nationality: identity with a group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country
cultural values shared with people of the same ethnicity derive from
material culture
cultural values shared with people of the same nationality derive from
obtaining a passport
performing civic duties
nationality in US
citizens of the US
those born into the country
those who immigrated in and have become citizens
ethnicity in US
groups with distinct ancestry and cultural traditions
ex. African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Chinese Americans, Polish Americans, etc.
race in US
distinguishes blacks and other persons of color from whites
how a US nationality was forged
from a collection of ethnic groups mainly from Europe and Africa
through sharing the values in the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution
to be an American meant believing in the “unalienable rights” of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”
NOT from issuing passports
African Americans weren’t considered citizens
NOT from voting
women and African Americans couldn’t vote
the Quebecois have a different language, religion, and other cultural traditions than the Anglo-Canadians in Canada
want to be seen as a different nationality
this can give them a stronger justification to break away and form an independent country
the British Isles have 4 main ethnicities
descendants of Germanic tribes who crossed the North Sea and invaded
Celtic people conquered and united to England
Celtic people from Scotland which was united with England
Celtic people who were ruled by England
Ireland and Great Britain have 2 nationalities
United Kingdom
comprises Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland
comprises the rest of Ireland
strong ethnic identity comes from sports in the UK
during tournaments such as the World Cup and the Six Nations’ Championship, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Italy, and France, are separated and usually cheer against England due to its history of colonization
nationalism: loyalty and devotion to a nationality
nationalism is expressed through promoting symbols of the country, such as flags and songs
nationalism causes people to cause negative views on other countries and cause intense dislike leading to conflict
centripetal force: an attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state
divided into
Christians - 40%
most numerous sect is Maronite, ruled by the patriarch of Antioch, perform the liturgy in the ancient Syrian language
concentrated in the west-central part
another sect is Greek Orthodox, that uses a Byzantine liturgy
consider themselves ethnically descended from the ancient Phoenicians
Muslims - 60%
most belong to Shiite
concentrated in the south and east
Sunnis are the minority
concentrated in the northwest
have another branch called Druze
consider themselves Arabs
once it became independent, it required each religion to be represented in the Chamber of Deputies
president: Maronite Christian
premier: Sunni
speaker: Shiite
foreign minister: Greek Orthodox
a civil war eventually broke out, and was ended when both religions agreed to give each religion one-half of the seats in Parliament
Israel and the US tried to restore the peace but failed
Lebanon was controlled by Syria, but it eventually also withdrew its troops
3 main ethnicities (Sinhalese, Tamil, Moors), and Sinhalese and Tamil had a war between each other
Sinhalese (74%)
migrated from northern India
converted to Buddhism
Indo-European language in the Indo-Iranian branch
Tamils (16%)
migrated from the Palk Strait
Dravidian language
Moors (10%)
ethnic Arabs
descended from traders from Southwest Asia
speak Tamil or Sanhalese
conflict was suppressed while controlled by Europeans
once Sri Lanka became independent, Sinhalese have dominated everything
Tamils felt discriminated against and rebelled
the war ended and the Tamils were defeated, and they fear Sri Lanka may not be able to be a multinational state
Sinhalese made Buddhism the only religion and Sinhala the only language
Britian created India and Pakistan after it ended its colonial rule
India created West and East Pakistan in Pakistan
this was for ethnicity reasons; the Muslims and Hindus there had a lot of conflict
with British rule, Muslims, Hindus, and the British were fighting each other
creating this boundary caused about 17 million people have to migrate, and many people died by the rival region while they tried to leave
6 millions Muslims from India to West Pakistan
1 million from India to East Pakistan
6 million Hindus from West Pakistan to India
3.5 million Hindus from East Pakistan to India
Pakistan and India never agreed on the boundary in Kashmir, causing fights and conflict
more unrest in India comes from 25 million Sikhs upset that they didn’t get their own independent country, and fight for the Punjab state
the Kurds
Sunni Muslims
speak a language in the Iranian group of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European
30 million are split
14 million in eastern Turkey
5 million in northern Iraq
4 million in western Iran
2 million in Syria
make up
19% of the population in Turkey
16% of the population in Iraq
9% in Syria
6% in Iran
the Treaty of Sevres was supposed to create an independent state of Kurdistan, but before it was approved, the Turks took it
the Turks have tried to suppress Kurdish culture
Kurdish language was illegal
Kurdish nationalists waged a guerrilla war
Kurds continue trying to get an independent state but fail time and time again
the US attacked Iraq and brought more autonomy to Kurds there, but not independence
4 nationalities
3/4th are Arabs
2/3rd are Shiite
in the south
1/3rd are Sunni
in the center
1/6th are Kurds
in the north
US attacked Iraq and removed its president because of his dictatorship, weapons, and terrorism
Kurds welcome the US because they gained security and autonomy
Sunnis opposed because they feared loss of power and privilege
Shiites opposed because they shared hostility to US with Iran
believed to be descendants of Indo-European tribes
after a rebellion, the Soviet Union left Afghanistan and fighting between ethnicities continued
the Taliban gained control and imposed very strict laws
the US overthrew the Taliban and unleashed more control struggles with the ethnicities
main is Punjabi
conflict has caused people to leave their homes