Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique for determining the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of ions, which were previously positive but are now both positive and negative.
Mass spectrometry concepts were first identified in 1898.
Thomson found that neon can be split into a more abundant isotope, 20Ne, and a less abundant isotope, 22Ne, when he recorded the first mass spectrum in 1911. F. W.
Aston demonstrated, using improved instruments, that the majority of naturally occurring elements are isotope mixes.
It was discovered, for example, that around 75% of chlorine atoms in nature are 35Cl and 25% are 37Cl.
Mass spectrometry did not become widely used until the 1950s, when commercial equipment with good resolution, dependability, and low maintenance costs were available.
Mass spectrometry is now our most important analytical instrument for determining precise molecular masses.
Furthermore, study of a compound's mass spectrum can provide detailed information about its molecular formula and structure.
Mass spectrometry is also becoming increasingly essential in biochemistry; protein structures may be determined on a nearly single-cell size using this approach alone.
Mass spectrum: refers to a plot of the relative abundance of ions verus their mass to charge (m/z) ratio.
There are several varieties of mass spectrometers; we have room in this article to explain only the most basic.
A vaporized sample in an evacuated ionization chamber is attacked with high-energy electrons, causing electrons to be stripped off the sample's molecules, yielding positively charged ions in first-generation spectrometers.
Radical anions (molecules with an additional electron) are increasingly being explored; nonetheless, these are beyond the scope of this work.
Positive ions are accelerated into an analyzing chamber by a sequence of negatively charged accelerator plates inside a magnetic (electric in certain spectrometers) field perpendicular to the direction of the ion stream.
The ion beam curves due to the magnetic field. Each ion's radius of curvature is determined by
Gas and volatile liquid samples can be put directly into the ionization chamber.
Volatile liquids and even certain solids are vaporized because the inside of a mass spectrometer is maintained at a high vacuum.
For less volatile liquids and solids, place the sample on the tip of a heated probe, which is then inserted straight into the ionization chamber.
Connecting a gas chromatograph (GC) or liquid chromatograph (LC) directly to the mass spectrometer is another incredibly effective approach for bringing a sample into the ionization chamber.
These devices are capable of separating complicated molecular mixtures into pure fractions.
Each fraction eluted from the chromatograph is directly injected into the mass spectrometer's ionization chamber, allowing mass measurement of the constituent components.
A molecular ion, M1, is the species created when a single electron is removed from a molecule.
A molecular ion is a type of ion known as a radical cation.
When methane is blasted with high-energy electrons, for example, an electron is dislodged from the molecule, yielding a molecular ion with m/z 16.
The ionization potential of the atom or molecule determines which electron is lost in the formation of the molecular ion.
Most organic compounds have ionization potentials between 8 and 15 eV.
The potentials are at the lower end of this range for both nonbonding oxygen and nitrogen electrons and p electrons in unsaturated compounds such as alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic hydrocarbons.
Ionization potentials for s electrons, such as those found in C!C, C!H, and C!O s bonds, are at the upper end of the spectrum.
It makes no difference which electron is lost for our purposes because the radical cation is delocalized throughout the molecule.
As a result, we put the parent molecule's molecular formula in brackets with a plus sign.
As shown in the image attached, a molecular ion can be fragmented to generate a variety of smaller cations (which can then be fragmented further), radicals, and smaller molecules.
Only charged bits are picked up.
Following the formation of molecular ions and their fragments, a positively charged repeller plate guides the ions toward a sequence of negatively charged accelerator plates, resulting in a quickly moving ion beam.
The ion beam is then concentrated by one or more slits before entering a mass analyzer and entering a magnetic field perpendicular to the ion beam's direction.
The ion beam curves due to the magnetic field.
Cations with higher m/z values are deflected less than those with lower m/z values. By altering either
Base peak: refers to the peak caused by the most abundant ion in a mass spectrum; the most intense peak. It is assigned an arbitrary intensity of 100
The method we described is known as electron ionization mass spectrometry (EI-MS).
This was the first approach devised and, for a time, the most extensively employed.
However, it is restricted to relatively low-molecular-weight molecules that evaporate quickly in the evacuated ionization chamber.
A breakthrough in ionization methods in recent years has expanded the application of mass spectrometry to very high molecular-weight substances and others that cannot be directly evaporated.
Fast-atom bombardment (FAB) is one of the novel techniques that employs high-energy particles, such as xenon atoms accelerated to keV energies, to bombard a dispersion of a chemical in a nonvolatile matrix, creating ions of the compound and expelling them into the gas phase.
A second method is matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry.