chapter learning objectives
describe the functions and process of communication
contrast downward, upward, and lateral communication through small-group networks and the grapevine
contrast oral, written, and nonverbal communication
descrive how channel richness underlies the choice of communication channel
differentiate between automatic and controlled processing of persuasive messages
identify common barriers to effective communication
discuss how to overcome the potential problems of cross-culteral communication
functions of communication
communication: the transference and the understanding of meaning
communication serves five major functions within a group or organization:
emotional sharing
information exchange
describe the functions of communication
communication acts to manage member behavior in several ways
authority hierarchies and formal guidlines
job descriptions and company policies
workgroup teasing or harassing
communication creates feedback by clarifying to employees what they must do, how well they are doing it, and how they can improve their performance
formation of goals, feedback on progress, and reward for desired behavior all require communication and stimulate motivation
communication within the group is a fundamental mechanism by which members show satisfac tion and frustration. therefore it provides for the emotional sharing of feelings and fulfillment of social needs
like emotional sharing, persuasion can be good or bad depending on if, say, a leader is trying to persuade a workgroup to believe in the organizations commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) or to, conversely, persuade the workgroup to break the law to meet an organizational goal
communication provides information individuals and groups need to make decisions by transmitting the data needed to identify and evaluate choices
communication process
the medium selected by the sender through which the message travels to the receiver
types of channels
formal channels
are established by the organization and transmit messages that are related to the professional activities of members
informal channels
used to transmit personal or social messages in the organization. these informal channels are spontaneous and emerge as a response to individual choices
elements of the communication process
the sender: initiates message
encoding: translating thought to message
the message: what is communicated
the channel: the medium the message travels through
decoding: the receivers action in making sense of the message
the receiver: person who gets the message
noise: things that interfere with the message
feedback: a return message regarding the initial communication
contrast downward, upward, and lateral communication
downward communication: flows from one level to a lower level
assign goals, provide instructions, communicate policies and procedures, and provide feedback
downward communication must explain the reasons why a decision was made
one problem is the one-way nature of downward communication
upward communication: flows to higher level in the group or organization
provide feedback to higher-ups, inform them of progress, and rely current problems
communicate in headlines, not paragraphs
support your headlines with actionable items
prepare an agenda to make sure you use your boss’s attention well
lateral communication: takes place among members of the same work group, among members of work groups at the same level, among managers at the same level, or among any horizontally equivalent personnel
often necessary to save time and facilitate coordination
may be formally sanctioned
can create dysfunctional conflicts
three common formal small-group networks
chain: rigidly follows the chain of command
wheel: relies on a central figure to act as the conduit for all communication. team with a strong leader
all channel: all group members communicate actively with each other. self-managed teams
the informal communication network in a group or orgnization is called the grapevine
it gives managers a feel for the morale of their organization, identifies issues employees consider important, and helps tap into employee anxieties
dealing with gossip and rumors
share: the information you have, and the information you don’t—where there is good formal communication with much information, there is no need for rumors. when you don’t know information that others are seeking, discuss whn you will know and follow up
explain: as a manager, discuss what decisions are made and why they were made, as well as the plan going foward
respond: to rumors noncommittally, and then verify for yourself the truths you can. make certain to gather all sides of the story
invite: employees to discuss their concerns, ideas, suggestions, thought, and feelings about organizational matters. help them frame their thoughts into more objective viewpoints
contrast oral, written, and nonverbal communication
oral communication: the primary means of conveying messages. speeches, formal one-on-one and group discussions, and informal rumor mills or grapevines are popular forms of oral communication
videoconferencing and conference
written communication
instant messageing
text messaging
social media
nonverbal communication: includes body movements, the intonations or emphasis we give to words, facial expressions, and the physical distance between the sender and receiver
body language can convey status, level of engagement, and emotional state
physical distance also has a meaning.
what is considered proper spacing between people largely depends on culteral norms
businesslike distance in some European countries feels intimate in many parts of North America
distance may indicate aggressiveness or sexual interest, or it may signal disinterest or displeasure with what is being said
knowledge management (KM)
knowledge management: a process of organizing and distributing an organizations collective wisdom so the right information gets to the right people at the right time
why is KM important:
intellectual assets are as important as physical assets
when individuals leave, their knowledge and experience goes with them
a KM system reduces redundancy and makes the organization more efficient
channel richness and choice of communication channel
the choice of channel depends on whether the mesage is routine
routine messages tend to be straightforward and have a minimum of ambiguity
choose orla communication when you need to gauge the receivers receptivity
written communication is more reliable for complex and lengthy communications
know your audience and use good grammar
text messaging
social media
information security:
electronic information
physical information
information that employees know
most companies monitor employee internet use and e-mail records, and use video surveillance and record phone conversations
barriers to effective communication
filtering: z senders manipulation of information so that it will be seen more favorably by the receiver
selective perception: people selevtively interpret what they see on the basis of their interests, background, experience, and attitudes
information overload: a condition in which information inflow exceeds an individual’s processing capacity
emotions: how a receiver feels at the same time a message is received will influence how the message is interpreted
language: words have different meanings to different people
communication apprehension: undue tension and anxiety about oral communication, written communication, or both
communication barriers between men and women
men talk to:
emphasize status, power, and independence
complain that women talk on and on
offer solutions
to boast about their accomplishments
women talk to:
establish connection and intimacy
criticize men for not listening
speak of problems to promote closeness
express regret and restore balance to a conversation
“politically correct” communication
certian words stereotype, intimidate, and insult individuals
in an increasingly diverse workforce, we must be sensitive to how words might offend others
removed: handicapped, blind, and elderly
replaced with: physically challanged, visually impaired, and senior
removing certain words from the vocabulary makes it harder to communicate accurately
removed: garbage, quotas, and women
replaced with: postconsumer waste materials, educational equity, and people of gender
overcoming problems in cross-culteral communication
culteral barriers:
caused by semantics — words mean different things to different people
caused by word conotations — words imply different things in different languages
caused by tone differences
caused by differences in tolderance for conflict and methods for resolving conflicts
communication barriers and culteral context
high context cultures: cultures that rely heavily on nonverbal and subtlw situational cues to communication
low context cultures: cultures that rely heavily on words to convey meaning in communication
a culteral guide
know yourself
foster a climate of mutual respect, fairness, and democracy
state facts, not you interpretation
consider the other person’s viewpoint
proactively maintain the identity of the group
summary and managerial implications
good communication reduces uncertainty
communcation is improved by:
choosing the correct channel
being a good listener
using feedback
make sure to use communication strategies appropriate to your audience and the type of message youre sending
keep in mind communication barriers such as gender and culture
chapter 11: communication
chapter learning objectives
describe the functions and process of communication
contrast downward, upward, and lateral communication through small-group networks and the grapevine
contrast oral, written, and nonverbal communication
descrive how channel richness underlies the choice of communication channel
differentiate between automatic and controlled processing of persuasive messages
identify common barriers to effective communication
discuss how to overcome the potential problems of cross-culteral communication
functions of communication
communication: the transference and the understanding of meaning
communication serves five major functions within a group or organization:
emotional sharing
information exchange
describe the functions of communication
communication acts to manage member behavior in several ways
authority hierarchies and formal guidlines
job descriptions and company policies
workgroup teasing or harassing
communication creates feedback by clarifying to employees what they must do, how well they are doing it, and how they can improve their performance
formation of goals, feedback on progress, and reward for desired behavior all require communication and stimulate motivation
communication within the group is a fundamental mechanism by which members show satisfac tion and frustration. therefore it provides for the emotional sharing of feelings and fulfillment of social needs
like emotional sharing, persuasion can be good or bad depending on if, say, a leader is trying to persuade a workgroup to believe in the organizations commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) or to, conversely, persuade the workgroup to break the law to meet an organizational goal
communication provides information individuals and groups need to make decisions by transmitting the data needed to identify and evaluate choices
communication process
the medium selected by the sender through which the message travels to the receiver
types of channels
formal channels
are established by the organization and transmit messages that are related to the professional activities of members
informal channels
used to transmit personal or social messages in the organization. these informal channels are spontaneous and emerge as a response to individual choices
elements of the communication process
the sender: initiates message
encoding: translating thought to message
the message: what is communicated
the channel: the medium the message travels through
decoding: the receivers action in making sense of the message
the receiver: person who gets the message
noise: things that interfere with the message
feedback: a return message regarding the initial communication
contrast downward, upward, and lateral communication
downward communication: flows from one level to a lower level
assign goals, provide instructions, communicate policies and procedures, and provide feedback
downward communication must explain the reasons why a decision was made
one problem is the one-way nature of downward communication
upward communication: flows to higher level in the group or organization
provide feedback to higher-ups, inform them of progress, and rely current problems
communicate in headlines, not paragraphs
support your headlines with actionable items
prepare an agenda to make sure you use your boss’s attention well
lateral communication: takes place among members of the same work group, among members of work groups at the same level, among managers at the same level, or among any horizontally equivalent personnel
often necessary to save time and facilitate coordination
may be formally sanctioned
can create dysfunctional conflicts
three common formal small-group networks
chain: rigidly follows the chain of command
wheel: relies on a central figure to act as the conduit for all communication. team with a strong leader
all channel: all group members communicate actively with each other. self-managed teams
the informal communication network in a group or orgnization is called the grapevine
it gives managers a feel for the morale of their organization, identifies issues employees consider important, and helps tap into employee anxieties
dealing with gossip and rumors
share: the information you have, and the information you don’t—where there is good formal communication with much information, there is no need for rumors. when you don’t know information that others are seeking, discuss whn you will know and follow up
explain: as a manager, discuss what decisions are made and why they were made, as well as the plan going foward
respond: to rumors noncommittally, and then verify for yourself the truths you can. make certain to gather all sides of the story
invite: employees to discuss their concerns, ideas, suggestions, thought, and feelings about organizational matters. help them frame their thoughts into more objective viewpoints
contrast oral, written, and nonverbal communication
oral communication: the primary means of conveying messages. speeches, formal one-on-one and group discussions, and informal rumor mills or grapevines are popular forms of oral communication
videoconferencing and conference
written communication
instant messageing
text messaging
social media
nonverbal communication: includes body movements, the intonations or emphasis we give to words, facial expressions, and the physical distance between the sender and receiver
body language can convey status, level of engagement, and emotional state
physical distance also has a meaning.
what is considered proper spacing between people largely depends on culteral norms
businesslike distance in some European countries feels intimate in many parts of North America
distance may indicate aggressiveness or sexual interest, or it may signal disinterest or displeasure with what is being said
knowledge management (KM)
knowledge management: a process of organizing and distributing an organizations collective wisdom so the right information gets to the right people at the right time
why is KM important:
intellectual assets are as important as physical assets
when individuals leave, their knowledge and experience goes with them
a KM system reduces redundancy and makes the organization more efficient
channel richness and choice of communication channel
the choice of channel depends on whether the mesage is routine
routine messages tend to be straightforward and have a minimum of ambiguity
choose orla communication when you need to gauge the receivers receptivity
written communication is more reliable for complex and lengthy communications
know your audience and use good grammar
text messaging
social media
information security:
electronic information
physical information
information that employees know
most companies monitor employee internet use and e-mail records, and use video surveillance and record phone conversations
barriers to effective communication
filtering: z senders manipulation of information so that it will be seen more favorably by the receiver
selective perception: people selevtively interpret what they see on the basis of their interests, background, experience, and attitudes
information overload: a condition in which information inflow exceeds an individual’s processing capacity
emotions: how a receiver feels at the same time a message is received will influence how the message is interpreted
language: words have different meanings to different people
communication apprehension: undue tension and anxiety about oral communication, written communication, or both
communication barriers between men and women
men talk to:
emphasize status, power, and independence
complain that women talk on and on
offer solutions
to boast about their accomplishments
women talk to:
establish connection and intimacy
criticize men for not listening
speak of problems to promote closeness
express regret and restore balance to a conversation
“politically correct” communication
certian words stereotype, intimidate, and insult individuals
in an increasingly diverse workforce, we must be sensitive to how words might offend others
removed: handicapped, blind, and elderly
replaced with: physically challanged, visually impaired, and senior
removing certain words from the vocabulary makes it harder to communicate accurately
removed: garbage, quotas, and women
replaced with: postconsumer waste materials, educational equity, and people of gender
overcoming problems in cross-culteral communication
culteral barriers:
caused by semantics — words mean different things to different people
caused by word conotations — words imply different things in different languages
caused by tone differences
caused by differences in tolderance for conflict and methods for resolving conflicts
communication barriers and culteral context
high context cultures: cultures that rely heavily on nonverbal and subtlw situational cues to communication
low context cultures: cultures that rely heavily on words to convey meaning in communication
a culteral guide
know yourself
foster a climate of mutual respect, fairness, and democracy
state facts, not you interpretation
consider the other person’s viewpoint
proactively maintain the identity of the group
summary and managerial implications
good communication reduces uncertainty
communcation is improved by:
choosing the correct channel
being a good listener
using feedback
make sure to use communication strategies appropriate to your audience and the type of message youre sending
keep in mind communication barriers such as gender and culture