ireland and the World
What is a diaspora?
Why Ireland?
The Beginning of Mass Migration
What were the conditions in the U.S., British North America, Australia, etc., that made it desirable to leave Ireland?
Flight from Famine
Phytophthora infestans and potatoes
Impacts of the Famine
Voyage conditions, diseases
Differing views of who was responsible for the Famine
Role of religion during the Famine
Castle Garden and Beyond: Emigration to the United States in the Post-Famine Years
Process of emigration to U.S.
Conditions of voyages – ships and disease
Rural vs Urban – trends of settlement in different areas of the U.S.
Role of Women
Immobility vs. constant mobility
Soldiers and Citizens: Nativism, Civil War, and the Quest for Acceptance
Political parties
Role of Irish in the U.S. Civil War
Outcome and effects of the U.S Civil War on Irish immigrants
Beneath the Southern Cross: Australia and New Zealand
penal colony
voyage conditions
women’s roles
farming and land ownership
Eureka Stockade
role of religion
The Making of Irish America
Hostile incidents
Role of Catholic Church
Irish identity
Role of newspapers
The Politics of Irish America
Tammany Hall and the political machine
role of municipal jobs
unions, ex. Knights of Labor, AFL
advantages of Irish in politics
Hibernians, Fenian Brotherhood, Senate Wing, Clan na Gael
The Other America
Why Canada?
roles of women
Toronto – “Belfast of Canada?”
role of Catholic Church
An Irish World
new immigration trends
Irish role in popular culture
War and Revolution
Irish nationalism
Orange Order
World War I and its aftermath
Sinn Fein party
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Eamon de Valera
In the Melting Pot
new immigration trends
Johnson-Reed Immigration Act
Eamon de Valera
“melting pot”
From Tammany to Camelot
new immigration trends
new voter trends
economic trends
Interwar Years
World War II
John F. Kennedy
'We've Married Italian Girls and Moved to the Suburbs': Irish Identities in a Changing World
Celtic Tiger
new immigration trends
spread of Irish culture
changes of participation in church and unions
A Last Hurrah? The United States and the Northern Ireland Conflict
Protestant vs Catholic
IRA – people, supporters, fundraising, weapons
U.S. presidential administrations and their views on Ireland
Northern Ireland peace talks and agreement
modern-day American views and political ties to Ireland
Global Ireland Reimagined
“Global Ireland: Ireland’s Footprint to 2025”
Ireland’s place in the global economy