jekyll and hyde

               Chapter 1 – story of the door

·       Mr Utterson and Me Enfield takes a walk which takes them past a neglected house.

·       Mr Enfield points at the door of the house and tells a story of a horrible man who trampled a little girl.

·       We learn the name of this man: Mr Hyde

·       Hyde pays a hefty sum of money to the family of the girl.

·       The name on the cheque is the name of a respectable gentlemen, leading Enfield to suspect it is a forgery, and then the product of extortion.

Chapter 2 – search of Mr Hyde

·       Mr Utterson reads Jekyll’s will which leaves everything to Hyde if Jekyll dies or goes missing.

·       Dr Lanyon tells Utterson he no longer speaks to Jekyll.

·       Utterson is troubled by bad dreams and decides to find Hyde.

·       He learns that Hyde has a key to Jekyll’s laboratory and his servants have orders to obey Hyde.

Chapter 3 – Dr Jekyll was quite at ease.

·       Utterson attends a dinner party at Jekyll’s house.

·       Jekyll discusses his dislike of Dr Lanyon

·       Utterson tries to talk to Jekyll about his will but Jekyll refuses to discuss the situation and refuses his help.

Chapter 4 – the Carew murder case

·       A housekeeper witnesses Hyde murder Sir Danvers Carew

·       Utterson identifies the victim. Utterson and inspector Newcomen search Hydes’s home and find a burned cheque book.

·       They are unable to find anyone who knows Hyde.

Chapter 5- incident of the letter

·       Utterson visits Jekyll in his laboratory. they discuss Carew’s murder.

·       Jekyll promises Utterson that he is ‘done’ with Hyde and gives Utterson a letter from Hyde.

·       Mr guest notices the similarity between Jekyll and Hydes handwriting. Utterson assumes that Jekyll forged Hydes’s letter.

Chapter 6 – remarkable incident of dr Lanyon

·       Hyde cannot be found, and Jekyll seems to be ‘at peace.’

·       Lanyon is extremely ill and refuses to speak about Jekyll with Utterson

·       Lanyon dies and leaves a letter for Utterson, which is not to be opened until Jekyll dies.

·       Jekyll refuses to see Utterson – Utterson is relieved not to be admitted.

Chapter 7- incident at the window

·       Utterson and Enfield are on a Sunday Walk

·       They see Jekyll sitting at his window, looking like a prisoner.

·       A look of horror crosses Jekyll’s face and he vanishes from the window.

·       Utterson and Enfield are horrified – they walk away in silence.

Chapter 8 – the last night

·       Poole visits Utterson and asks him to come to Jekyll’s home and help him find out what is wrong with Jekyll, who has shut himself in his cabinet.

·       Poole believes that Jekyll may have been murdered and believes it is the murderer, and not Jekyll, who is inside his cabinet.

·       Poole and Utterson break down the door and find that Hyde has killed himself.

·       They find that Jekyll has left everything to Utterson to read Lanyon’s narrative and then Jekyll’s own confession.

Chapter 9- Dr Lanyon’s narrative

·       This chapter is a letter from Lanyon to Utterson, in which there is also a letter from Jekyll to Lanyon

·       Jekyll asked Lanyon to complete a task as a great favour to him.

·       Lanyon decided that Jekyll was ‘insane’ Hower he performed the service for him.

·       Lanyon witnesses Hyde transform into Jekyll and the horrible shock of his revelation causes Lanyon’s death.

Chapter 10- henry Jekyll’s full statement of the case

              First half:

·       Jekyll explains his wealthy background.

·       He explains that all his life he hid his bad side, and secretly indulged in guilty pleasures.

·       He dreamed of separating his two identities into his good and bad self.

·       He created a potion and successfully completed the transformation into Hyde and back into Jekyll.

Second part:

·       Jekyll began to transform randomly into Hyde and was no longer able to control the process.

·       After the murderer of Sir Danvers Carew, it is no longer safe for Hyde, as he risks execution.

·       On one occasion, Jekyll had to enlist Lanyon’s help to transform back into Jekyll.

·       Finally, Jekyll runs out of the ingredient he needs or hi potion and he knows that he is soon going to be stuck at Hyde forever.

·       Jekyll writes a letter confessing everything to Utterson without knowing how Hyde will choose to end things.

Summary –

·       Whilst out walking, Mr Enfield tells Mr Utterson about a man called Mr Hyde who trampled a little girl.

·       Mr Utterson is concerned that his friend, Jekyll, is leaving all his possessions and money to Mr Hyde in his will. however, Jekyll refuses to discuss it#

·       Hyde orders sir Danvers Carew and Utterson learns that Jekyll and Hyde have similar handwriting.

·       Lanyon gets ill due to a shock (which is in connection with Jekyll somehow) and dies. he leaves a letter for Utterson to read if Jekyll vanishes or dies.

·       Whilst out walking, Utterson and Enfield see Jekyll at a window – a look of horror crosses his face, and he vanishes.

·       Poole asks Utterson to help him find out what has happened to Jekyll; they break down the door to Jekyll’s room and find that Hyde is there and has killed himself. Jekyll has changed his will, leaving everything to Utterson.

·       Utterson reads Lanyon’s narrative which narrates the events of the night that Lanyon found out abort Jekyll’s transformations into Hyde.

·       Utterson reads Jekyll’s confession, explaining his belief in the dual nature of man. his confession details his experimentation with transformations between Jekyll and Hyde
