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Numbers in Spanish(note+flashcard)

In this note, you will see how to say numbers 1-100 in Spanish. The sections are split because there are different ways to describe each.

Information: click the arrow to view


  • Uno - One

  • Dos - Two

  • Tres - Three

  • Cuatro - Four

  • Cinco - Five

  • Seis - Six

  • Siente - Seven

  • Ocho - Eight

  • Nueve - Nine

  • Diez - Ten


  • Once - Eleven(11)

  • Doce - Twelve(12)

  • Trece - Thirteen(13)

  • Catorze - Fourteen(14)

  • Quince - Fifteen(15)

  • Dieciseis - Sixten(16)

  • Diecisiete - Seventeen(17)

  • Dieciocho - Eighteen(18)

  • Diecinueve - Nineteen(19)


  • Veinte - Twenty(20)

  • Veintiuno - Twenty-one (21)

  • Veintidos - Twenty-two (22)

  • Veintitres - Twenty-three (23)

  • Veinticuatro - Twenty-four(24)

  • Veinticinco - Twenty-five (25)

  • Veintiseis - Twenty-six (26)

  • Veintisiete - Twenty-seven(27)

  • Veintiocho - Twenty-eight(28)

  • Veintinueve - Twenty-nine(29)


  • For these numbers, you will say the base and then “y ___“. So, these numbers are not like the 20s they are three words instead of one. For example, to say thirty you will say, “Treinta y uno“.

    • Treinta - Thirty(30)

    • Cuarenta - Forty(40)

    • Cincuenta - Fifty(50)

    • Sesenta - Sixty(60)

    • Setenta - Seventy(70)

    • Ochenta - Eighty(80)

    • Noventa - Ninety(90)

    • Cien - Hundred(100)


Numbers in Spanish(note+flashcard)

In this note, you will see how to say numbers 1-100 in Spanish. The sections are split because there are different ways to describe each.

Information: click the arrow to view


  • Uno - One

  • Dos - Two

  • Tres - Three

  • Cuatro - Four

  • Cinco - Five

  • Seis - Six

  • Siente - Seven

  • Ocho - Eight

  • Nueve - Nine

  • Diez - Ten


  • Once - Eleven(11)

  • Doce - Twelve(12)

  • Trece - Thirteen(13)

  • Catorze - Fourteen(14)

  • Quince - Fifteen(15)

  • Dieciseis - Sixten(16)

  • Diecisiete - Seventeen(17)

  • Dieciocho - Eighteen(18)

  • Diecinueve - Nineteen(19)


  • Veinte - Twenty(20)

  • Veintiuno - Twenty-one (21)

  • Veintidos - Twenty-two (22)

  • Veintitres - Twenty-three (23)

  • Veinticuatro - Twenty-four(24)

  • Veinticinco - Twenty-five (25)

  • Veintiseis - Twenty-six (26)

  • Veintisiete - Twenty-seven(27)

  • Veintiocho - Twenty-eight(28)

  • Veintinueve - Twenty-nine(29)


  • For these numbers, you will say the base and then “y ___“. So, these numbers are not like the 20s they are three words instead of one. For example, to say thirty you will say, “Treinta y uno“.

    • Treinta - Thirty(30)

    • Cuarenta - Forty(40)

    • Cincuenta - Fifty(50)

    • Sesenta - Sixty(60)

    • Setenta - Seventy(70)

    • Ochenta - Eighty(80)

    • Noventa - Ninety(90)

    • Cien - Hundred(100)