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apush period 5: 1844-1877

  • franklin pierce

    • one of the worst presidents probably

    • president during antibellum period

    • union is falling apart

    • weak president who did not take a strong stance on slavery

      • buchanan in 1856…

        • when lincoln was elected, not an abolitionist, and south was like bye i’m leaving the union

    • kansas nebraska act

      • bleeding kansas

    • publication of uncle toms cabin

  • manifest destiny - motivation for westward migration

    • o sullivan

    • to possess the whole continent from sea to sea

    • who gave them that destiny - GOD!!!!!!

    • god given right to have a nation that extends from the Atlantic to pacific.+ later islands in pacific and carribean

  • contributed to resolving slavery -

    • compromise of 1850

    • Kansas nebraska act

    • dred scott decision

  • confedereate states of America - led by Jefferson Davis

  • union won because

    • superior strategy

    • more resources

    • larger population

    • stronger infrastructure

  • emancipation proclamation


  • immigrants must convert to roman catholicism

  • outlawed slavery there

  • Mexico went and shut down the border to any further immigration

    • americans kept coming anyways

    • new dictator wanted to clamp down on texan immigrants

    • sam Houston said they were INDEPEDNENT

      • victory at alamo

      • san jacinto


  • british said it was theirs bc they had a fur trade and had it for longer

  • america has been settling there in far greater numbers tho

  • election of JAMES K POLK

    • wanted america to annex California, Texas, and Oregon territory

    • Tyler used it to push through annexation of texas

    • polk made agreement with british and it was divided at the 49th parellel

  • america asked Mexico to sell them more land like New Mexico + calfironia

  • Zachary Taylor at rio grande

    • polk was outraged


      • rio grande was the southern border of texas

      • deal for Mexican cession - California & New Mexico for $15


      • Mexico lost more than half of its territory oopsie

    • David wilmot

      • WILMOT PROVISO - any lands gained in Mexican american war are OFF LIMITS FOR SLAVERY


          • voted down

          • growing tension of slavery question

          • people who voted it down believed in free soil - additional land for homesteaders to settle on w/o competition from the system of slavery

        • non American people in the land

          • most stayed put

          • MEXICANS - granted citizenship

          • INDIANS - ……… no such offer

          • both faced voter and education discrimination

  • compromise fo 1850

    • southern

      • slavery was a constitituojnal right

      • slavery had alr been decided in Missouri compromie, drew the line

    • abolitionists

      • wanted ban everywehre


    • popular sovereignty - people living in the territory can decide for themselves

  1. california was free state

  2. nevada and utah - popular sovreignty

  3. fugitive slave act

  4. slave trade banned in Washington DC

  • cultural enclaves

  • Irish in NYC

    • lived in slums

  • germans were in urban locations or went WEST

  • NATIVIST MOVEMENT - protecting native born people against immigrants

    • Irish were also catholic christians, NOT PROTESTANT…


  • northern economuy

    • stimulated by free wage labors

    • growing population

    • didnt object to expansion of slavery for moral, but for ECONOMIC

      • slave states made it impossible for free wage laborers to compete for jobs

      • free soil movement - supported wilmot proviso

        • did not want to abolish slavery, just didnt want it to EXPAND.

  • southern

    • enslaved labor

those who wanted to ban slavery everywhere, ABOLITIONISTS

  • the liberator - garrison

  • underground railroad


    • fierce abolitionist

    • slave uprising

    • raid at harpers ferry

  • failure of compromise pre civil war

    • Stephen Douglas

    • kansas nebraska act

    • popular sovereignty

    • violence in kansas

      • pro slavery vs anti slavery

      • pro slavery - LECOMPTON

      • Franklin pierce recognized lecompton

  • dred scott

    • slaves are not rly peopel

  • whig party - divided into cotton whigs and conscience whigs

  • Democratic Party gained strength as pro slavery party

  • Republican Party was born -

    • know nothing party

    • abolitionists

    • free soilers

    • conscience whigs


election of 1860

  • abe Lincoln - fre soil - keep slavery from expanding in new terrotiries

  • south hated lincoln

  • each state drafted articles of secession explaining reason for leaving the union

    • slavery must be protected

  • anaconda plan

  • Britain and france relief on exported southern cotton so KING COTTON would convince them. unfortunately, both of them realized the could get it from india or egypt

  • british had abolished slavery so couldn’t fight for south


apush period 5: 1844-1877

  • franklin pierce

    • one of the worst presidents probably

    • president during antibellum period

    • union is falling apart

    • weak president who did not take a strong stance on slavery

      • buchanan in 1856…

        • when lincoln was elected, not an abolitionist, and south was like bye i’m leaving the union

    • kansas nebraska act

      • bleeding kansas

    • publication of uncle toms cabin

  • manifest destiny - motivation for westward migration

    • o sullivan

    • to possess the whole continent from sea to sea

    • who gave them that destiny - GOD!!!!!!

    • god given right to have a nation that extends from the Atlantic to pacific.+ later islands in pacific and carribean

  • contributed to resolving slavery -

    • compromise of 1850

    • Kansas nebraska act

    • dred scott decision

  • confedereate states of America - led by Jefferson Davis

  • union won because

    • superior strategy

    • more resources

    • larger population

    • stronger infrastructure

  • emancipation proclamation


  • immigrants must convert to roman catholicism

  • outlawed slavery there

  • Mexico went and shut down the border to any further immigration

    • americans kept coming anyways

    • new dictator wanted to clamp down on texan immigrants

    • sam Houston said they were INDEPEDNENT

      • victory at alamo

      • san jacinto


  • british said it was theirs bc they had a fur trade and had it for longer

  • america has been settling there in far greater numbers tho

  • election of JAMES K POLK

    • wanted america to annex California, Texas, and Oregon territory

    • Tyler used it to push through annexation of texas

    • polk made agreement with british and it was divided at the 49th parellel

  • america asked Mexico to sell them more land like New Mexico + calfironia

  • Zachary Taylor at rio grande

    • polk was outraged


      • rio grande was the southern border of texas

      • deal for Mexican cession - California & New Mexico for $15


      • Mexico lost more than half of its territory oopsie

    • David wilmot

      • WILMOT PROVISO - any lands gained in Mexican american war are OFF LIMITS FOR SLAVERY


          • voted down

          • growing tension of slavery question

          • people who voted it down believed in free soil - additional land for homesteaders to settle on w/o competition from the system of slavery

        • non American people in the land

          • most stayed put

          • MEXICANS - granted citizenship

          • INDIANS - ……… no such offer

          • both faced voter and education discrimination

  • compromise fo 1850

    • southern

      • slavery was a constitituojnal right

      • slavery had alr been decided in Missouri compromie, drew the line

    • abolitionists

      • wanted ban everywehre


    • popular sovereignty - people living in the territory can decide for themselves

  1. california was free state

  2. nevada and utah - popular sovreignty

  3. fugitive slave act

  4. slave trade banned in Washington DC

  • cultural enclaves

  • Irish in NYC

    • lived in slums

  • germans were in urban locations or went WEST

  • NATIVIST MOVEMENT - protecting native born people against immigrants

    • Irish were also catholic christians, NOT PROTESTANT…


  • northern economuy

    • stimulated by free wage labors

    • growing population

    • didnt object to expansion of slavery for moral, but for ECONOMIC

      • slave states made it impossible for free wage laborers to compete for jobs

      • free soil movement - supported wilmot proviso

        • did not want to abolish slavery, just didnt want it to EXPAND.

  • southern

    • enslaved labor

those who wanted to ban slavery everywhere, ABOLITIONISTS

  • the liberator - garrison

  • underground railroad


    • fierce abolitionist

    • slave uprising

    • raid at harpers ferry

  • failure of compromise pre civil war

    • Stephen Douglas

    • kansas nebraska act

    • popular sovereignty

    • violence in kansas

      • pro slavery vs anti slavery

      • pro slavery - LECOMPTON

      • Franklin pierce recognized lecompton

  • dred scott

    • slaves are not rly peopel

  • whig party - divided into cotton whigs and conscience whigs

  • Democratic Party gained strength as pro slavery party

  • Republican Party was born -

    • know nothing party

    • abolitionists

    • free soilers

    • conscience whigs


election of 1860

  • abe Lincoln - fre soil - keep slavery from expanding in new terrotiries

  • south hated lincoln

  • each state drafted articles of secession explaining reason for leaving the union

    • slavery must be protected

  • anaconda plan

  • Britain and france relief on exported southern cotton so KING COTTON would convince them. unfortunately, both of them realized the could get it from india or egypt

  • british had abolished slavery so couldn’t fight for south