Types of Digestion
>Intracellular Digestion
Ex: the protozan Amoeba
How does it work? Process is Endocytosis
End or Product is a Food vaculoe
>Extracellular Digestion
Ex: Homo Sapiens
How does it work?
Requires both a digestion system & a circulatory system ( much more complex)
Do we exhbit “intracellulat Digestion”? OUr White Blood cells (Leucocytes - aka WBC’s ) actually feed on some pathogens (ex:Bacteria) by a unique form of Endocyctosis known as “Phagocytosis”
Bread mold actually “eats” bread ( or in this case- a tomato) very similar to the way we eat bread.
What about less complex organism such as : Protozonas,Flatworms,Sea Anemones,Roundworms,Earthworms
-note flatworms can see but they cant see us food goes in and out
-note sea anemones going to have a gastro activity
-note roundworms are like a tube the food goes process and food comes out food goes in and out ,sexual demporhisin (the rest show no reproduction)
note-earthworms are heavly muscular like our liver does it has 7 sets of hearts it,intercellular start the process
picture figure 9.1 pg 160 ,pic. 9.4a pg. 163 Oral region -mouth,teeth & tongue (site of ingestion)
Salivary Glands - secrete Salvia-contains Salivary Amylase (our 1st enzyme -”Amyl=starch & ase=enzyme”)
Teeth-mostly cosmetic today
Tongue-tast buds.
pic.Fig.9.4b- pg.163 Peristalsis,fig 9.5 p. 165
Gasrosophageal sphincter -aska the “Cardic Sphincter” - source of Heartburn
Duodenum-upper 10in. of the small intestine -site of the ulcers
Function of The Stomach
Stomach (Gastric Glands)
1). Parietal Cells »secrete» HCI (pH of 1»2)
>Functions of Hydrochloric Acid:
A). Kills bacteria.
B). Denatures protein (It alters both the structure & physical Properties)
C). Activates Pepsin
2). Chief cells » secrete »Pepsinogen »(in HCI)»Pepsin(Hydrolyses Protein)
3). Epithelial Cells »secrete»Mucus
>Mucus provides protection stomach cells from digestion (life span of only a few days)
Addition Functions of The Stomach
Absorption of Alcohol & Some prescription Drugs
two ducts empty into the duodenum :from the Pancreas
Pancreas - has five SECRETIONS
1).Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
»Changes ph of chyme from acid to base (alkaline) (to pH of 8.5)
2). Lipase (going to break down fats)
>Hyrdolyses fats (lipids) to glycerol & fatty acids
3).Proteases(old name Trypsin & chymotrypsin) digestion of Proteins & break down of amino acids
Pancres-has 5 secreations:
1) sodium bicarbonate
2) lipase
3) Proteases Digestion of Proteins to Amino Acids
4) Carbohydrases": Change complex sugars to simple sugars (under the influence of Insulin from the Pancreas)
Diabetes: Type A (genetice) & Type B (lifestyle)
5) Nucleases: Hydrolyze RNA & DNA to Nucleotides & Nitrogenous bases
note - problem cant mix fat & water »cellmembrane stops water
Two ducts empty into the duodenum from the Pancreas & the Liver Fig. 9.8 -pg 169
Functions Of the Liver
Gallbladder Secretes Bile
Bile- serves to emulsify Fats (Lipids)
> Liver Stores glucose as glycogen
note »Lypitore stop from getting rid of fat
Small Intestine (duodenum- 1st 8-10in)
After 2-6 hours ,the food (c
hyme) leaces the stomach & enters the Small intestine
Function of S. Intestine
Final Digestion & Absorption of all break-down products
fig.9.6 pg. 166
S. Intestine is 18ft long Surface area of almost 200 meters
»carbohydrate digestion, Protein digestion , fat digestion
Large Intestine - Re-absorption of water
>Storage of waste material until defecation
Anorexia nervosa- self-imposed starvation
Bulima Nervosa -overeating followed by self-induced vomiting
Muscle dysmorphia -preoccupation with underdeveloped body
Additional medical disorders»
«Peptic Ulcers-both genetic & life style influenced.
«»Helicobacter pylori are bacteria that can cause an infection in the stomach.
Colon Cancer-prevention with high fiber diet-broccli,salads,whole grains,ect.
Diarrhea-traels diahrrhea or Montezuma revenge
Dysentery-amoebic dysentery- protozan infection (spread by houseflies)
Dietary intake of Milk
>Two networthy problems: High butterfat content (triglycerides found in milk)
>Lactose intolerance (text -pg 168) Lactose is the primary sugar in milk , one cannot digest dairy product
USA skimmed milk “fat free” milk regulated stating less then a ½ gram of fat per serving
2% fat advatage ? yes because its healthier
Delivers nurtients & O2 to individuals cells.
Removes the by products of digestion & cellular respiration from individual cells : Nitrogenous waste » kidneys ,CO2»lungs
Temperature regulation
Transports hormones from the site of production to their respective target cells:
1.Testosterone- from the testes
2.Estrogen-from the ovaries
3.Growth Hormone- from the Pituitary gland
Penis erection is some mammals such as H. sapiens
Closed system : blood is contained within the vessels
Open system : blood comes in direct contact with cells
note fro open system - never going to regulate temperature
Open Circulatory system example grasshopper
Heart>Artery>Blood cavity> Vein >Heart
Closed Circulatory Exable Vertarates - including H. Sapiens
Heart> artery>capillaries> vein >heart
Fish - 2 heart chambers
amphibian -3 ““
repitile-modified 3 ““
Birds & mammals - 4 ““
System of the heart :
1.Cornory system heart & its blood supply (coronary artery) ( paragraph 90)
2.Pulmonary System - includes pulmonary artery lungs pulmonary vein
3.Systemic system-includes Aorta,Capillaries, Vena Cava(big vein),Superior & inferior ( getting blood from feet to head)
4 chambers
note - right atrium . left atrium, right ventrical & left ventrical
Two Atria (thin wall )
Two ventrical (thick walled) Two values in between : Triscuspid valve
Bicuspid value (Aka Mitral valve)
Heart Murmur - caused by several childhood diseases
Sinoatial node aka Pacemaker
Atrioventricular node
Syatole-contracted phasse of the heart (high number )
Distole(lowest number ) relaxed phase of the heart
fig. 5.2 on pg 88 heart»arteries»capillaries»veins»heart
Arteries - carry blood away from the heart (elastic -absorb pressure from the heart) (lack valves) These may harden with age- causing higher blood pressure
Hypertension- affected by diet among other factors
cholesterol & salt
capillaries-width of the red blood cell and serve the individual cells
Veins - carry blood black to the heart (contain valves)
Heart surgery - Transplants-Artificial Hearts
Angioplasty - balloon in clogged arteries
Stent-a perforated tube is placed in the artery
Bypass surgery - replaced damaged arteries with veins from the patients own legs
Transplants- difficult to find suitable donor and problems with the patients own immune system
Baboon heart- case of “Baby Jane/Fae in California 1980’s
Articial Heart- problem with damage to the patients own blood cells
BLOOD(Chapter 6)
fig. 6,2 p 108
water 91%,proteins 7% ither solutes ,nutrients,waste prodcuts etc.
Average person has 5 liters (5 quarts)
55% is Plasma ( 90% water)
Rest is mostly plasma proteins: Albumin -homeostasis & water recovery
Globlins-contibuate to immune system
Fibrinogen -functions in blood clotting + 45% compose of cells,platelets. etc
blood vessel is puncutured
platelets congregate & form a plug
platelets & damange tissue cells release prothrombin activator,which initates a cascade
Clotting mechanism
damaged cells»release»thrombooplastin >
Fibrinogen»activities»fibrin threads
Fibrin in turn serves as a net to catch platelets & RBC’s to form a clot
Vitamin k- important factor in this mechanism
Erthrocytes_ red blood cells-RBC’s - life span +4 months fig. 6.3 pg 109
note - cytes mean cells
Produced by the marrow of the long bones
Hemoglobin - Iron -absorbs 99 times the oxygen as plasma
Lukemia-radiation sickness -bone marrow transplants
Methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)(p.156) aka as a “super-bug” Does not respond to Rx with many anitbiotics
Lymphatic system fig.71 pg 122
RED BONE MARROW-site for the orgin of all blood cells
Thymus-lumphatic tissue where T lymphocytes mature and learn to tell “sell” from “nonsell”
Comparison of Lymphatic & Circulatory Systems
The lymphatic system is similar to the Circulatory system
>It has Valves-similar to both the heart & the veins
>Produces cells (lymphocyctes instead of RBC’s & and WBC’s)
IT is different from the Circulatory system
>It does not have a PUMP
>it does not have capillaries
It does not fucntion in the exchange od Oxygen and carbon dioxide
Lympahtic system
>Network of fluid carrying vessels & associates organs flow of lymph is one-way (vessels have VALVES-but no pump)
>Txbook (p.122) gives several fuctions such as : Absorption of excess fluids - absorption of fats-production of Lymphocytes -defense against pathogens (bacteria)
>2 types of LYMPHOCYTES (p.127 txt)
> B lymphocytes (B-cells) -1st found in Bursa (joints) of chickens Formation in H.sapiens is not entirely understood but they mature in the bone marrow.
> T lymph produced by the thymus gland (chest) & in bone marrow
>Both function in the production of Antibodies which will attack forgein protein
Immunity »Classic examples : smallpox & cowpox in Europe during the 1700’s &
Rabies(hydrophobia) in France durong the 1800’s
»Smallpox 20%-60% mortality overall (80% in children)
«PRIMARY IMMUNE RESPONSE: often very slow-may take days ,weeks or longer antioody levels high enouh
Second immune system=
Some well known viral infections:HIV<AIDS(acquired immunodeficiendy syndrome)(ooccurs by transfer of bodily fluids)
other viral infection- influenza,swine flu,H1N1
West Nile & Zika viruses-carried by mosquitos(vector)
Our Immune System
Categories include High Risk & low Risk patients
High Risk- poorly developed when young
Low risk-best developed when mature
High risk -common in elderly ,system will begin to fail with time& or age often requires a booster such as a Tenanus shot or annual flu shot
Shingels- caused by reactivation of the Varicella zoster virus,older adults, weakened immune system
Flu pandemic(1918-1919) 501—million deaths worldwide Here in the U.S estimate 500,000-67,5000
Ebola- spread exchange of body fluids , epidemic in SW Africa (guinea.Liberia& SIerra Leone) ,recent Death in Dallas 2014
Enterovirus(Ev-D68)- colorado spring - fall 2014
Zika- Micocephaly in unborn children summar& fall in 2016
the word corona menas crown
earlier vaccines used a modified or quick kill process which rendered the live virus ineffective - this was injected into the patient and allowed the immune system to produce its own antibodies
this was the case with the early POLIO vaccines during the early 1950’s the active virus was completely deactived, Resulting in giving POlio to the test group of children
Known as MLV’S ( modified live virus) or KILLED VACCINES
LIVE-ATTENUATED vaccines ex'; chickenpox. measels, german measels , mumps yellow fever & some influenza
INACTIVATED VACCINES ex: hepatites A, Influenza , rabies , Salk polio vaccine
THE NEW COVID VACCINES USE NEITHER: none of the nucleic acids of the original virus are used. used mRNA (messenger RNA) to induce the body to produce its own antibodies -in place of the original virus template, allowing researchers to re-program the mRna sequence to respond to any new variant such as the “Delta Variant”
childhood imuunizations: DPT vaccine ( or some variant):
Diphtheria - Pertussis (whooping cough) - Tetanus (lockjaw)
causative agent-anaerobic bacteria ( ex hydroperoxide)
Excretion- elimination of metablic waste arising from the digestion of Proteins
digestion of proteins is known as DEAMINATION & produces Amino acids and Ammonia (NH3)
ammonia is coverted to Urea (less toxic) & flushed from the body by a process know as URination
urine-produced in kidney -ureter-bladder-urethra (* picture ) ,KIDNEY STONES ( not drinking enough water) & STD”s
Nephron -basic unit of the kidney ,blood pressure of 70mm/hg (most capillaries have only 30mm/hg)
LOOP Of the NEPHRON - functions in water recovery (very long in some desert such as Kangaroo rats)
hemiodialysis -or more commonly knows as dialysis ,rx fro renal failure -uses a semi-preamble membrane 3-5 hours required-2 to 3x a week)
KIdney transplants - most common organ transplanted, (the cornea of the eye is the most transplanted tissue ) survival rate 97% from close relative , one year survival rate , 90% if non relative