
Chapter 3: Population Dynamics

Lecture Contents

  • Distribution

  • Abundance

  • Structure

  • Movement

  • Birth/Death Rates

  • Intraspecific Population Regulation

  • Population Growth

  • Logistic Growth

Introduction to Population Dynamics

  • Population: A group of organisms of the same species living in a defined area at a given time. (Wootton 1990)

  • Population Dynamics: Refers to changes in the number of individuals in a population or the vital rates (births and deaths) of a population over time.

  • Also known as population biology or population ecology.

Importance of Studying Population Dynamics

  1. Ecosystem Response: Understanding population dynamics is crucial for assessing responses to ecosystem changes (manipulation/perturbation).

  2. Endangered Species: Important for population viability analysis (PVA) to assess the risk of extinction.

  3. Fisheries Management: Assessing sustainable yield is critical for managing fish population and ensuring long-term viability.

  4. Ecosystem Dynamics Understanding: Helps to understand broader ecological processes and interactions.


  • Key Characteristics of Populations:

    • Age Structure: Distribution of individuals among different ages.

    • Sex Ratio: Ratio of males to females in a population.

    • Population Size: Count of individuals in a population.

    • Movement: Includes immigration (in) and emigration (out).

Age Structure

  • Can be categorized into three sections:

    • Pre-reproductive: Not yet breeding.

    • Reproductive: Capable of breeding.

    • Post-reproductive: Not capable of breeding.

  • Population Growth Shape:

    • Pyramid shape: Indicates increasing population with lots of reproductive and pre-reproductive individuals.

    • Inverted pyramid: Indicates a declining population with more post-reproductive individuals.

    • Stable: Equal representation in all age groups.

Sex Ratio

  • Definition: Proportion of males to females in a population.

  • Monogamous Species: Require a 50:50 ratio to maintain growth rates.

  • Polygamous Species:

    • 1 male:4 females yields higher offspring than a 1:1 ratio.

    • 4 males:1 female results in drastically fewer young produced.

  • Distorted sex ratios due to fishing can affect breeding success.

Population Size

  • Population undergoes three distinct life cycle phases: Growth, Stability, and Decline.

Population Density

  • Definition: Number of members per unit area.

  • Growth rate is related to available resources exceeding individuals available to exploit them.

  • Populations can grow rapidly or slowly based on resource availability.

Limiting Factors

  • Factors that limit population growth leading to stabilization or decline:

    • Density-Dependent: Effects increase with population density (e.g., competition, predation).

    • Density-Independent: Unaffected by density (e.g., natural disasters).

Population Changes

  • Growth calculations include:

    • Births (B)

    • Deaths (D)

    • Immigration (I)

    • Emigration (E)

    • Formula: Nt+1 = Nt + B - D + I - E

Fish Growth

  • Indeterminate Growth: Fish continue to grow throughout their life.

  • Influenced by:

    • Food availability

    • Weather

    • Competition

    • Physical water properties (temperature, pH).

Von Bertalanffy Growth Model

  • Used to estimate growth:

    • L∞: mean length of very old fish

    • K: growth rate coefficient.

    • Example calculation for fish growth provides length estimates at given ages.

Fish Mortality

  • Major types include:

    • Natural mortality: Caused by predation, disease, weather, competition.

    • Fishery mortality: Caused by fishing and harvesting.

  • Recruitment: Number of young-of-year (YOY) fish entering the population.

Estimating Fish Mortality Rates

  • Methods include linear regression and calculating survival probabilities.

  • Survivorship can be determined based on age structure and sampled fish data.

Measuring Abundance

  • Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE): Index of abundance allowing comparison of populations based on catch records relative to effort made.

  • Density estimates used for indices and calculation of population sizes.

Population Productivity

  • High productivity is characterized by:

    • Fast growth

    • Early maturation

    • High natural mortality (short-lived species).

  • Low productivity populations tend to be slow growing with long replenishment times.

Logistic Growth Model

  • Exponential Growth: Population growth rate remains constant regardless of size (J-shaped curve).

  • Logistic Growth: Growth rate decreases as population approaches environmental carrying capacity (K) leading to an S-shaped curve.


  • Understanding population dynamics is crucial for conservation, management, and understanding ecological roles. This includes studying the population's structure, growth, and changes over time due to various biological and environmental factors.
