The Arabic word “Jihad” means to struggle, strive and work hard for a specific purpose in Islam. In the Islamic context, it means to work in the way of Islam and fight evil. Jihad is basically the use of all energies and resources to establish the Islamic system of life. However, it is important to note that Jihad does not necessarily mean to wage war or fight physically, but can also be performed by peaceful mean (more on that later!) Quran considers Jihad as one of the conditions of faith thus explaining its importance in Islam. Jihad can broadly be divided into 3 main types, mentioned below:
Human beings are the ‘best of creations’ and therefore are given numerous powers which include their ability to choose between good and bad. Hence, when a believer internally struggles against evil that lives in him in form of desire and temptation; it is known as spiritual jihad. This is therefore fighting against Satan whose mission is to mislead a believer at any stage of life. Believers have been warned about Satan in Surah Al-Nas and have been told that only by seeking refuge with Allah, can they successfully win against it.
After the conquest of Khyber when Muslims became well off, the Prophet strictly told his followers to be ready against desires and temptations originating from one; otherwise they would be lost in darkness of evil. Hence when a Muslim successfully curbs and controls his evil desires, he eventually becomes submissive and closer to Allah.
This type of Jihad involves intellectual and mental efforts in the pursuit of spreading the message of Allah. It includes answering any question raised by non Muslims about genuineness of Islam. The holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) remained engaged in this type of jihad throughout his Meccan life. He was ordered by Allah to preach and to clarify any argument raised by pagans. Therefore, a believer must patiently answer all questions raised by non believers even if they give unpleasant and harsh response. The Prophet himself was cursed, abused and ridiculed by his opponents yet he never lost his patience and always maintained his calm. The Quran says:
*“Therefore, listen not to the unbelievers but strive against them with utmost strenuous with (the Quran)”*
This verse encourages Muslims to put forward the true word of Allah with the help of knowledge and reasoning.
This type of Jihad is used when mental and physical Jihad fail to eliminate evil and a physical is required to protect Islam and Muslims. Hence, it is the ultimate form of struggle in the way of Allah by fighting against enemy. During the Khyber expedition, Prophet (P.B.U.H) ordered Hazrat Ali (R.A) to invite enemies to Islam and try to make a peace treaty. In case both these options fail to resolve dispute, only then to resort to physical exertion. Physical jihad must be performed under a Muslim leader and no individual can start it for self interest. The Quran says:
*“Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but don’t transgress limits”*
This verse means that physical jihad is allowed for defense of Islam and Muslims and has its own limits. These limits have been explained by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) at different occasions by laying down the rules of war i.e. muslims are not allowed to kill children, women, old people involved in worship. So much so that they aren’t even allowed to destroy holy places of enemies or crops. This means that physical is not just the last resort but also very restricted in manner, avoiding extensive bloodshed.
Q) What is the individual importance of Jihad?
A) Jihad is a form of worship, and is the most important act after the five pillars of Islam. When a Muslim performs spiritual, mental or physical jihad, he in reality tries to suppress evil and uphold the teachings of Islam. Therefore, he shows his eagerness to follow and spread the word of Allah and hence get closer to Allah and his ultimate reward will be paradise.
Q) What is the communal importance of Spiritual Jihad?
A) When a Muslim practices spiritual jihad, he becomes pious and pure from evil. Hence, this phenomena exists in every member of Muslim community, it upgrades the society making it more modest and just.
Q) What is the communal importance of Mental Jihad?
A) When mental jihad is exercised, the believer conveys the true message of Allah to non Muslims and even to Muslims. In this way, when Islamic teachings spread throughout the society, a better atmosphere is found as more and more Muslims are able to understand and apply the true religion of Islam to their lives.
Q) What is the communal importance of Physical Jihad?
A) When physical jihad is launched it helps to unite Muslims under one platform, i.e. protect Islam and their Muslims brothers, so it gives a feeling of brotherhood in the community as everyone then cares and resects his Muslim brother and heads towards one common cause.